debian-devel-changes Oct 2023 by subject

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Accepted binutils (source amd64 all) into experimental Accepted binutils-avr 2.26.20160125+Atmel3.7.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ceres-solver 2.2.0+dfsg-1 (source all amd64) into experimental Accepted checkinstall 1.6.2+git20170426.d24a630-4 (source) into unstable Accepted dino-im 0.4.3+git20231008.86b1019-1 (source) into experimental Accepted django-compression-middleware 0.4.2-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted fenics-basix 0.7.0-1exp1 (source all amd64) into experimental Accepted fenics-dolfinx 1:0.7.0-1exp1 (source all amd64) into experimental Accepted folding-mode-el 0.0~git20231003.f6fc3af-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock 89-1 (source) into experimental Accepted gnome-shell-extension-espresso 9-1 (source) into experimental Accepted gnome-shell-extension-freon 54+dfsg-1 (source) into experimental Accepted gnome-shell-extension-freon 54+dfsg-2 (source) into experimental Accepted gnuplot-mode 1:0.8.1+git20230727.1.4c6b18f-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-abbot-go-http-auth 0.4.0-6 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-alecthomas-chroma 0.10.0-4 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-alecthomas-chroma 0.10.0-5 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 2.8.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 2.9.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go 1.44.314-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go 1.45.14-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite 1.21.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-charmbracelet-glamour 0.6.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-cli-go-gh-v2 2.0.0-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted golang-github-cli-shurcool-graphql 0.0.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-cloudflare-circl 1.3.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-cloudflare-circl 1.3.6-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-containers-buildah 1.32.0+ds1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-containers-common 0.56.0+ds1-3 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-containers-image 5.28.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-containers-image 5.28.0-3 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-containers-storage 1.50.2+ds1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-dlclark-regexp2 1.10.0+ds1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-farsightsec-go-nmsg 0.3.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-getkin-kin-openapi 0.120.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-go-openapi-loads 0.21.1-3 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-go-openapi-swag 1:0.22.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-go-openapi-swag 1:0.22.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-gomodule-redigo 1:1.8.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-gookit-color 1.5.4-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted golang-github-hashicorp-go-uuid 1.0.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-hetznercloud-hcloud-go 2.3.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-ionos-cloud-sdk-go 6.1.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-itchyny-timefmt-go 0.1.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-klauspost-compress 1.17.0+ds1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-klauspost-compress 1.17.2+ds1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-linode-linodego 1.23.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-marekm4-color-extractor 1.2.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth 0.0.15-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth 0.0.15-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 1.14.17~ds1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-nats-io-go-nats 1.30.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-niklasfasching-go-org 1.7.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 2.0.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 2.1.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-perimeterx-marshmallow 1.1.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-pires-go-proxyproto 0.7.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-prometheus-client-model 0.5.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-protonmail-gopenpgp 2.7.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-rabbitmq-amqp091-go 1.9.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-rafaeljusto-redigomock 3.1.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-rafaeljusto-redigomock 3.1.2-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-rodaine-table 1.1.0-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted golang-github-sigstore-sigstore 1.4.0-3 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-smallstep-cli 0.15.16+ds-4 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-uber-jaeger-client-go 2.30.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-urfave-cli-v2 2.25.7-1 (source) into experimental Accepted golang-github-zalando-go-keyring 0.2.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gitlab-gitlab-org-labkit 1.17.0-3 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-goleveldb 0.0~git20200815.5c35d60-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-google-protobuf 1.31.0-1~exp1 (source) into experimental Accepted golang-google-protobuf 1.31.0-1~exp2 (source) into experimental Accepted golang-google-protobuf 1.31.0-1~exp3 (source) into experimental Accepted golang-mongodb-mongo-driver 1.12.1+ds1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-starlark 0.0~git20230726.7dadff3-2 (source) into unstable Accepted google-android-installers 1695033340 (source i386 all) into unstable Accepted gprbuild 2024.1.20231009-2 (all amd64 source) into experimental Accepted graphviz 10.0.0~git231018-1 (source amd64 all) into experimental Accepted haskell-cabal-install-solver (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-classy-prelude-conduit 1.5.0-4 (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-commonmark-extensions (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-commutative-semigroups (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-criterion-measurement (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-deferred-folds (source amd64 all) into unstable Accepted haskell-dense-linear-algebra (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-deriving-aeson 0.2.8-1 (source amd64 all) into unstable Accepted haskell-dice-entropy-conduit (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-exception-transformers (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-ghc-lib-parser (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-ghc-typelits-natnormalise 0.7.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-gridtables (source amd64 all) into unstable Accepted haskell-hslua-objectorientation 2.3.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-hslua-typing 0.1.0-1 (source amd64 all) into unstable Accepted haskell-hspec-megaparsec 2.2.0-1 (source amd64 all) into unstable Accepted haskell-http-client-restricted 0.0.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-integer-roots (source amd64 all) into unstable Accepted haskell-isomorphism-class (source amd64 all) into unstable Accepted haskell-mono-traversable-instances (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-persistent-postgresql (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-persistent-postgresql (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-primitive-addr (source amd64 all) into unstable Accepted haskell-quote-quot (source amd64 all) into unstable Accepted haskell-skylighting-format-blaze-html 0.1.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-skylighting-format-context (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-skylighting-format-latex 0.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-status-notifier-item (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-text-builder (source amd64 all) into unstable Accepted haskell-text-builder-dev (source amd64 all) into unstable Accepted haskell-uri-bytestring-aeson (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-vector-hashtables (source amd64 all) into unstable Accepted haskell-web-routes-boomerang (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-web-routes-happstack (source) into unstable Accepted highway 1.0.8~git20230918.1e3a3d7-5 (source) into experimental Accepted highway 1.0.8~git20231030.08c5ffb-1 (source) into experimental Accepted highway 1.0.8~git20231030.08c5ffb-2 (source) into experimental Accepted hts-voice-nitech-jp-atr503-m001 1.05-8 (source) into unstable Accepted icingaweb2-module-toplevelview 0.3.3-3 (source) into unstable Accepted intel-media-driver-non-free 23.3.4+ds1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted intel-media-driver-non-free 23.3.5+ds1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ioquake3 1.36+u20230819.b1e6ef1+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libbusiness-isbn-data-perl 20231020.001-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libcatalyst-model-dbic-schema-perl 0.66-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libcgi-application-plugin-session-perl 1.05-4 (source) into unstable Accepted libcgi-application-plugin-session-perl 1.05-5 (source) into unstable Accepted libconfig-model-openssh-perl (source) into unstable Accepted libcpan-perl-releases-perl 5.20230920-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libdata-compactreadonly-perl 0.1.0-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted libdatetime-format-natural-perl 1.18-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libfile-copy-recursive-reduced-perl 0.007-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libgnatcoll 24.1.20230921-1 (all amd64 source) into experimental Accepted libgnatcoll 24.1.20230921-2 (all amd64 source) into experimental Accepted libgnatcoll-bindings 23.0.0-7 (amd64 source) into experimental Accepted libgraphics-colorobject-perl 0.5.0-10.1 (source) into unstable Accepted libjxl-testdata 0.0~git20231005.f7488f7-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libmojo-ioloop-readwriteprocess-perl 0.34-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libnginx-mod-http-fancyindex 1:0.5.2-5 (source) into unstable Accepted libnginx-mod-http-srcache-filter 0.33-3 (source) into unstable Accepted libnginx-mod-http-subs-filter 1:0.6.4-6 (source) into unstable Accepted libnginx-mod-http-uploadprogress 1:0.9.2-5 (source) into unstable Accepted libopenshot-audio 0.3.2+dfsg1-1 (source amd64 all) into unstable Accepted libperl-critic-toomuchcode-perl 0.19-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libpod-weaver-section-support-perl 1.014-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libpoe-component-client-dns-perl 1:1.054-4 (source) into unstable Accepted libprometheus-tiny-shared-perl 0.027-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libsdl3 3~git20231002~3abb464+ds-1 (source) into experimental Accepted libsdl3 3~git20231011~321fc18+ds-1 (source) into experimental Accepted libsdl3-image 3~git20230930~e1e15ae+ds-1 (source) into experimental Accepted libsdl3-mixer 3~git20230930~92f0574+ds-1 (source) into experimental Accepted libsdl3-ttf 3~git20230930~32637cb+ds-1 (source) into experimental Accepted libstring-binary-interpolation-perl 1.0.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libstring-binary-interpolation-perl 1.0.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libtemplates-parser 23.0.0-4 (all amd64 source) into experimental Accepted libtemplates-parser 23.0.0-5 (all amd64 source) into experimental Accepted libtest-expectandcheck-perl 0.06-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted libtest-json-schema-acceptance-perl 1.021-1 (source) into unstable Accepted mts-esp 0.0~git20230110.9df9a9c-1 (source amd64) into unstable Accepted ncbi-entrez-direct 19.2.20230331+dfsg-3 (source) into unstable Accepted nextcloud-spreed-signaling 1.1.3-1~exp1 (source) into experimental Accepted nmap 7.94+git20230807.3be01efb1+dfsg-2 (source) into unstable Accepted node-babel7 7.20.15+ds1+~cs214.269.168-5 (source) into unstable Accepted node-caniuse-lite 1.0.30001547+dfsg+~1.0.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted node-corepack 0.19.0+dfsg+~cs4.2.0-1 (source all) into experimental Accepted node-define-properties 1.2.1+~cs2.2.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted node-follow-redirects 1.15.3+~1.14.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted node-html-webpack-plugin 5.5.3+repack1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted node-html-webpack-plugin 5.5.3+~cs14.4.8-1 (source) into unstable Accepted node-inwasm 0.0.13~git20230419+dfsg-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted node-mathjax-full 3.2.2+~cs4.2.1-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted node-prop-types 15.8.1+~15.7.9+~cs1.1.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted node-rollup-plugin-inject 5.0.5~ds1+~3.0.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted node-sort-package-json 2.5.1+~cs4.2.3-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted node-sort-package-json 2.6.0+~cs4.2.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted node-speech-rule-engine 4.0.7+~0.1.31-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted node-speech-rule-engine 4.0.7+~0.1.31-2 (source) into unstable Accepted node-undici 5.26.3+dfsg1+~cs23.10.12-1 (source) into unstable Accepted node-undici 5.26.3+dfsg1+~cs23.10.12-2 (source) into unstable Accepted node-yarnpkg 4.0.0-rc.53+dfsg-1 (source all) into experimental Accepted openstructure 2.6.0~rc-1~exp (source amd64) into experimental Accepted opentracker 0.0~git20210823.110868e-6 (source) into experimental Accepted pd-xsample 0.3.2+git20170905.1.4441ae5-7 (source) into unstable Accepted php-doctrine-dbal 4.0.0~rc1+dfsg-1 (source) into experimental Accepted plasma-workspace-wallpapers 4:5.27.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted protection-domain-mapper 1.0-5~exp1 (source) into experimental Accepted puppet-module-openstack-extras 23.0.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted python-ironic-inspector-client 5.0.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted python-xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop (source) into unstable Accepted python-xstatic-jquery-migrate (source) into unstable Accepted qgis 3.28.12+dfsg-1~exp1 (source amd64 all) into experimental Accepted qt6-declarative 6.6.0+dfsg-1 (source amd64) into experimental Accepted reform-firedecor 2023-10-23-1 (arm64 source) into experimental Accepted retroarch-assets 1.7.6+git20230911+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted roundcube-plugin-authres-status 0.6.3+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted roundcube-plugin-compose-addressbook 8.0.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted roundcube-plugin-contextmenu 3.3.1+ds-1 (source) into unstable Accepted roundcube-plugin-dovecot-impersonate 2.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted roundcube-plugin-fail2ban 1.3-1~exp (source all) into experimental Accepted roundcube-plugin-html5-notifier 0.6.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted roundcube-plugin-keyboard-shortcuts 3.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted roundcube-plugin-message-highlight 4.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted roundcube-plugin-sauserprefs 1.20.1+ds-1 (source) into unstable Accepted roundcube-plugin-thunderbird-labels 1.6.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ruby-gollum-rugged-adapter (source) into unstable Accepted ruby-kramdown-rfc2629 1.7.1-1~exp1 (source) into experimental Accepted ruby-net-http-persistent 4.0.2-1~exp1 (source) into experimental Accepted rust-async-tungstenite 0.23.0-1 (source amd64) into experimental Accepted rust-cid-npm 0.0~git20200813.59cf068-2 (source) into unstable Accepted rust-color-print-proc-macro 0.3.5-1 (amd64 source) into unstable Accepted rust-futures-ringbuf 0.4.0-1 (source amd64) into experimental Accepted rust-gix-packetline-blocking 0.16.6-1 (amd64 source) into unstable Accepted rust-gst-plugin-version-helper 0.7.5-1 (amd64 source) into unstable Accepted rust-gstreamer-pbutils-sys 0.21.0-1 (source amd64) into experimental Accepted rust-gstreamer-play 0.21.0-1 (source amd64) into experimental Accepted rust-gstreamer-play-sys 0.21.0-1 (source amd64) into experimental Accepted rust-libp2p-identity 0.2.7+ds-1 (source all) into experimental Accepted rust-libpulse-binding 2.28.1-1 (source amd64) into experimental Accepted rust-multihash-codetable 0.1.0-1 (source amd64) into unstable Accepted rust-multihash-codetable 0.1.0-2 (source amd64) into unstable Accepted rust-qrcode-generator 4.1.9-1 (source amd64) into experimental Accepted rust-ruma-push-gateway-api 0.6.0-1 (amd64 source) into unstable Accepted rust-wasm-bindgen-macro-support 0.2.87-1 (source) into unstable Accepted speech-dispatcher-contrib 0.12.0~rc1-1 (source) into experimental Accepted spirv-llvm-translator-17 17.0.0-1 (source amd64) into experimental Accepted trac-accountmanager 0.6~svn18547-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted trac-customfieldadmin 0.4.0+svn18456-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted trac-customfieldadmin 0.4.0+svn18456-2 (source) into unstable Accepted tryton-modules-account-invoice 6.0.13-1 (source) into unstable Accepted tryton-modules-account-payment-stripe 6.0.7-1 (source) into unstable Accepted tryton-modules-edocument-uncefact 6.0.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted tryton-modules-product-cost-history 6.0.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted tryton-modules-sale-advance-payment 6.0.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted tryton-modules-sale-subscription 6.0.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted tryton-modules-stock-secondary-unit 6.0.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted usbrip 2.2.2+git20221003.5093c84-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted virtualbox-guest-additions-iso 7.0.12-1 (source) into unstable Accepted yasnippet 0.14.0+git20230912.76e1eee6-1 (source) into unstable Accepted a2d 2.0.0-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted abgate 1.2.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted ableton-link 3.1.0+dfsg-2 (source) into unstable Accepted abootimg 0.6-1.1 (source) into unstable Accepted accel-config 4.1.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted accel-config 4.1.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted accerciser 3.42.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted acmetool 0.2.2-2 (source) into unstable Accepted aconnectgui 0.9.0rc2-1-10.2 (source) into unstable Accepted aconnectgui 0.9.0rc2-1-10.3 (source) into unstable Accepted admesh 0.98.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted afuse 0.5.0-0.1 (source) into unstable Accepted agda 2.6.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted aggdraw 1.3.17-1 (source) into unstable Accepted aggdraw 1.3.18-1 (source) into unstable Accepted aide 0.18.6-2 (source) into unstable Accepted aide (source) into experimental Accepted aide (source) into experimental Accepted aide (source) into experimental Accepted aiksaurus 1.2.1+dev-0.12-7.1 (source) into unstable Accepted aiksaurus 1.2.1+dev-0.12-7.2 (source) into unstable Accepted aiodogstatsd 0.16.0-4 (source) into unstable Accepted aiohttp-socks 0.8.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted album 4.17-2 (source all) into unstable Accepted album-data 4.05-8 (source all) into unstable Accepted alglib 4.0.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted alglib 4.0.0-1~exp1 (source amd64) into experimental Accepted alkimia 8.1.2-2 (source) into unstable Accepted alot 0.10-2 (source) into unstable Accepted alsa-ucm-conf-asahi 3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted alsamixergui 0.9.0rc2-1-10.2 (source) into unstable Accepted alter-sequence-alignment 1.3.4-7 (source) into unstable Accepted amazon-ec2-net-utils 2.4.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted amd64-microcode 3.20230823.1 (source) into unstable Accepted amd64-microcode 3.20231019.1 (source) into unstable Accepted amtk 5.8.0-1 (source amd64 all) into experimental Accepted anacron 2.3-39 (source) into unstable Accepted angband 1:4.2.5+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted angband 1:4.2.5+dfsg1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ani-cli 4.6-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ansible 7.7.0+dfsg-3 (source) into unstable Accepted ansible-core 2.14.11-1 (source) into unstable Accepted antlr3 3.5.3-2 (source) into unstable Accepted anymeal 1.20-1 (source) into unstable Accepted anymeal 1.21-1 (source) into unstable Accepted anymeal 1.21-2 (source) into unstable Accepted aodh 17.0.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted aoflagger 3.4.0-1 (source amd64) into unstable Accepted aoflagger 3.4.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted aom 3.7.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted apache-curator 5.5.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted apache2 2.4.58-1 (source) into unstable Accepted apertium-arg-cat 0.3.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted apertium-en-gl 0.5.4-2 (source) into unstable Accepted apertium-spa-arg 0.6.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted apertium-srd-ita 1.2.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted appconfig 1.71-2.3 (source) into unstable Accepted apprise 1.6.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted apt-forktracer 0.10 (source) into unstable Accepted apt-listbugs 0.1.41 (source) into unstable Accepted apt-listchanges 4.0 (source all) into experimental Accepted apt-listchanges 4.1 (source) into experimental Accepted apt-listchanges 4.2 (source) into experimental Accepted apt-listchanges 4.3 (source) into experimental Accepted apt-listchanges 4.4 (source) into experimental Accepted archlinux-keyring 0~20231017-1 (source) into unstable Accepted arctica-greeter (source) into unstable Accepted ardour 1:8.0.0+ds-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ardour 1:8.1.0+ds-1 (source) into unstable Accepted argon2 0~20190702+dfsg-4 (source) into unstable Accepted argyll 2.3.1+repack-1.2 (source) into unstable Accepted ariba 2.14.7+ds-1 (source) into unstable Accepted arpack 3.9.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ascdc 0.3-15.1 (source) into unstable Accepted ascii-patrol 1.7+dfsg-1 (source amd64) into unstable Accepted asdf-standard 1.0.3-2 (source) into unstable Accepted asdf-standard 1.0.3-3 (source) into unstable Accepted asdf-transform-schemas 0.3.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted asdf-transform-schemas 0.3.0-3 (source) into unstable Accepted asdf-transform-schemas 0.4.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted asdf-wcs-schemas 0.2.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted asmail 2.1-5.1 (source) into unstable Accepted assimp 5.3.1+ds-1 (source) into unstable Accepted astlib 0.11.10-1 (source) into unstable Accepted astlib 0.11.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted astroalign 2.5.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted astroplan 0.9.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted astropy 5.3.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted atkmm1.6 2.28.3-2 (source) into unstable Accepted atlas-ecmwf 0.35.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted atlas-ecmwf 0.35.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted atop 2.9.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted autoconf-dickey 2.52+20230903-1 (source) into unstable Accepted avahi 0.8-12 (source) into unstable Accepted axis 1.4-29 (source) into unstable Accepted ayatana-indicator-a11y 0.0.1-1 (source amd64) into unstable Accepted ayatana-indicator-a11y 23.10.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ayatana-settings 23.10.13-1 (source) into unstable Accepted babeltrace 1.5.11-3 (source) into unstable Accepted babeltrace2 2.0.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted barbican 1:17.0.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted barbican 1:17.0.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted barbican-tempest-plugin 3.0.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted baresip 1.1.0-0.1 (source) into experimental Accepted barman 3.9.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted base-passwd 3.6.2 (source) into unstable Accepted bash-argsparse 1.8.22.ga05fe6d-3 (source) into unstable Accepted bbdb3 3.2.2d-1 (source) into unstable Accepted bbmail 0.9.3-5 (source) into unstable Accepted bbmap 39.03+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted bcachefs-tools 24+really1.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted beanbag-docutils 2.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted beancount 2.3.5-3 (source) into unstable Accepted beets 1.6.0-5 (source) into unstable Accepted belle-sip 5.2.98+dfsg-2 (source) into experimental Accepted benchmark 1.8.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted bfh-metapackages 20211009-21 (source) into unstable Accepted bfs 3.0.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted bibata-cursor-theme 2.0.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted bibtexconv 1.3.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted binfmt-support 2.2.2-3 (source) into unstable Accepted binfmtc 0.17-2.3 (source) into unstable Accepted binoculars 0.0.15-1 (source) into unstable Accepted binutils 2.41-6 (source) into unstable Accepted biosig 2.5.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted bird2 2.14-1 (source) into unstable Accepted bison-mode 0.3-1 (all source) into unstable Accepted bison-mode 0.3-2 (source) into unstable Accepted bisonc++ 6.06.00-1 (source) into unstable Accepted black 23.10.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted black 23.10.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted blockdiag 2.0.1+dfsg-2 (source) into unstable Accepted bluedevil 4:5.27.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted bluez 5.70-1 (source) into unstable Accepted bluez-alsa 4.1.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted boost-defaults (source) into experimental Accepted boost1.74 1.74.0+ds1-23 (source) into unstable Accepted boost1.81 1.81.0-7 (source) into unstable Accepted boost1.83 1.83.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted boost1.83 1.83.0-1~exp1 (source amd64 all) into experimental Accepted booth 1.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted bootstrap-flask 2.3.2+ds-1 (source) into unstable Accepted borgmatic 1.8.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted boxes 2.2.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted boxquote-el 2.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted breeze 4:5.27.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted breeze-grub 5.27.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted breeze-gtk 5.27.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted breeze-plymouth 5.27.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted breezy 3.3.4-1.1 (source) into unstable Accepted btm 0.9.6-1 (source amd64) into experimental Accepted btm 0.9.6-2 (source) into unstable Accepted btrfsd 0.2.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted budgie-desktop 10.8.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted budgie-desktop 10.8.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted budgie-desktop 10.8.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted budgie-desktop-view 1.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted buildbot 3.9.2-2 (source) into unstable Accepted bzrtp 5.2.98-2 (source) into experimental Accepted c-ares 1.20.0-1 (source) into experimental Accepted c-ares 1.20.0-2 (source) into experimental Accepted c-ares 1.20.0-3 (source) into experimental Accepted c-ares 1.20.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted c-ares 1.21.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted caja-dropbox 1.26.0-4 (source) into unstable Accepted calc (source) into unstable Accepted calibre 6.28.0+ds-1 (source) into unstable Accepted calibre 6.28.1+ds-1 (source) into unstable Accepted calibre 6.29.0+ds-1 (source) into unstable Accepted calindori 23.08.1-1 (source amd64) into unstable Accepted camelot-py 0.11.0-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted camomile 2.0.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted camomile 2.0.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted canu 2.2+dfsg-5 (source) into unstable Accepted capnproto 1.0.1-1 (source amd64) into experimental Accepted capnproto 1.0.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted cappuccino 0.5.1-10.2 (source) into unstable Accepted carburetor 4.1.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted carburetor 4.1.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cardpeek 0.8.4-1.2 (source) into unstable Accepted casa-formats-io 0.2.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted casparcg-server 2.3.3+dfsg-3.1 (source) into unstable Accepted castxml 0.6.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted catch2 3.4.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ccid 1.5.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ccid 1.5.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cconv 0.6.2-1.3 (source) into unstable Accepted ccsm 2:0.8.18-4 (source) into unstable Accepted cdde 0.3.1-1.1 (source) into unstable Accepted cdecl 2.5-13.1 (source) into unstable Accepted cdo 2.3.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cedar-backup3 3.7.7-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cedar-backup3 3.7.8-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ceilometer 1:21.0.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ceilometer 1:21.0.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted celery 5.3.4-2 (source) into unstable Accepted censys 2.2.7-1 (source) into unstable Accepted censys 2.2.8-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ceph 16.2.11+ds-5 (source) into unstable Accepted ceph 18.2.0+ds-4 (source) into experimental Accepted ceph 18.2.0+ds-5 (source) into experimental Accepted ceph 18.2.0+ds-6 (source) into experimental Accepted ceph 18.2.0+ds-7 (source) into experimental Accepted ceph 18.2.0+ds-8 (source) into experimental Accepted ceph-tools 0.0.17 (source) into unstable Accepted ceres-solver 2.1.0+really2.1.0+dfsg-3 (source) into unstable Accepted ceres-solver 2.2.0+dfsg-2 (source) into experimental Accepted ceres-solver 2.2.0+dfsg-3 (source) into unstable Accepted certmonger 0.79.19-1 (source) into unstable Accepted certspotter 0.17.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cfingerd 1.4.3-8 (source) into unstable Accepted cftime 1.6.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cgreen 1.6.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted charls 2.4.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted charls 2.4.2-2 (source) into unstable Accepted chasquid 1.12-1 (source) into unstable Accepted chatty 0.8.0~rc0-1~exp (source) into experimental Accepted check-pgactivity 2.7-1 (source) into unstable Accepted checksecurity 2.0.16+nmu4 (source) into unstable Accepted chemonomatopist 0.6.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cherrytree 0.99.53+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cherrytree 1.0.2+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted chirp 1:20231027-1 (source) into unstable Accepted choose-mirror 2.125 (source) into unstable Accepted chromium 117.0.5938.132-2 (source) into unstable Accepted chromium 117.0.5938.149-1 (source) into unstable Accepted chromium 118.0.5993.117-1 (source) into unstable Accepted chromium 118.0.5993.70-1 (source) into unstable Accepted chrony 4.4-3 (source) into unstable Accepted chrootuid 1.3-6.2 (source) into unstable Accepted chuck (source) into unstable Accepted chuck (source) into unstable Accepted cif2hkl 1.4.3+ds1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ciftools-java 5.0.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cinder 2:23.0.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cinder-tempest-plugin 1.10.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted cinnamon-control-center 5.8.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ciphersaber 1.01-2.2 (source) into unstable Accepted citar 1.4+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cl-getopt 1.2.0-3.3 (source) into unstable Accepted cliphist 0.4.0-1 (source amd64) into unstable Accepted cliphist 0.4.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted clonezilla 5.5.12-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cloudflare-ddns 2.0.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cloudkitty 19.0.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cloudkitty-dashboard 17.0.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cloudkitty-tempest-plugin 2.8.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted cluster-glue 1.0.12-22 (source) into unstable Accepted clustershell 1.9.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted clutter-1.0 1.26.4+git2779b932+dfsg-6 (source) into unstable Accepted cmake 3.27.7-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cmigemo 1:1.2+gh0.20220623-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cmor 3.7.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cmyt 2.0.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cockpit 302-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cockpit 303-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cockpit-machines 300-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cockpit-podman 78-1 (source) into unstable Accepted cockpit-podman 79-1 (source) into unstable Accepted codespell 2.2.6-1 (source) into unstable Accepted colobot 0.2.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted colorcet 3.0.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted company-mode 0.10.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted compartment 1.1.0-5.1 (source) into unstable Accepted compat-el (source) into unstable The last update was on 16:11 GMT Sun Nov 05. 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