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Re: Debian Open Rating System

2008/9/24 Thorsten Glaser <tg@mirbsd.de>:
> Richard Hartmann dixit:
>>> violence::against-humans

DebTags won't support this. At the beginning I tried to do something
like openrating:physical::coordination-required:low (notice that some
are : and some others are ::) but people complained because it would
be quite complicated and long, so I decided to simplify it.

> Are these top-level in the tags cloud, or do they get prefixed with
> something like "rating::"?

Top Level. As I said, I don't like something like
openrating:physical::.... (: vs :: again)

It would be packaged outside of default debtags as addons anyway (you
can choose whether you want to install them or not, oer whether you
want to make an alternative rating system), because any rating cannot
be done 100% objective.


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