Re: Inksmoto : Xmoto level editor
Hello !
Vincent MAUGE wrote:
> I notice that inksmoto (xmoto level editor) is not in debian
> repository whereas xmoto is. Upstream propose a package but it's not
> really clean (svn directory and temporary file inside).
> Are you interesting to sponsor this package ? As I am new in debian
> developping, I will be very happy to propose a package and I propose
> my help on this task to official developper.
Please go ahead, prepare a package - we'll be happy to review it and
upload it when it matches Debian's standards. If you're interested in
using SVN or git for building packages, you probably would be interested
to join the debian games team. If so, please let it be known on the
list, and one of the admins will be happy to add you (I'm not one of
those, so I can't do that myself).
Enjoy !
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty
and derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great
wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would,
on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying.
-- Terry Pratchet, the Colour of Magic
Vincent, not listening to anything for now
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