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Accepted golang-github-google-subcommands 1.2.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-hashicorp-go-gcp-common 0.6.0-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-github-hashicorp-go-gcp-common 0.6.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-hashicorp-go-rootcerts 1.0.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-hashicorp-go-uuid 1.0.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-hashicorp-mdns 1.0.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-hashicorp-memberlist 0.1.7-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-svchost 0.0~git20191119.d2e4933-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-github-jackc-pgx 3.6.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-jcmturner-gofork 1.0.0-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-github-jcmturner-gofork 1.0.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-jdkato-prose 1.1.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-karrick-godirwalk 1.15.3-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-github-klauspost-compress 1.9.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-matryer-is 1.3.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-mattn-go-isatty 0.0.11-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-mattn-go-shellwords 1.0.10-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-mesos-mesos-go 0.0.6+dfsg-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-miekg-dns 1.1.26-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-muesli-smartcrop 0.3.0+dfsg1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-niklasfasching-go-org 0.1.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-niklasfasching-go-org 1.0.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-olekukonko-tablewriter 0.0.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-pearkes-cloudflare 0.0~git20160103.765ac18-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-pelletier-go-toml 1.6.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-phpdave11-gofpdi 1.0.8+git20190928.81a2921-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-github-pkg-errors 0.9.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-puerkitobio-purell 1.1.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal 1.5.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-sanity-io-litter 1.2.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-sevlyar-go-daemon 0.1.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-soniah-gosnmp 1.24.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-spf13-cast 1.3.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-spf13-cobra 0.0.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-spf13-viper 1.6.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-streadway-amqp 0.0~git20200108.1c71cc9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-svanharmelen-jsonapi 1.0.0+git20180618.0c0828c-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-github-sylabs-sif 1.0.9-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-tdewolff-minify 2.6.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-tdewolff-minify 2.7.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-tdewolff-parse 2.3.14-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-tdewolff-parse 2.4.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-tdewolff-test 1.0.6-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-urfave-cli 1.22.2-3 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-urfave-cli 1.22.2-4 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-xanzy-go-gitlab 0.22.2-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-github-yuin-goldmark 1.1.14-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-yuin-goldmark 1.1.18-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-yuin-goldmark 1.1.21-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-yuin-goldmark 1.1.23-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-yuin-goldmark-highlighting 0.0~git20191202.78f32c8-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-github-yuin-goldmark-highlighting 0.0~git20200218.d1af22c-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-zclconf-go-cty 1.3.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-zyedidia-tcell 0.0~git20200210.f7f063a-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-github-zyedidia-tcell 1.4.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-go.crypto 1:0.0~git20200221.2aa609c-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-go.uber-atomic 1.4.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-golang-x-image 0.0~git20200119.58c2397-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-golang-x-net 1:0.0+git20200219.4628272+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-golang-x-net 1:0.0+git20200226.491c5fc+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-golang-x-sync 0.0~git20190911.cd5d95a-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-golang-x-sys 0.0~git20200219.cb0a6d8-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-golang-x-text 0.3.2-4 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-golang-x-tools 1:0.0~git20200213.88e652f+ds-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-golang-x-xerrors 0.0~git20191204.9bdfabe-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gomega 1.9.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-google-api 0.15.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-google-cloud 0.49.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-google-genproto 0.0~git20200128.58ce757e-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-errgo.v1 1.0.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-errgo.v2 2.1.0-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-errgo.v2 2.1.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-hlandau-acmeapi.v2 2.0.1-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-hlandau-acmeapi.v2 2.0.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-ini.v1 1.52.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-ini.v1 1.52.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-jcmturner-aescts.v1 1.0.1-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-jcmturner-aescts.v1 1.0.1-2 (source all) into unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-jcmturner-aescts.v1 1.0.1-3 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-jcmturner-dnsutils.v1 1.0.1-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-jcmturner-dnsutils.v1 1.0.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-jcmturner-goidentity.v2 2.0.0-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-jcmturner-goidentity.v2 2.0.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-jcmturner-gokrb5.v5 5.3.0+dfsg-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-jcmturner-rpc.v0 0.0.2-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-jcmturner-rpc.v0 0.0.2-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-libgit2-git2go.v28 0.28.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-libgit2-git2go.v28 0.28.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-gopkg-tomb.v1 0.0~git20141024.0.dd63297-7 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-goprotobuf 1.3.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-k8s-sigs-yaml 1.2.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-procfs 0.0.10-1 (source) into unstable Accepted golang-yaml.v2 2.2.8-1 (source) into unstable Accepted goldendict 1.5.0~rc2+git20190930+ds-2 (source) into unstable Accepted golint 0.0+git20200130.910be7a-1 (source) into unstable Accepted goocalendar 0.6-1 (source) into unstable Accepted 2.3.0-3 (source) into unstable Accepted goto-chg-el 1.7.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gpart 1:0.3-8 (source) into unstable Accepted gpaw 20.1.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gpaw 20.1.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted gplaycli 3.27+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gpodder 3.10.13-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gprbuild 2019-3 (source) into unstable Accepted gprolog (source) into unstable Accepted gpscorrelate 2.0-1 (source amd64) into unstable Accepted gpscorrelate 2.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted gpsd 3.20-4 (source) into unstable Accepted gqrx-sdr 2.12.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gr-limesdr 3.0.1-1 (source amd64) into unstable, unstable Accepted gr-limesdr 3.0.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted gr-osmosdr 0.2.0-1 (source amd64) into experimental, experimental Accepted gr-osmosdr 0.2.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted grafx2 2.7-1 (source) into unstable Accepted grammatica 1.6+ds-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted grammatica 1.6+ds-2 (source) into unstable Accepted graphicsmagick 1.4+really1.3.34+hg16230-1 (source) into unstable Accepted graphicsmagick 1.4+really1.3.35-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gridsite 3.0.0~20180202git2fdbc6f-3 (source) into unstable Accepted gridtools 1.1.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted grilo 0.3.12-1 (source) into unstable Accepted grilo-plugins 0.3.11-1 (source) into unstable Accepted groonga 9.1.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted groonga-normalizer-mysql 1.1.4-2 (source) into unstable Accepted growl-for-linux 0.8.5-5 (source) into unstable Accepted grub-customizer 5.1.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted grunt 1.0.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted grunt 1.0.4-2 (source) into unstable Accepted gscan2pdf 2.6.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gsequencer 3.0.13-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gsequencer 3.1.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.35.91-1 (source) into experimental Accepted gsettings-qt 0.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gspell 1.8.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gssproxy 0.8.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gst-plugins-bad1.0 1.16.2-2.1 (source) into unstable Accepted gtk+3.0 3.24.14-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gtk-doc 1.32-4 (source) into unstable Accepted gtk-gnutella 1.1.15-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gtk-layer-shell 0.1.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted gtk-layer-shell 0.1.0-3 (source) into unstable Accepted gtk-sharp2 2.12.40-3 (source) into unstable Accepted gtk-sharp3 2.99.3-4 (source) into unstable Accepted gtksourceview4 4.5.91-1 (source) into experimental Accepted gudhi 3.1.1+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gui-ufw 20.04.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted guile-2.0 2.0.13+1-5.4 (source) into unstable Accepted guile-3.0 3.0.0+1-1 (source amd64 all) into unstable, unstable Accepted guile-git 0.3.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted guitarix 0.39.0+dfsg1-1 (source all amd64) into unstable Accepted gunicorn 20.0.4-2 (source) into unstable Accepted gunicorn 20.0.4-3 (source) into unstable Accepted gutenprint 5.3.3-4 (source) into unstable Accepted gvfs 1.43.90-1 (source) into experimental Accepted gworkspace 0.9.4-2 (source) into unstable Accepted gwyddion 2.55-3 (source) into unstable Accepted gyoto 1.4.3-2 (source) into unstable Accepted gyoto 1.4.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted gzip 1.10-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hamlib 3.3-10 (source) into unstable Accepted hamlib 3.3-9 (source) into unstable Accepted hamradio-files 20200214 (source) into unstable Accepted haproxy 2.0.13-1 (source) into unstable Accepted haproxy 2.1.3-1 (source) into experimental Accepted haproxy 2.1.3-2 (source) into experimental Accepted haproxyctl 1.4.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hashcat 5.1.0+ds1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-brick 0.47.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-devscripts 0.15.2 (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-devscripts 0.15.3 (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-fold-debounce (source amd64 all) into unstable, unstable Accepted haskell-githash (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-http-client-restricted 0.0.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-ixset (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-secret-sharing (source) into unstable Accepted haskell-stm-delay (source amd64 all) into unstable, unstable Accepted haskell-taskell (source amd64 all) into unstable, unstable Accepted haskell-tasty-discover 4.2.1-1 (source amd64 all) into unstable, unstable Accepted haveged 1.9.8-4 (source) into unstable Accepted hdf5 1.10.4+repack-11 (source) into unstable Accepted hdmf 1.5.4-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted hdrmerge 0.5+git20200117-1 (source amd64) into experimental, experimental Accepted hdrmerge 0.5+git20200117-2 (source) into unstable Accepted health-check 0.03.06-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hiredis 0.14.0-6 (source) into unstable Accepted hisat2 2.1.0-3 (source amd64 all) into unstable, unstable Accepted hisat2 2.1.0-4 (source) into unstable Accepted hivelytracker 0+git20180223-4 (source) into unstable Accepted hmisc 4.3-1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hol-light 20190729-4 (source) into unstable Accepted holes 0.1-4 (source) into unstable Accepted homebank 5.3.2-1 (source all amd64) into unstable Accepted hopscotch-map 2.2.1-3 (source) into unstable Accepted hoteldruid 3.0.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hplip 3.20.2+dfsg0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted html2text 1.3.2a-25 (source) into unstable Accepted html5lib 1.0.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted htpdate 1.2.2-2 (source) into unstable Accepted htpdate 1.2.2-3 (source) into unstable Accepted htscodecs 0.5-1 (source amd64) into unstable, unstable Accepted htscodecs 0.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted htscodecs 0.5-3 (source) into unstable Accepted htslib 1.10.2-3 (source) into unstable Accepted http-parser 2.9.3-1 (source) into experimental Accepted hugo 0.60.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.60.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.61.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.62.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.62.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.62.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.63.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.63.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.63.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.64.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.64.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.65.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.65.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.65.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hugo 0.65.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hw-detect 1.139 (source) into unstable Accepted hw-probe 1.4-2 (source) into unstable Accepted hw-probe 1.4-3 (source) into unstable Accepted hw-probe 1.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hy 0.17.0-1.1 (source) into unstable Accepted hy 0.18.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted hyperkitty 1.3.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted i3lock-fancy 0.0~git20160228.0.0fcb933-3 (source) into unstable Accepted iapws 1.4-2 (source) into unstable Accepted ibus 1.5.22-1~exp1 (source) into experimental Accepted ibus-libzhuyin 1.9.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ibus-table 1.9.24-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ibus-table 1.9.25-1 (source) into unstable Accepted icecc 1.3.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted icewm 1.6.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ikiwiki 3.20200202.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted imagination 3.5.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted imx-code-signing-tool 3.3.0+dfsg-1 (amd64 source) into unstable, unstable Accepted imx-code-signing-tool 3.3.0+dfsg-2 (source) into unstable Accepted imx-usb-loader 0~git20200103.f009770d-1 (source) into unstable Accepted indi 1.8.4+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted inkscape 0.92.4-5 (source) into unstable Accepted intel-media-driver 19.4.0r+dfsg1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted intel-mkl 2020.0.166-1 (source) into unstable Accepted intellij-annotations 19.0.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted intercal 30:0.30-3 (source) into unstable Accepted iozone3 489-1 (source amd64) into unstable Accepted ipe-tools 1: (source) into unstable Accepted ipmctl (source) into unstable Accepted ippusbxd 1.34-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ippusbxd 1.34-2 (source) into unstable Accepted iproute2 5.5.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted iptables 1.8.4-3 (source) into unstable Accepted ipxe 1.0.0+git-20190125.36a4c85-5 (source) into unstable Accepted ipykernel-py2 4.10.1-4 (source) into unstable Accepted ipython 7.12.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ipython-py2 5.8.0-4 (source) into unstable Accepted ironic 1:13.0.1-3 (source) into unstable Accepted irssi-scripts 20200222 (source) into unstable Accepted irssi-scripts 20200223 (source) into unstable Accepted isbg 2.3.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted isl 0.22.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted iva 1.0.9+ds-10 (source) into unstable Accepted iva 1.0.9+ds-9 (source) into unstable Accepted iwd 1.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jaaa 0.9.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jack-keyboard 2.7.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jackson-databind 2.10.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jackson-dataformat-xml 2.10.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jackson-jr 2.10.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jalv 1.6.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted janest-ocaml-compiler-libs 0.12.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted japa 0.9.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jboss-threads 3.0.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jcdf 1.2.3+dfsg-2 (source) into unstable Accepted jconvolver 1.0.3-1 (source) into experimental Accepted jdcal 1.0-1.3 (source) into unstable Accepted jekyll 3.8.6+dfsg-2 (source) into unstable Accepted jekyll 3.8.6+dfsg-3 (source) into unstable Accepted jel 2.1.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted jenkins-job-builder 3.2.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jinja2 2.10.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted jmapviewer 2.13+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jmeters 0.4.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jmodeltest 2.1.10+dfsg-8 (source) into unstable Accepted josm 0.0.svn15806+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted josm 0.0.svn15806+dfsg-2 (source) into unstable Accepted josm 0.0.svn15915+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted josm 0.0.svn15927+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted josm 0.0.svn15927+dfsg-2 (source) into unstable Accepted josm 0.0.svn15937+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jove (source amd64) into unstable Accepted jove (source) into unstable Accepted jove (source) into unstable Accepted jp2a 1.0.8-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jp2a 1.0.8-2 (source) into unstable Accepted jp2a 1.0.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jpylyzer 2.0.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jpylyzer 2.0.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted jruby-joni 2.1.31-1 (source) into unstable Accepted js-of-ocaml 3.5.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted js-of-ocaml 3.5.2-2 (source) into unstable Accepted js-of-ocaml 3.5.2-3 (source) into unstable Accepted json-c 0.13.1+dfsg-7 (source) into unstable Accepted jsonnet 0.15.0+ds-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jss 4.6.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted juce 5.4.6~ds0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted juce 5.4.7~ds0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jupyter-core 4.6.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jupyter-core 4.6.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted jupyter-notebook 6.0.3-2 (source) into unstable Accepted jython 2.7.2~b3+repack1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted k3b 19.12.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted k3b 19.12.2-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kactivitymanagerd 5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kalgebra 4:19.12.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kamera 4:19.12.2-1 (source amd64) into unstable Accepted kamera 4:19.12.2-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kapptemplate 4:19.12.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kazoo 2.6.1-6 (source) into unstable Accepted kcollectd 0.10.2-3 (source) into unstable Accepted kcollectd 0.11.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kcov 38+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kde-cli-tools 4:5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kde-config-systemd 1.2.1-3.1 (source) into unstable Accepted kde-gtk-config 4:5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kdecoration 4:5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kdenlive 19.12.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kdeplasma-addons 4:5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kdesdk-kioslaves 4:19.12.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kdesdk-kioslaves 4:19.12.2-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kdesdk-thumbnailers 4:19.12.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kdevelop 4:5.4.6-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kdevelop 4:5.5.0-1 (source all amd64) into experimental, experimental Accepted kdevelop 4:5.5.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kdevelop-pg-qt 2.2.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kdevelop-php 5.5.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kdevelop-python 5.5.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kdf 4:19.12.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted keditbookmarks 19.12.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted keepalived 1:2.0.19-2 (source amd64) into unstable Accepted keepass2 2.44+dfsg-1 (source all) into unstable Accepted keysafe 0.20200214-1 (source) into experimental Accepted keyutils 1.6.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted keyutils 1.6.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kfloppy 4:19.12.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kgamma5 5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted khotkeys 4:5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kinfocenter 4:5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kirigami-gallery 19.08.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kiwisolver 1.0.1-3 (source) into unstable Accepted kmenuedit 4:5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kmod 27-1 (source) into unstable Accepted knot 2.9.2-4 (source) into unstable Accepted knot 2.9.2-5 (source) into unstable Accepted knot-resolver 5.0.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted knot-resolver 5.0.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kopanocore 8.7.0-6 (source) into unstable Accepted kpat 4:19.12.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kphotoalbum 5.6-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kphotoalbum 5.6.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kpmcore 4.1.0-1 (source amd64) into unstable, unstable Accepted kpmcore 4.1.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted krename 5.0.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted krfb 4:19.12.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kscreen 4:5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kscreenlocker 5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted ksh93 93u+20120801-5 (source amd64) into unstable, unstable Accepted ksh93 93u+20120801-6 (source) into unstable Accepted ksh93 93u+20120801-7 (source) into unstable Accepted ksshaskpass 4:5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kstars 5:3.4.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kstars 5:3.4.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ksyntax-highlighting 5.62.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted ksyntax-highlighting 5.62.0-3 (source) into unstable Accepted ksysguard 4:5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted ksysguard 4:5.17.5-3 (source) into unstable Accepted ktouch 4:19.12.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kwallet-pam 5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kwartz-client 1.4-6 (source) into unstable Accepted kwayland-integration 5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kwayland-integration 5.17.5-3 (source) into unstable Accepted kwin 4:5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kworkflow 20191112-1 (source amd64) into unstable, unstable Accepted kwrited 4:5.17.5-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kxstitch 2.2.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted kylin-nm 1.2.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kylin-nm 1.2.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted kylin-video 2.0.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted lablgtk3 3.1.0-1 (source) into experimental Accepted lambda-align 1.0.3-6 (source) into unstable Accepted lambda-term 2.0.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted laptop-mode-tools 1.73.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted latexml 0.8.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted latte-dock 0.9.9-1 (source) into unstable Accepted lattice 0.20-40-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ldc 1:1.20.0-1 (source amd64) into unstable, unstable Accepted ldraw-parts 1903+ds-1 (all amd64 source) into unstable Accepted ledger2beancount 2.0-1 (source) into unstable Accepted ledmon 0.94-1 (source) into unstable Accepted lensfun 0.3.95-1 (source amd64 all) into experimental, experimental Accepted lensfun 0.3.95-2 (source) into experimental Accepted let-alist 1.0.6-2 (source) into unstable Accepted lexicon 3.3.17-1 (source) into unstable Accepted liac-arff 2.4.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libalog 0.6.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libapache2-mod-auth-openidc 2.4.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libapache2-mod-perl2 2.0.11-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libapi-gitforge-perl 0.001-1 (all source) into experimental, experimental Accepted libarchive-zip-perl 1.67-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libattean-perl 0.026-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libaunit 19-3 (source) into unstable Accepted libauthen-tacacsplus-perl 0.27-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libaws 20.0-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libb-debug-perl 1.26-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libbinio 1.5+dfsg-0.1 (source) into unstable Accepted libbio-alignio-stockholm-perl 1.7.3-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted libbpp-popgen 2.4.1-3 (source) into unstable Accepted libbssolv-perl 0.17-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libbytesize 2.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libcap2 1:2.31-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libcap2 1:2.32-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libcdr 0.1.6-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libcgi-compile-perl 0.24-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libcgi-pm-perl 4.46-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libcgi-session-serialize-yaml-perl 4.26-3 (source) into unstable Accepted libcharon 4.4.1-1 (source all) into unstable, unstable Accepted libcharon 4.4.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libclc 0.2.0+git20190827-4 (source) into unstable Accepted libclc 0.2.0+git20190827-5 (source) into experimental Accepted libconfig-model-dpkg-perl 2.129 (source) into unstable Accepted libconfig-model-dpkg-perl 2.130 (source) into unstable Accepted libcpan-perl-releases-perl 5.20200220-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libcpan-perl-releases-perl 5.20200229-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libcpanel-json-xs-perl 4.19-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libcrcutil 1.0-5.1 (source) into unstable Accepted libcrypt-jwt-perl 0.026-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libcryptx-perl 0.067-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libdap 3.20.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libdata-peek-perl 0.49-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libdata-report-perl 1.001-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libdata-serializer-perl 0.65-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libdata-table-perl 1.78-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libdazzle 3.35.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libdazzle 3.35.3-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libdbd-odbc-perl 1.61-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libdbd-pg-perl 3.10.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libdbi-drivers 0.9.0-7 (source) into unstable Accepted libdbi-drivers 0.9.0-8 (source) into unstable Accepted libdbi-drivers 0.9.0-9 (source) into unstable Accepted libdbi-perl 1.643-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libdbix-class-helpers-perl 2.035000-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libdeflate 1.5-2 (source amd64) into unstable, unstable Accepted libdeflate 1.5-3 (source) into unstable Accepted libdevel-hide-perl 0.0013-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libdevel-patchperl-perl 1.86-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libetonyek 0.1.9-3 (source) into unstable Accepted libetpan 1.9.4-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libevdev 1.8.901+dfsg-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libexperimental-perl 0.021-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libextractor 1:1.9-3 (source amd64) into unstable Accepted libffi-platypus-perl 1.10-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libfido2 1.3.0-1 (source amd64 all) into unstable, unstable Accepted libfido2 1.3.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libfile-find-object-perl 0.3.5-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libfile-slurp-perl 9999.29-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libflorist 2017-7 (source) into unstable Accepted libfprint 1:1.90.1-1 (source amd64 all) into experimental, experimental Accepted libfprint 1:1.90.1-2 (source) into experimental Accepted libfunction-fallback-coreorpp-perl 0.090-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libgclib 0.11.4-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libgclib 0.11.4-1~rc0 (source amd64) into experimental, experimental Accepted libgcrypt20 1.8.5-4 (source) into experimental Accepted libgcrypt20 1.8.5-5 (source) into unstable Accepted libgda5 5.2.9-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libgdata 0.17.12-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libgdiplus 6.0.4+dfsg-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libgee-0.8 0.20.3-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libgit-annex-perl 0.001-1 (all source) into unstable, unstable Accepted libgit-annex-perl 0.002-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libgit-annex-perl 0.002-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libgit2 0.28.4+dfsg.1-1 (source) into experimental Accepted libgit2 0.28.4+dfsg.1-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libgitlab-api-v4-perl 0.25-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libglib-perl 3:1.329.2-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libglvnd 1.3.1-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libgmpada 1.3-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libgnatcoll 19-4 (source) into unstable Accepted libgnatcoll-bindings 19-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libgnatcoll-db 19.2-2 (source) into unstable Accepted libgovirt 0.3.7-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libgpg-error 1.37-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libgtkada 19-4 (source) into unstable Accepted libhash-case-perl 1.050-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libhdf4 4.2.15-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libhdf4 4.2.15-1~exp1 (source) into experimental Accepted libhdhomerun 20200225-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libhtml-form-perl 6.07-1 (source) into unstable Accepted libhtml-parser-perl 3.72-4 (source) into unstable Accepted libhtml-parser-perl 3.72-5 (source) into unstable Accepted libhtml-strip-perl 2.10-2 (source) into unstable The last update was on 23:40 GMT Sat Feb 29. 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