Re: patents on Frets on Fire, Pydance, StepMania and such games
* Miriam Ruiz <> [2008-01-18 11:22:58 CET]:
> """
> Due to patent concerns, we won't be able to include any games in Fedora
> which meet the following criteria:
> A game where "targets" move across the screen to a predetermined point
> or line, where the player hits a button/key/mouse click as the target(s)
> crosses that point or line, and gets points.
> """
> Any thoughts on that?
I'm with Jon here, and this was always the Debian stanca. Patent issue
were usually only a reason to exclude something from Debian if they were
actively executed.
On a sidenote, typespeed might fit that definition and dates back to at
least 1999. Tuxtype dates back to 2000 (in Debian).
So long,
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