Re: PlayOnLinux and Wine
Gonéri Le Bouder a écrit :
Hi Bertrand,
(Cc: pkg-wine-party)
Hi all,
The package sounds ready for an upload for me, except this point:
During a package installation, PlayOnLinux grabs prebuilt version of Wine
from Internet. For example after Google Chrome installation, I also have a fresh
copy of Wine 1.1.5 in ~/.PlayOnLinux. I suppose it's a way for the installer
script maintain to be sure user will have a compatible installation. Do you
know if those prebuilt Wine have specific patches and if it's possible to use
the one from Debian (Wine 1.1.15 is already in experimental).
I don't think these prebuilt Wine have any kind of patches. At the
beginning, PlayOnLinux downloaded Ubuntu packages I think and used to
untar them in ~/.PlayOnLinux. But there was some incompatibility with
the glibc of some distribution I don't use (maybe Fedora), and
PlayOnLinux developers decided to compile their own Wine packages to
avoid this kind of issues.
This system was introduced in PlayOnLinux because there used to be a lot
of regressions around Wine 0.9.50. I guess there are still a lot
regressions, even if Wine developers are trying to implement regression
tests against this problem. That's why there is a stable branch (1.0.1 I
think) and a development branch (1.1.16 I think). Here are [1] for
example changes (including regressions) published by Wine AppDB
recently. You can see many regressions. I don't think we could use only
Wine 1.1.15 for all the scripts. Wine version control is one of the
main advantage of PlayOnLinux, it would be a shame to drop it. And as
far as I know, PlayOnLinux authors use the default wine version
(installed system wide) as long as they can. They claim they introduce
dependency (as the one in the google chrome script) on a particular
version of wine only if it is necessary.
Since PlayOnLinux has a strong dependency on Wine and wonder if it shoudn't be
maintained under "Debian Wine Party" umbrella.
That would also make sense, I guess it depends on the interest both
teams have for PlayOnLinux.
Best regards,
Gonéri Le Bouder
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