Re: Need help packaging OpenTibia Server
2009/3/18 Ivan Vučica <>:
> Ok, so what I actually want?
> Although I basically understand the underlying process of building
> packaging for a GUI application or game, this is a new field.
> How to properly get /etc/init.d/ script?
Take a look at /etc/init.d/skeleton
> How to turn our server which runs in foreground in console into a daemon?
libdaemon might be useful for that:
> How to properly write a script which would create (and upon
> uninstallation remove) the user 'otserv' under which privileges the
> server should run?
Check the postinst of other pacages that do a similar thing.
I'm not sure if the above stuff is nessecary, will most people want to
have OpenTibia Server running continuously or will they just run it
when needed?
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