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Accepted game-data-packager 60 (source) into unstable

Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2018 20:18:38 +0000
Source: game-data-packager
Binary: game-data-packager etqw etqw-server game-data-packager-runtime quake quake-server quake2 quake2-server quake3 quake3-server quake4 quake4-server
Architecture: source
Version: 60
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian Games Team <pkg-games-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org>
 etqw       - science-fiction-themed multiplayer first person shooter
 etqw-server - dedicated server for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
 game-data-packager - Installer for game data files
 game-data-packager-runtime - Launcher for proprietary games
 quake      - classic gothic/horror-themed first person shooter
 quake-server - classic first person shooter - server and init script
 quake2     - classic science-fiction-themed first person shooter
 quake2-server - dedicated server for Quake II
 quake3     - Quake III Arena menu entry and launcher scripts
 quake3-server - Quake III Arena dedicated server launcher scripts
 quake4     - science-fiction-themed first person shooter
 quake4-server - dedicated server for Quake 4
Closes: 897594 902580 902581 902583 902584 902586 902610 902651 902654 902656 902747 911788
 game-data-packager (60) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New games:
     - larry7: Add Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail.
       Thanks to Рома Тенцер (Closes: #902651) [smcv]
   * New languages and versions:
     - rott, wolf3d: Add support for downloading and unpacking the
       Apogee shareware versions [smcv]
     - rott: Uncomment 3D Realms mirror [smcv]
     - Leisure Suit Larry series: Add details of GOG Linux installers.
       Thanks to Рома Тенцер (Closes: #902580, #902581, #902583, #902584,
       #902586, #902656) [smcv]
     - Leisure Suit Larry 6: Add details of SVGA version.
       Thanks to Рома Тенцер (Closes: #902654) [smcv]
     - Loom: Add details of latest GOG Linux installer. (Closes: #902747)
     - The Legend of Kyrandia: Add details of latest GOG installers.
       (Closes: #897594) [skitt]
   * Bug fixes:
     - d/control: Update gdp-runtime Description to reflect that ut99
       also requires it [smcv]
     - innoextract: Don't fail on space + git hash after version number
       (Closes: #902610) [smcv]
     - make_template, build: Don't limit innoextract to /app. This is
       less efficient, but some GOG installers now have useful contents
       outside /app (see #897594) [smcv]
     - freespace2: Host a copy of the necessary extra files on
       game-data-packager.debian.net [smcv]
     - quake4 AppArmor profile: Sync up with quake3 [smcv]
     - Remove details of defunct mirrors on Alioth (Closes: #911788) [smcv]
     - integration test: Correctly skip tests if file was not
       downloaded and no mirror was provided [smcv]
     - make-template: Fix various issues around --template, which imports
       an existing template [smcv]
     - innoextract: Only limit to one language if asked to do so, which
       should allow archives with language not "english" to be unpacked
   * Internal changes:
     - Drop support for innoextract < 1.5, which is older than Debian
       stable [smcv]
     - Replace more anonscm.debian.org URLs with salsa.debian.org [smcv]
     - Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.2.1 [smcv]
     - d/copyright: Add Disclaimer describing why this package is not
       part of Debian [smcv]
     - unpack, util: Adjust whitespace, mostly with autopep8 [smcv]
     - build, make_template: Factor out InnoSetup unpacker [smcv]
     - Rename rott-mirrors to 3drealms-mirrors [smcv]
     - game: Assert that all files that provide other files can be
       unpacked [smcv]
     - descent1: Remove unnecessary provides directive [smcv]
     - tests: Re-test with Python 3.5 if available, to avoid breaking
       the ability to run g-d-p on Debian stable [smcv]
     - Automatically fall back to SafeLoader if yaml has no CSafeLoader
 5fc2a69fdb3099614cb58b1f3228e52b7d44e08b 2745 game-data-packager_60.dsc
 3645ebbb0157597be927ae08c23625f4b4ec4560 4458864 game-data-packager_60.tar.xz
 19ae4dff6abada43afb580f8be948dd3d4a6f63a 9849 game-data-packager_60_source.buildinfo
 64574303db6d09f38ce76db8c78a7a79e1fd6b31037e29a91b030310b6f85c50 2745 game-data-packager_60.dsc
 7a7b30ddabb3d5f3af858b031e5ff30628e665b12efb8ea8aa3dba8e8c5a1410 4458864 game-data-packager_60.tar.xz
 e4c25ae40dcff272aedef17618e7779fd81b261d2c7e8f56b86b486db43feed7 9849 game-data-packager_60_source.buildinfo
 56793a73ad4680f06f835f43ce20c5d2 2745 contrib/games optional game-data-packager_60.dsc
 dfcd686d92deb543398da6cae2a0b738 4458864 contrib/games optional game-data-packager_60.tar.xz
 c7b41fde586849551cf53b9495b931ea 9849 contrib/games optional game-data-packager_60_source.buildinfo



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