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AM report for Evgeni Golov <sargentd@die-welt.net>

Report for Developer Applicant Evgeni Golov <sargentd@die-welt.net>

1. ID and background:

keycheck.sh says:
  pub   1024D/AC15B50C 2004-12-26
        Key fingerprint = 0C04 F872 0963 ADC9 AA83  882B 24A0 1418 AC15 B50C
  uid                  Evgeni -SargentD- Golov <sargentd@die-welt.net>
  sig!         801EA932 2008-08-27  Martin Schulze <joey@infodrom.org>
  219 signatures not checked due to missing keys
  Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
  Key is ok
  Check for key expire stuff
  Key has no expiration date set, nothing to check.

  I am Evgeni Golov, a computer science student from Düsseldorf, Germany.
  I was born in Kiev, Ukraine on the 13.01.1987 and am living in
  Düsseldorf since late 1995.
  First time I got in touch with computers was in '93 or '94 in the
  office of my dad where I played Wolf3d, Lemmings and Tetris on his
  80286 (with real 256 color VGA graphics, yay \o/).
  Then we moved to Germany and computers were used to play games and do
  office stuff under Windows (95, 98, 2000 - Me sucked ;]). Reading
  computer magazines, I noticed that there are other operating systems,
  one of them called Linux and often present on the magazine CD-ROMs. So
  I installed it (RedHat 7.x in 2001) on my PII-400 and played a bit with
  it. That box evolved to a local router/server and I started to use a
  Win2k/Mandrake multi-boot on my main machine.
  At some moment I decided to try Slackware (8.1 or 9.0). In some way it
  was more fun than Redhat/Mandrake - maybe because it had less GUI? ;)
  So I used it on my router and workstation.
  As I'm admin of a small german IRC network and we needed a new dedicated
  server, I had rented one with Debian (the other choise was SuSE, and I
  didn't want SuSE :)). It was woody, but got sarge soon, it was at the
  time of the sarge release (or a bit earlier).
  So I came to Debian and enjoyed its great packaging system. There was
  slapt-get for Slackware that tried to emulate it, but that wasn't the
  same, so I switched to Debian on my home boxes too.
  Until that point I was mainly a user of Linux/Debian/OpenSource, as I
  got everything I needed almost out of the box. That changed when I
  bought a ThinkPad Z61m in 2006.
  That laptop had a nice feature: park the disk when the laptop falls
  down, so the heads dont crash. But that feature needed software not in
  Debian: hdapsd for parking the heads and tp-smapi to detect the fall. I
  filled RFPs for that packages and as noone answered I started packaging
  them on my own and so I got to the first two packages in the archive.
  It was nice to be able to give back something to the community that
  builds my operating system, so I continued with more packages.
  One of these was pokerth. I loved the game and at some point a new
  version was released with a bunch of nice features. The current
  maintainer did not have enought time to prepare it, so he told me to go
  on on myself and push the game into the Debian Games Team. There I
  started packaging other games and helping with existing packages. I
  also continued to package software which was helpfull for my "strange"
  laptop (e.g. v86d) and other tools I needed (unshield).
  As I use Xfce, I also joined the Xfce Team, currently maintaining one
  plugin there and another waiting to be uploaded as soon Xfce 4.6 will
  hit Debian.
  So we are in the present, I maintain 18 packages, one is waiting in NEW
  and another three on my harddrive, needing a bit of love and KiBi to
  upload :)
  When I don't do any Debian related stuff, I study computer science at
  the University of Düsseldorf. Currently I'm in the 5th semestre,
  digging into computer networks and cryptography and waiting for my BA :)
  Besides my study I work at a small company, developing web-platforms
  with Zope and Plone and administrating our servers (which run Debian,
  surprise XD).
  I'm interested in packaging and in hardware support (for the hardware I
  own), but you can guess that from my earlier writing about my
  packages :)

2. Account data:

  Account: evgeni
  F-Email: sargentd@die-welt.net

3. Philosophy and Procedures:

  Evgeni has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and procedures
  and answered all my questions (be it template questions; patched
  template questions, thanks to Bernd; or any additional questions)
  about the social contract, DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good way.

  Evgeni also committed to uphold the SC and DFSG in his Debian work and
  accepts the DMUP.

4. Tasks and Skills:

  The technical side of Debian is well known to Evgeni. He maintains a
  bunch of packages, be it within the Games Team, the Xfce Team, or by
  himself. His packages were in a good shape already. T&S questions,
  including binutils tips and tricks weren't a problem at all. Finally,
  Evgeni jumped into several RC bugs, providing with patches, and even
  preparing some NMUs; during this process, he shown a particular
  attention to details, trying hard not to break anything, and knowing
  how to interact with the release team.

5. Recommendation:

  I wholeheartedly recommend to accept Evgeni as a Debian Developer, and
  look forward to seeing him become (officially) one of my peers, which
  I consider done already.

I'm also Cc-ing the Games Team in case someone wants to add something.


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Description: Digital signature

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