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Accepted kernel-package 13.004 (source all)

Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Wed, 07 May 2014 22:45:30 -0700
Source: kernel-package
Binary: kernel-package
Architecture: source all
Version: 13.004
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org>
Changed-By: Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org>
 kernel-package - utility for building Linux kernel related Debian packages
Closes: 570635 572117 590446 593895 717807 721482
 kernel-package (13.004) unstable; urgency=low
   * There were some places where we still recommended custom.1.0 instead
     of 1.0.custom, even though the former is now not acceptable. This
     commit fixes the remaining locations where that advice was incorrect.
   * When compiling in a git checkout of the kernel sources: the
     KERNELRELEASE variable contains the key word dirty, even though the
     tree is clean, and verified by git status. This is caused by using
     fakeroot make-kpkg .../ Updated documentation to not the preferred
     form is to use make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot to avoid this.
     (Closes: #717807).
   * If you build from the git tree of the linux kernel, and you are not on
     a tagged branch, the script scripts/setlocalversion will append a plus
     sign to the version if the repository is not in a clean annotated or
     signed tagged state and LOCALVERSION= is not specified. This creates
     problems when packaging the resulting image. Updated the documentation
     for workarounds. (Closes: #721482).
   * Patch to build uImage kernels for ARM by  Andrew Bradford. This adds
     the --uimage option to build a uImage kernel for ARM systems. Needs
     uboot-mkimage installed to do so, This package contains the mkimage
     utility, which encapsulates a compressed  "uImage" Linux kerel image
     with header information, CRC32 checksum, etc,  for use with the U-Boot
     bootloader.  (Closes: #572117).
   * Since the debug images all upload files in the same location, they
     conflict with each other.  (Closes: #570635).
   * Starting with 2.6.35 there is a new kernel config target (nconfig)
     which is something like menuconfig just a bit fancier. Added support
     for that. (Closes: #590446).
   * The generated image packages now suggest the corresponding manual
     packages, in addition to the doc packages. Made the doc and manual
     packages suggest each other.  (Closes: #593895).
   * Bug fix: #717807: "kernel-release contains -dirty although the tree is
     clean", thanks to Michal Hocko
   * Bug fix #570635: "-dbg packages should conflict each other", thanks to
     Sebastian Bremicker
   * Bug fix #572117: "please, add support for uboot images (uimage)",
     thanks to Hector Oron
   * Bug fix #590446: "support ncurses kernel config target", thanks to
     Christoph Anton Mitterer
   * Bug fix #593895: "generated linux-image-* packages should also suggest
     the respective linux-manual-* packages", thanks to Christoph Anton
   * Bug fix #721482: "Can&#39;t build image: changelog says 3.11.0-rc7+,", thanks
     to Linus Lüssing
 7c4663d14590e832e53d61635f0f6e099a81b998 1393 kernel-package_13.004.dsc
 9cbd46480c509786b127ee33a0abb25ca0b639d3 313352 kernel-package_13.004.tar.xz
 8d3ee0b190bf7a10a0bf7c6303e6e9621bd3c3fc 377752 kernel-package_13.004_all.deb
 86883885771217df7955e60683c8c68462c1f8cf1fd3fc3f7ba04540e5f2f886 1393 kernel-package_13.004.dsc
 17c6a4c926f93f1a029d4510cc9aaf7aea645f9de1c594f5f674d2035c32d5d7 313352 kernel-package_13.004.tar.xz
 959a387f1f2b979d9fc4b035cc26a3b6c4116606656a090d0264da49557fc08f 377752 kernel-package_13.004_all.deb
 ff92b8d85dc74465b81227aedf2636cc 377752 kernel optional kernel-package_13.004_all.deb
 d26118f4b7d4066aa1b2b6b976cd7bb9 1393 kernel optional kernel-package_13.004.dsc
 bd1ba04347d957db5fbb6d69e63f9831 313352 kernel optional kernel-package_13.004.tar.xz

Version: GnuPG v1


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