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Accepted aide 0.17-1 (source) into unstable

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Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2021 20:00:00 +0100
Source: aide
Architecture: source
Version: 0.17-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Aide Maintainers <aide@packages.debian.org>
Changed-By: Marc Haber <mh+debian-packages@zugschlus.de>
Closes: 289174 414268 683957 824036 977680 977966
 aide (0.17-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Marc Haber ]
   * new upstream release 0.17
     * docs/manual.html was removed
   [ Hannes von Haugwitz ]
   * Add autopkgtests
   * Set Rules-Requires-Root to no
   * Remove obsolete d/aide-common.doc-base
 aide (0.16.2-87-g9804cf4-2) experimental; urgency=medium
   * fix buildd issues
   * libcap build depends for linux only
   * capabilities is linux-only
   * e2fslibs is now libext2fs
 aide (0.16.2-87-g9804cf4-1) experimental; urgency=medium
   * upstream development snapshot (0.17 release candidate)
     * patches no longer needed
     * workaround for issue #24 no longer needed
     * changes include:
       * new --dry-init option (Closes: #289174)
       * error messages are now reported in the correct
         line. Thanks to Marc Schiffbauer (Closes: #414268)
       * takes a lock on database_out
       * can be compiled without default configuration
       * Can include static and dynamic configuration
         from a directory. (Closes: #824036)
   * adapt aide.conf to the incompatible changes
   * aide-attributes does no longer exist
   * change aide.conf examples to file restrictions
   * configure --without-config-file and --disable-default-db
   * enable capabilities and Build-Depend on libcap
   * fix strange indents in debian/rules
   * Build-Depend on pkg-config
   * remove no longer needed aide.wrapper
   * remove no longer needed update-aide.conf
   * convert pl.po, sv.po, es.po, nl.po and fr.po to UTF-8
   * Standards-Version: 4.5.1 (no changes necessary)
   * improve debian/copyright (needs more work because of translations)
   * document incompatible changes in NEWS.Debian
   * add documentation about how to write good rules
   * adapt rules to new syntax:
     * 31_aide_amanda-server
     * 31_aide_apt
     * 31_aide_bind9
     * 31_aide_spamassassin
   * improve rules, add selection restrictions: (Closes: #977966)
     * 31_aide_anacron
     * 31_aide_apt
     * 31_aide_apt-cacher-ng
     * 31_aide_aptitude
     * 31_aide_atop
     * 31_aide_clamav-freshclam
     * 31_aide_clamav-unofficial-sigs
     * 31_aide_cron-apt
     * 31_aide_dbus
     * 31_aide_dehydrated
     * 31_aide_dpkg
     * 31_aide_etckeeper
     * 31_aide_exim4
     * 31_aide_haproxy
     * 31_aide_initramfs-tools
     * 31_aide_libvirt-bin
     * 31_aide_logcheck
     * 31_aide_lvm2
     * 31_aide_man
     * 31_aide_mlocate
     * 31_aide_php-common
     * 31_aide_runuser
     * 31_aide_samba
     * 31_aide_screen
     * 31_aide_spamassassin
     * 31_aide_sudo
     * 31_aide_udev
     * 31_aide_util-linux
     * 70_aide_run
     * 70_aide_tmp
   * new rules:
     * 10_aide_machineid
     * 21_aide_run_agetty
     * 31_aide_avahi-daemon
     * 31_aide_chrony
     * 31_aide_console-setup
     * 31_aide_dev
     * 31_aide_dmeventd
     * 31_aide_lldpd
     * 31_aide_locales
     * 31_aide_needrestart
     * 31_aide_network-manager
   * remove deprecation warnings:
     * 31_aide_apt (added with 0.14~rc3-1 in 2010)
   * some of these rule changes were submitted by
     Bill Wohler. Thank you very much! (closes: #683957)
   * fix wrong excludes of /proc and /sys. Thanks to
     Andreas Hasenack. (closes: #977680)
 aide (0.16.2-1) experimental; urgency=medium
   * New upstream version 0.16.2
   * rule improvements
     * fix path to openvpn client status file
     * fix wrong rule for msg.sock directory
     * allow APACHE2_LOGS to be overridden
     * fix wrong path to apache2 pid file
     * clean up leftovers, avoid dual rules for /run
       * LIBINITRW
       * DEVDOT
     * improve 31_aide_wpasupplicant rule
     * 31_aide_bind9: add code for slave paths and slave dirs
     * 31_aide_dehydrated: add rule
     * 31_aide_dehydrated: add rule
     * 31_aide_lighttpd: improve rule
     * 31_aide_apt-cacher-ng: add rule
     * 31_aide_cereal: improve rule
     * 31_aide_clamav-freshclam: improve rule
     * 31_aide_clamav-unofficial-sigs: new rule
     * 31_aide_dpkg: improve rule
     * 31_aide_e2fsprogs: new rule
     * 31_aide_etckeeper: improve rule
     * 31_aide_fake-hwclock: new rule
     * 31_aide_haproxy: new rule
     * 31_aide_libvirt-bin: improve rule
     * 31_aide_logrotate: improve rule
     * 31_aide_runuser: improve rule
     * 31_aide_spamassassin: improve rule
     * 31_aide_ssh-agent: improve rule
     * 31_aide_sshd: new rule
     * 31_aide_systemd-cron: new rule
     * 31_aide_systemd-networkd: new rule
     * 31_aide_systemd-resolved: new rule
     * 31_aide_xe-guest-utilities: new rule
 9e20473425fc9e0752c4f9ef8b790d47ca430039 2532 aide_0.17-1.dsc
 c67d6c6a74dce84c8f856a49e4429b8e1cc7dd7f 324615 aide_0.17.orig.tar.gz
 7056bfc515c2b9d6dfb241a2e92a47be688fea19 659 aide_0.17.orig.tar.gz.asc
 c6cbd2ce58a5a8f73cb83fb1865b4b73d246efd3 90004 aide_0.17-1.debian.tar.xz
 6727071c33486c4ed4b58dba55120666646861fb 6291 aide_0.17-1_source.buildinfo
 4dc77b26196966967617c54bc85bbe57b91514bf9d8dd116beb989d2305a909a 2532 aide_0.17-1.dsc
 4fd88d1d5ddc70c698c6519ebbc05c8d32c3f6d8137bbfdefeaebaafd6db867b 324615 aide_0.17.orig.tar.gz
 ffa194087a695f00fb0f44f1539acb73a76aa1f31382c57f91f4e9612386c22d 659 aide_0.17.orig.tar.gz.asc
 40fa1e8534ad016344fcb30fa0e9ef4fa1f2a80a9916836214d76f5c3f7fccf1 90004 aide_0.17-1.debian.tar.xz
 b773b15abbdd9f9a2a423993330b3d5f405a6c5faf94f5ca39c96e723e5e4a4a 6291 aide_0.17-1_source.buildinfo
 3faa79272d152fc31a035f8512a75848 2532 admin optional aide_0.17-1.dsc
 f12b8fb2c7b55245addfb67fbbcf12d3 324615 admin optional aide_0.17.orig.tar.gz
 ef9d7392827f7066cfe57e101e16affa 659 admin optional aide_0.17.orig.tar.gz.asc
 885ceb84e4d83168a07ae84a0be8cdde 90004 admin optional aide_0.17-1.debian.tar.xz
 8696659b7d8d4b739468b209671bbfaf 6291 admin optional aide_0.17-1_source.buildinfo



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