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packagng convention suggestion (was: why cdbs)

Miriam Ruiz a écrit :

--- Jon Dowland <lists@alcopop.org> escribió:

I think a list of group-accepted packaging conventions
should be decided on and stuck in the wiki :-) Perhaps

Perfect. Time for opinions and suggestions is open :)
I suggest to use cdbs when the build process is very standard (e.g: automake/autoconf) to keep rules file clean.

Whilst we're at it, for svn-buildpackage things, do we go
with mergeOnUpstream or not? It looks like a good idea to
me, but I see jmm dropped it for prboom (not sure why).

I don't really know about that. Has it got any cons? if you think it's a good
idea it'll be OK for me, but knowing a bit more about that would be nice.

For me svn-buildpackage is the way to follow. We can keep the prepare scripts to repackage upstream tarballs. With games, data tarball use to be really big and so I don't want to import them in the svn.



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