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Accepted resolvconf 1.49 (source all)

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 22:30:30 +0200
Source: resolvconf
Binary: resolvconf
Architecture: source all
Version: 1.49
Distribution: experimental
Urgency: low
Maintainer: resolvconf maintainers <resolvconf-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Marco Nenciarini <mnencia@debian.org>
 resolvconf - name server information handler
Closes: 551999 563386 567059 591022 621503 623079
 resolvconf (1.49) experimental; urgency=low
   [ Thomas Hood ]
   * Standardly keep run-time data in /run instead of /lib/init/rw;
     migrate from /lib/init/rw to /run in the postinst. (Closes: #621503).
     Thanks to Roger Leigh for his help.
   * Create run-time data directories in the preinst instead of in the
     postinst. (Closes: #551999, #563386).  (Do this in /run if that is
     already already available, otherwise in /lib/init/rw, otherwise in
     /etc/resolvconf.)  Now when other packages call resolvconf before
     resolvconf's postinst runs, the data is not lost and no error
     message is printed.
   * If someone has run resolvconf while updates were disabled, update
     when updates are enabled.
   * Include the contents of the original resolv.conf file in the
     database until the first reboot after installation.  The old behavior
     was to omit these contents (unless link-tail-to-original was
     selected) with the result that information was missing from
     resolv.conf until ifdown-ifup cycles.  The new behavior is not
     correct either, but should have less unpleasant consequences than
     the old behavior.
   * Update the debconf template that discusses the problem just described.
     Whereas before it was recommended that the administrator down and up
     network interfaces, it is now recommended that the administrator
     reboot the system.
   * Add da.po. (Closes: #623079)  Thanks to Joe Dalton.
   * Run debconf-updatepo.
   * Add Depends on initscripts >= 2.88dsf-13.3 which enables /run
     in its postinst, ensuring that /run is available to our postinst.
   * Activate the "resolvconf-event" trigger in postinst and in postrm
     in order to trigger other packages to take notice of resolvconf
     being installed (configured) or removed.  When resolvconf is installed
     other packages possessing name server information should register it
     with resolvconf. (Closes: #567059)
   * Remove /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/resolvconf which is obsolete;
     remove it on purge and declare a Breaks: old versions of dhcp3-client
     which used it. (Closes: #591022).
   * Use dh_installifupdown to install ifupdown hook scripts and,
     consequently, Build-Depend on newer debhelper.
   * Update debian/compat to 8.
   * Bump Standards-Version to
   * Tidy up all maintainer scripts.
   [ Marco Nenciarini ]
   * debian/control: updated Thomas Hood's email address.
 923f254e62b20a2ce7bc8665cd165818c3f49ecf 1070 resolvconf_1.49.dsc
 78d859379bc0ba324c2a756c2afe6a52fc72c109 84286 resolvconf_1.49.tar.gz
 d8774bb3fcaf84643942bae706ea18d892a751fe 55438 resolvconf_1.49_all.deb
 925e75191f894c181c4e71423df2d6408f2a83aab005d69101eff8bc86f22342 1070 resolvconf_1.49.dsc
 534ccc7bdb946a247de7b489b9f82bb76a6b8c6c73ca8a8fba2c7a2b4e2f46aa 84286 resolvconf_1.49.tar.gz
 960d8ed5b7183dd3d092a29a5139801f13e1156b5a141020564bcb0fe32198f9 55438 resolvconf_1.49_all.deb
 3f57099f34503c857d8c3758e1c68eb8 1070 net optional resolvconf_1.49.dsc
 0423c198d37c7a6140d562d332fa059f 84286 net optional resolvconf_1.49.tar.gz
 a847d64340c55d8be4386e46738025ad 55438 net optional resolvconf_1.49_all.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


  to main/r/resolvconf/resolvconf_1.49.dsc
  to main/r/resolvconf/resolvconf_1.49.tar.gz
  to main/r/resolvconf/resolvconf_1.49_all.deb

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