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Re: Debian Open Rating System

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 18:03, Miriam Ruiz <miriam@debian.org> wrote:

> DebTags won't support this. At the beginning I tried to do something
> like openrating:physical::coordination-required:low (notice that some
> are : and some others are ::) but people complained because it would
> be quite complicated and long, so I decided to simplify it.

Who complained, specifically? If tags may not have more than two
levels, one can get rid of the one extra level, just as well.
I suspect this might stem from a perceived threat of tags becoming
insanely long, which can easily be prevented by creating guidelines
and a pool to choose from. Which is exactly what you are doing,

Personally, I think deeper levels are a must. Everything else will
result in loss, duplication or weird arrangement of information.

> Top Level. As I said, I don't like something like
> openrating:physical::.... (: vs :: again)

What _is_ the difference between the two? RTFM is a valid answer,
I just don't have time atm, but can do so later :)

> It would be packaged outside of default debtags as addons anyway (you
> can choose whether you want to install them or not, oer whether you
> want to make an alternative rating system), because any rating cannot
> be done 100% objective.

In that case, no one outside of the games team should be able/willing
to object, anyway?
And yes, people need to be aware that ratings will always be subjective
and biased. OTOH, it seems as if you are putting a lot of effort into this,
as usual, so I don't see too many false classifications on the horizon.


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