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DebianDay '08

[Excusez-moi pour cet email en anglais, mais mon Français est
vraiment rouillé dernièrement :)]

I've seen that there won't be a DebianDay in France this year :(
We are organizing our Italian one in Finale Ligure, which is quite near
to France (almost 100 km East from the French border, placed on the
Mediterranean sea) on 16th August.
I've also recently spoken with Enrico Zini, who told me that there are
some (many?) DD living near the border (Provence and Alpes, I'd
suppose) and suggested me to send here a brief notice of the event.

So, if you aren't attending Debconf in Argentina and would like to join
us enjoying DebianDay '08, you're really welcome there.
There is a page for the event on our wiki[1], but is mainly intended for
the Italian audience; feel free to contact me directly if you can't
gather necessary informations from there.

[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianDayItaly2008

Cheers, Luca

P.S. Please Cc: me when replying, as I'm not subscribed to this list.

 .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **  | Luca Bruno (kaeso)
: :'  :   The Universal O.S.    | lucab (AT) debian.org
`. `'`  			| GPG Key ID: 3BFB9FB3
  `-     http://www.debian.org 	| Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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