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Accepted debian-edu-config 1.426 (source all)

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 09:52:26 +0200
Source: debian-edu-config
Binary: debian-edu-config
Architecture: source all
Version: 1.426
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian Edu Developers <debian-edu@lists.debian.org>
Changed-By: Vagrant Cascadian <vagrant@freegeek.org>
 debian-edu-config - Configuration files for Skolelinux systems
 debian-edu-config (1.426) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Oded Naveh ]
   * Removed settings in cf/cf.squid that are now Debian default in squid.conf.
     close #1353 (skolelinux).
   * Adjust testsuite/dnsd to powerdns responses, partial fix #1352 (skolelinux).
   * Install /etc/skel/.mozilla to create a default Iceweasel profile with the
     cert_override.txt in new home directories, see #1328 (skolelinux).
   * Install script to accept the snakeoil certificate on Iceweasel: #1328.
   * Rebirth of cf.iceweasel, invoke the script from cfengine: #1328.
   [ Vagrant Cascadian ]
   * debian/copyright: point to GPL-2 explicitly.
   [ Holger Levsen ]
   * Apply patch by John S. Skogtvedt which adds some more names to DNS:
     - ltspserver - was missing, but referred to in DHCP config
     - ltspserver00, printer00, static00 - template entries which have the
       nice effect that DNS lookup in lwat will work for these three names,
       which can be helpful if the user doesn't remember what to enter.
     - the range ltsp200-ltsp253, which is the DHCP range for unknown thin
       clients. Many users probably have less than 50 thin clients, for them
       this means that DNS will work for the thin clients and no extra work is
     - Reverse DNS entries for all of the above.
   * Thanks, John!
   [ Vagrant Cascadian ]
   * install education-thin-client in ltsp-build-client plugins rather than a
     list of other packages, as it depends on all needed packages.
   [ Oded Naveh ]
   * Removed profiles.ini, to be created by snakeoil-on-ice or cfengine.
   * Set web cache size to 80% of /var/spool/squid by cfengine-debian-edu.
   [ Vagrant Cascadian ]
   * default web pages:
     - add links for default content in English on some pages.
     - add note to translators to not translate the names of the languages in
       navigation links.
   * move files in /var/www to /etc/debian-edu/www, and adjust apache2
     configuration accordingly. reduces lintian errors, and is more FHS
   * update Standards-Version to 3.8.2, no changes needed.
   [ Jürgen Leibner ]
   * Added doc/examples/smb-roaming-profiles.conf as an example how to make
     samba working with 'roaming profiles' discussed at
     This example is according to the sugestions made for using roaming profiles
     You can read it at "http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/using_samba/ch04.html";
 cbe7f6124c1ffb4ac9e9355b820609f62722d73a 1334 debian-edu-config_1.426.dsc
 0aa7f09a6712433c20f72511385d955bbeb09429 260656 debian-edu-config_1.426.tar.gz
 fd8cda1cfcf041910a604ac0e8d5fcfc4aa9d3b4 228980 debian-edu-config_1.426_all.deb
 b063f96e8d6e526a3b9b892d9e32b37c2b624b9f5b74dfa24edf104ac34755dd 1334 debian-edu-config_1.426.dsc
 68c8f9bac11fb03cd8d346b489eadba29a0a45fba2a8df583f54acab951a96a1 260656 debian-edu-config_1.426.tar.gz
 19e81e07a95f965e4f09c0c133be53468446e3decfa7b6a4aa621ca233cff76d 228980 debian-edu-config_1.426_all.deb
 3ce60f3dd65fb0445390844d5a23cc17 1334 misc extra debian-edu-config_1.426.dsc
 5b06599718845c14df1b844694f60df0 260656 misc extra debian-edu-config_1.426.tar.gz
 4325a5240a958466e6a9334c76336304 228980 misc extra debian-edu-config_1.426_all.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/d/debian-edu-config/debian-edu-config_1.426.dsc
  to pool/main/d/debian-edu-config/debian-edu-config_1.426.tar.gz
  to pool/main/d/debian-edu-config/debian-edu-config_1.426_all.deb

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