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Enrico and I have just finished the first release of the GUI tool we were developing for end-users to find games, and it's waiting on the NEW queue right now. There's also package we're uploading with the thumbnails of different games.

I've decided to take the thumbnails out of the svn server, and putting them here instead:

The thumbnails can be .png  or .jpg files, and they have a resolution of 320x24, preferably in true colour (24 bits). The file name should be the same as the name of the game's package. The preferred format for the thumbnails is .png, although .jpg and .bmp files are also allowed. .bmp should be avoided because of their size, anyway. Alpha channels and transparencies shall also be avoided in the thumbnails.

We'll also need to start tagging our games with DebTags. That can be easily done via the web interface: http://debtags.alioth.debian.org/

The code of the program is maintained in the software/ directory of our subversion server, so if anyone else wants to get involved, they're welcome :) The program is coded in C++ and uses libept libraries and FLTK1.1


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