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Accepted debian-edu-config 1.432 (source all)

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 22:48:19 +0100
Source: debian-edu-config
Binary: debian-edu-config
Architecture: source all
Version: 1.432
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian Edu Developers <debian-edu@lists.debian.org>
Changed-By: Holger Levsen <holger@debian.org>
 debian-edu-config - Configuration files for Skolelinux systems
 debian-edu-config (1.432) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
   * Adjust nbdquery, make sure to throw away error messages from lsof
     to avoid passing noise to nbdswap-cleanup.
   * Correct URL used in chguserpw.desktop, to use https://www/lwat
     instead of https://tjener/, to make sure the Icewease SSL overrides
     take effect when visiting the password change page.
   * Add ltsp test checking the Debian Edu profile setting in
     /opt/ltsp/arch/etc/debian-edu/config, to detect problem discovered
     by Ole-Anders Andreassen.
   * Adjust ltsp-make-client used to improve LTSP based diskless
     - Correct typo, copy the cert_override.txt file without --parent.
     - Report content of host resolv.conf when DNS lookup fail, to make
       it easier to debug.
     - Send messages to stdout instead of stderr, to avoid reordering
       of messages because of independend buffering of stdout and
     - Bind-mount the APT cache earlier, to make sure it is used for
       all package installations.
     - Add more status reporting to make it easier to figure out when
       the script fail, if it fails.
     - Move diskless workstation specific init.d scripts to
       /usr/share/debian-edu-config/ and symlink them in place to make
       sure the files belong to a package and can be bugfixed using the
       normal upgrade mechanism.
     - Avoid boot warning when booting non-laptop diskless workstations
       by only making /var/lib/acpi-support writable if it exist.
     - Do not install libpam-mount and smbfs, until someone can explain
       why they are needed on the default diskless workstations setup.
       They are missing on the DVD and give different diskless
       workstation environment when installing from DVD and netinst Cd.
     - Insert new init.d scripts after enabling and disabling init.d
       scripts, to make sure update-rc.d reorder the boot sequence
       based on dependencies.  This solve slow boot and USB mount
       issues on diskless workstations.
     - Disable the xdebian-edu-firstboot init.d script, it is not
       needed on LTSP clients.
     - Drop rule to disable now removed init.d script boot_xconf.
   * Add resolvconf update script to copy the current /etc/resolv.conf
     to the LTSP chroots when it changes, to make sure apt and other
     tools work in the chroots.
   * Update Nagios configuration:
     - Add check for swap usage, report warning when less than 10% is
       free, and critical when less tha 5% is free.
     - Change process count warning and criticial limits from 250/400
       to 500/1000, as a thin client server easily will reach the 250
       process limit.
     - Change check for DNS to look up the DNS server address instead
       of www.skolelinux.org, to make sure the check work also without
       Internet access.
   * Remove now-obsolete configuration and setup for usbmount.  We use
     dbus and hal for this these days.
   * Fix minor typo in snakeoil-on-ice.
   [ Oded Naveh ]
   * Modified snakeoil-on-ice to allow update of an existing override
     file by testing the content of the file not only its existence.
 f61273572c19be4af9d6ab131848328c4e9bc441 1326 debian-edu-config_1.432.dsc
 4fbd537962070a4ba01df2117f5b2a66e8be2fc6 298868 debian-edu-config_1.432.tar.gz
 a4cb217bf1aabd8e75f4c561a586e13bead958fc 270794 debian-edu-config_1.432_all.deb
 4dbe1bd0b6ded88818637c58a3cd3674fa11e325c899f76b97235b7f9ee32ea8 1326 debian-edu-config_1.432.dsc
 d7e688b21e62a052feac295f1f8e5632304e309657308ae701442aec91e02340 298868 debian-edu-config_1.432.tar.gz
 9f48145e8f35fe4ccf056f79228e80af8844dc6aefb76812eda0579a5e94820c 270794 debian-edu-config_1.432_all.deb
 ad9e95c05d9a3213386db5f1222949cf 1326 misc extra debian-edu-config_1.432.dsc
 4e2ef14c7306df2c112cdf4558823566 298868 misc extra debian-edu-config_1.432.tar.gz
 1cabe116a227b402b0e0f3617ac024f7 270794 misc extra debian-edu-config_1.432_all.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


  to main/d/debian-edu-config/debian-edu-config_1.432.dsc
  to main/d/debian-edu-config/debian-edu-config_1.432.tar.gz
  to main/d/debian-edu-config/debian-edu-config_1.432_all.deb

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