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crystalspace - lintian error fixes (patch)

Here's a patch that will address the errors from lintian, which would justify 
the severity of this bug.

The rest of your changes would be severity important I think. Have you tried 
contacting the current maintainer in getting all your changes uploaded to 

W: crystalspace source: debian-rules-sets-DH_COMPAT line 15
N:   As of debhelper version 4, the DH_COMPAT environment variable is only
N:   to be used for temporarily overriding debian/compat. Any line in
N:   debian/rules that sets it globally should be deleted and a separate
N:   debian/compat file created if needed.
N:   Refer to the debhelper(7) manual page for details.
N:   Severity: normal; Certainty: certain
W: crystalspace source: substvar-source-version-is-deprecated crystalspace-dev
N:   The package uses the now deprecated ${Source-Version} substvar, which
N:   has misleading semantics. Please switch to ${binary:Version} or
N:   ${source:Version} as appropriate. Support for ${Source-Version} may be
N:   removed from dpkg-dev in the future.
N:   Severity: normal; Certainty: certain
W: crystalspace source: out-of-date-standards-version (current is 3.8.0)
N:   The source package refers to a Standards-Version older than the one
N:   that was current at the time the package was created (according to the
N:   timestamp of the latest debian/changelog entry). Please consider
N:   updating the package to current Policy and setting this control field
N:   appropriately.
N:   If the package is already compliant with the current standards, you
N:   don't have to re-upload the package just to adjust the
N:   Standards-Version control field. However, please remember to update
N:   this field next time you upload the package.
N:   Severity: normal; Certainty: certain
W: crystalspace source: build-depends-on-1-revision build-depends: nasm (>= 0.98.08-1)
N:   The package declares a build dependency on a version of a package with
N:   a -1 Debian revision such as "libfoo (>= 1.2-1)". Such a dependency
N:   will not be satisfied by a backport of libfoo 1.2-1 and therefore
N:   makes backporting unnecessarily difficult. Normally, the -1 version is
N:   unneeded and a dependency such as "libfoo (>= 1.2)" would be
N:   sufficient. If there was an earlier -0.X version of libfoo that would
N:   not satisfy the dependency, use "libfoo (>= 1.2-1~)" instead.
N:   Severity: normal; Certainty: possible
W: crystalspace source: build-depends-on-1-revision build-depends: libogg-dev (>= 1.0rc2-1)
E: crystalspace source: build-depends-on-obsolete-package build-depends: xlibmesa-gl-dev
N:   The package build-depends on a package that has been superseded. If
N:   the superseded package is part of an ORed group, it should not be the
N:   first package in the group.
N:   Severity: important; Certainty: possible
E: crystalspace source: build-depends-on-obsolete-package build-depends: tetex-bin
E: crystalspace source: build-depends-on-obsolete-package build-depends: x-dev
W: crystalspace: extra-license-file usr/share/crystalspace-1.2/data/maps/castle/license.txt
N:   All license information should be collected in the debian/copyright
N:   file. This usually makes it unnecessary for the package to install
N:   this information in other places as well.
N:   Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 12.5 (Copyright information) for
N:   details.
N:   Severity: normal; Certainty: possible
E: crystalspace: package-section-games-but-contains-no-game
N:   This package is marked as part of the section games, but doesn't
N:   contain files in /usr/games. Binaries of games must be installed in
N:   /usr/games.
N:   Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 11.11 (Games) for details.
N:   Severity: important; Certainty: certain
W: crystalspace: script-not-executable ./usr/share/crystalspace-1.2/bindings/perl5/perlsimp.pl
N:   This file starts with the #! sequence that marks interpreted scripts,
N:   but it is not executable.
N:   Severity: normal; Certainty: certain
W: crystalspace: script-not-executable ./usr/share/crystalspace-1.2/build/autoconf/config.guess
W: crystalspace: script-not-executable ./usr/share/crystalspace-1.2/build/autoconf/config.sub
W: crystalspace: script-not-executable ./usr/share/crystalspace-1.2/build/autoconf/install-sh
W: crystalspace: script-not-executable ./usr/share/crystalspace-1.2/build/jamtemplate/autogen.template
W: crystalspace: maintainer-script-empty prerm
N:   The maintainer script doesn't seem to contain any code other than
N:   comments and boilerplate (set -e, exit statements, and the case
N:   statement to parse options). While this is harmless in most cases, it
N:   is probably not what you wanted, may mean the package will leave
N:   unnecessary files behind until purged, and may even lead to problems
N:   in rare situations where dpkg would fail if no maintainer script was
N:   present.
N:   If the package currently doesn't need to do anything in this
N:   maintainer script, it shouldn't be included in the package.
N:   Severity: minor; Certainty: certain
W: crystalspace: maintainer-script-empty preinst
W: crystalspace: menu-item-creates-new-section Games/Arcade/CrystalSpace /usr/share/menu/crystalspace:6
N:   The menu item has a line that specifies an unknown section or uses a
N:   section that is intended only as a menu root, not as a section that
N:   applications should use directly. Check the spelling of the section
N:   and check the section against the list in the menu policy. (The menu
N:   sections changed as of June of 2007.)
N:   Refer to The Debian Menu sub-policy section 2.1 (Preferred menu
N:   structure) for details.
N:   Severity: normal; Certainty: certain
W: crystalspace: menu-item-creates-new-section Games/Arcade/CrystalSpace /usr/share/menu/crystalspace:12
W: crystalspace: menu-item-creates-new-section Games/Arcade/CrystalSpace /usr/share/menu/crystalspace:18
W: crystalspace: menu-item-creates-new-section Games/Arcade/CrystalSpace /usr/share/menu/crystalspace:24
--- debian/control.bak	2008-10-07 22:57:19.000000000 -0400
+++ debian/control	2008-10-07 23:03:31.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Source: crystalspace
-Section: games
+Section: graphics
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Christian Bayle <bayle@debian.org>
-Build-Depends: python-support (>= 0.4), debhelper(>= 5), nasm (>= 0.98.08-1), lib3ds-dev (>= 1.2.0), libogg-dev (>= 1.0rc2-1), libmikmod2-dev, libvorbis-dev (>>1.0.0), docbook-to-man, xlibmesa-gl-dev | libgl-dev, zip, libpng3-dev, libjpeg62-dev, libfreetype6-dev, zlib1g-dev, libode0-dev, libopenal-dev, libalut-dev, libcal3d-dev, swig, dh-buildinfo, flex, bison, texinfo, tetex-bin, doxygen, gs-common, glutg3-dev, libmng-dev, libsdl1.2-dev, autoconf, libx11-dev, libxext-dev, libxxf86vm-dev, x-dev
+Build-Depends: python-support (>= 0.4), debhelper(>= 5), nasm (>= 0.98.08-1), lib3ds-dev (>= 1.2.0), libogg-dev (>= 1.0rc2-1), libmikmod2-dev, libvorbis-dev (>>1.0.0), docbook-to-man, libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev, zip, libpng3-dev, libjpeg62-dev, libfreetype6-dev, zlib1g-dev, libode0-dev, libopenal-dev, libalut-dev, libcal3d-dev, swig, dh-buildinfo, flex, bison, texinfo, texlive, doxygen, gs-common, glutg3-dev, libmng-dev, libsdl1.2-dev, autoconf, libx11-dev, libxext-dev, libxxf86vm-dev, x11proto-core-dev
 Package: crystalspace

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