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Re: Menu transitions - PLEASE READ!

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I went trough all the packages we have in SVN and edited the menufiles
to match the new Menu Policy. If I missed or messed something up, please
fix the menufiles as you see it best.

This is not really urgent as many changes are applied locally inside the
menu system (for example Games/Arcade will be displayed as
Games/Action), but, please, do not upload new packages with incorrect
section names.

I also request you to double-check if your packages really belong in
Games/Action (previously Games/Arcade) - maybe they involve falling
blocks or are in fact puzzle games, etc. I will be looking trough the
section and filling bugs against such misplaced games. The section is
getting so large that it is hard to navigate.

If somebody has an idea of how Games/Action could be split so that it is
easier to navigate, please share it. But please keep in mind that the
split should not be based on content or rating of the game. Examples of
splits that would NOT work are Children-Mature, 2D-3D. Ideally the split
should be done at Games/SectionName level, but I guess it can also be
Games/Action/SectionName, as this is a special case after all.

We should also agree if chess games are board games, or strategy games.
This and other agreements could go into official Policy, as we have not
yet taken over the world... err... do not control all the games in Debian.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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