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Accepted vdr 1.6.0-2 (source all i386)

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Format: 1.8
Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 22:03:28 +0200
Source: vdr
Binary: vdr vdr-dev vdr-dbg vdr-plugin-sky vdr-plugin-examples vdr-plugin-pictures
Architecture: source all i386
Version: 1.6.0-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian VDR Team <pkg-vdr-dvb-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt@debian.org>
 vdr        - Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards
 vdr-dbg    - Debuggable version of the VDR Video Disk Recorder
 vdr-dev    - Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards
 vdr-plugin-examples - Plugins for vdr to show some possible features
 vdr-plugin-pictures - Plugin for vdr providing a very basic picture viewer
 vdr-plugin-sky - Plugin for using a Sky Digibox with vdr
Closes: 352442 426921 467512 475710 477062 482132
 vdr (1.6.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Tobias Grimm ]
   * Removed makedev dependency (not needed anymore since 1.4.7-2)
     (closes: #477062)
   * Added dependency to at (required by shutdown scripts)
   * Modified 81_Make_config.dpatch to set the default CXXFLAGS and CFLAGS
     required for building VDR and VDR plugins. This was necessary, because newer
     versions of dpkg-buildpackage export CXXFLAGS. Because the upstream's
     Makefile of VDR and VDR plugins usually define the compiler arguments
     as "CXXFLAGS ?=...", these settings are ignored when an environment variable
     CXXFLAGS exists. On non-i386 builds this causes a FTBFS for all plugins,
     because of the missing -fPIC. Plugins, that require special compiler
     arguments, should from now on pass CXXFLAGS as an argument to the make call
     in debian/rules. (closes: #475710)
   * Made Make.config handle DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt, so all plugins including
     Make.config in their Makefile will inherently support noopt as well
     (see also Debian Policy section 10.1)
   * Added caching to plugin-loader.sh to speed up the initial startup of vdr
     (Patch provided by Michael Burian <michael.burian@sbg.at>)
   * Added 17_vdr-maintenance-1.6.0-1.dpatch
   * Updated opt-20_liemikuutio.dpatch
   * Updated opt-48-x_pin.dpatch
   * Upgraded opt-37-x_menuorg.dpatch to version 0.4.2
   * Upgraded opt-50_graphtft-0.1.dpatch to current version 0.1.7~alpha of the
     GraphTFT plugin (taken from the Zulu Extensions Patch 56) and renamed it
     to opt-50_graphtft.dpatch (deleted old opt-50_graphtft.dpatch)
   * Applied a lot of spelling fixes (Thanks to Michael Nork!)
   * Modified opt-49-x_pvrinput.dpatch: Added CA-Id's 0xA1 and 0xA2, required by
     pvrusb2 as suggested by Christian Jarczyk
   * Using txt2man for manpages that used docbook before
   * Upgraded opt-21_liemikuutio.dpatch to version 1.21
   * Updated opt-48_pin.dpatch
   * Upgraded extensions patch to version 61
   * Upgraded opt-39_noepg.dpatch to the patch taken from the vdr-noepgmenu
     plugin 0.0.6.beta3
   * Added opt-52_hard_link_cutter.dpatch
   [ Thomas Günther ]
   * Upgraded make-special-vdr.sh to version 0.9
   * Upgraded opt-41-x_timer-info.dpatch to version 0.5
   * Improved caching in plugin-loader.sh
   [ Thomas Schmidt ]
   * Added Galician debconf translation (gl.po) from Jacobo Tarrio
     (closes: #482132)
 vdr (1.6.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
   [ Tobias Grimm]
   * New upstream release (closes: #467512)
   * Updated 03_cmdsubmenu.dpatch
   * Updated 09_sort_options.dpatch
   * Upgraded opt-20_liemikuutio.dpatch to version 1.19
   * Updated opt-31-x_reelchannelscan
   * Updated opt-37-x_menuorg.dpatch
   * Updated opt-38_disableDoubleEpgEntrys.dpatch, to avoid sprintf buffer
   * Updated opt-41-x_timer-info.dpatch
   * Updated opt-43-x_recordshowfree.dpatch
   * Updated opt-47_sourcecaps
   * Updated opt-48-x_pin.dpatch
   * Applied modification from Michaël Nival to opt-45_yaepg.dpatch that fixes a
     small bug
   * Removed opt-36_CutterQueue.dpatch
   * Removed opt-36_CutterQueue-AutoDelete.dpatch
   * Removed opt-46_dmh-dvd-archive.dpatch
   * Removed opt-46_dvdarchive.dpatch
   * Removed opt-46-x_dmh-dvd-archive-debian.dpatch
   * Removed opt-49_sharelnb.dpatch
   * Adapted 15_dvbplayer.dpatch
   * Added 01_pic2mpg-debian.dpatch
   * Added 99_ncursesw-include.dpatch
   * Added opt-49-x_pvrinput.dpatch
   * Added opt_40-iptv.dpatch
   * Added latest version of pin patch opt-48_pin-0.1.7.dpatch
   * Added installation of the pictures plug-in
   * Line-wrapped dependencies in debian/control
   * COMPAT=5, debhelper (>= 5)
   * Made debianize-vdrplugin create cdbs based plugin packages
   * Using empty directory /usr/lib/vdr/plugins again and adding lintian
     override for "package-contains-empty-directory" warning - VDR
     requires the plugin directory!
   * Added short description to the NAME section of the manpages to fix the
     Lintian manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry warning
   * Removed upgrade code for VDR 1.2.6 from postinst
   * Added some lines of documentation to README.Debian, explaining that
     plug-ins manually copied to /usr/lib/vdr/plugins will only be loaded
     when PLUGIN_CHECK_PATCHLEVEL=no (closes: #426921)
   * Added manpages for vdr-dbg, debugvdr, vdrleaktest, vdrdbg-buildpackage
     and pic2mpg
   * Added support for VDR_CHARSET_OVERRIDE=<CHARSET> in /etc/default/vdr
   * Made vdrleaktest and debugvdr explicitly using bash, because
     commands-loader.sh and plugin-loader.sh contain bashisms
   * Instead of setting VFAT=1 at compile time, introduced a new
     configuration option in /etc/default/vdr (using VDR's
     --vfat option), so that the VFAT support can be disabled
   [ Thomas Günther ]
   * Adapted 04_newplugin.dpatch
   * Adapted 10_dd-record-option.dpatch
   * Adapted opt-24_jumpplay.dpatch
   * Adapted opt-28_audioindexer.dpatch
   * Updated opt-39_noepg.dpatch
   * Updated opt-44_rotor.dpatch
   * Adapted opt-45_yaepg.dpatch
   * Adapted opt-50_graphtft.dpatch
   * Adapted opt-50_graphtft-0.1.dpatch
   * Adapted opt-51_cuttime.dpatch
   * Removed 02_Makefile-CFGDIR.dpatch
   * Removed 17_epg-conv-iso6937.dpatch
   * Removed opt-27-x_subtitles-ttxtsubs-volumebar-fix.dpatch (now
     integrated in opt-27_subtitles-ttxtsubs.dpatch)
   * Removed opt-40_wareagle-icons.dpatch
   * Added opt-29_syncearly.dpatch and opt-29_syncearly-audioindexer.dpatch
   * Added opt-48_pin-submenu.dpatch
   * Added opt-50_graphtft-0.1.dpatch
   * Replaced opt-27_subtitles-ttxtsubs.dpatch with opt-27_ttxtsubs.dpatch -
     subtitles support now integrated in upstream (closes: #352442)
   * Added gettext to Build-Depends
   * Added libfreetype6-dev and libfontconfig-dev to Build-Depends
   * Replaced libncurses5-dev with libncursesw5-dev in Build-Depends
   * Added ttf-bitstream-vera | ttf-freefont to vdr Recommends
   * Added URL for developer version to debian/watch
   * Upgraded make-special-vdr.sh to version 0.7
   [ Thomas Schmidt ]
   * Added vdr-dbg-package + scripts vdrleaktest, debugvdr and
     vdrdbg-buildpackage from Tobias repository
   * Updated debian/copyright
   * Changed config-loader.sh to get default $LANG from /etc/environment
   * Updated years in debian/copyright
 72ed929e2d7b88a3e0e9b923f7836b1124b7ef9d 1392 vdr_1.6.0-2.dsc
 950697d9d4176b90adb4443a054325b5d6868e62 132802 vdr_1.6.0-2.diff.gz
 f724cdc92f5fd6a434f3214877d101315a6aa833 296008 vdr-dev_1.6.0-2_all.deb
 ad69d7e6e0667b3635cf0466589460b73aa1c82f 837120 vdr_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 5782c3dcf9597fdef744f8dab28377f2c66168c1 1225162 vdr-dbg_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 cc142233c23fa383f98e2a13ab1078d7f3144a41 31660 vdr-plugin-sky_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 2f5247e0fd1acb8a39fda1c67c658cd048d26582 35780 vdr-plugin-examples_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 9b700a3c3cc0f73b08ea787a706cb436f0ab6798 39272 vdr-plugin-pictures_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 655d6626ec89d3b86b781cf42dd25fe5a236405ea8171fb2923daf5e018a7b27 1392 vdr_1.6.0-2.dsc
 08479e6034b6d88c0affdc586c34d17fb0186800b637c2d180606b372ec7da20 132802 vdr_1.6.0-2.diff.gz
 33864607cac46ca313573db9af2e7d416748823917526ab85c6c102bf7b0b6e2 296008 vdr-dev_1.6.0-2_all.deb
 86edf9def6c830b9b963f1f8e47ba1be940b10188015e74cdecb432eb70efa14 837120 vdr_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 e0cedb29626c98101863062ffe84120731f88e0f19fcb26db637f40e246d74a0 1225162 vdr-dbg_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 7d82200a1ca1f185f570087d8b7d749c1c819cc66ba113aac12232a0fee533a8 31660 vdr-plugin-sky_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 651ac9e78226886e333db118a42e0a24d19972224a8d2dfb00b87b034479a34a 35780 vdr-plugin-examples_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 1c827afc3bd65f21664caf6bf0c579850c8c4ff79984deaee805172de1b7660a 39272 vdr-plugin-pictures_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 5b7c87fce24749bbc62548acd1f8f606 1392 misc extra vdr_1.6.0-2.dsc
 5685ec5fef87e14fa086238057fbcf42 132802 misc extra vdr_1.6.0-2.diff.gz
 9d571a4072b11aebc78768dcdf0f33b3 296008 misc extra vdr-dev_1.6.0-2_all.deb
 e9044483c731799a465dcde2385046b0 837120 misc extra vdr_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 a73d573f16978c35fe7e1c7000b8479c 1225162 misc extra vdr-dbg_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 98cb534f5beeda5a466fea9e2d85486b 31660 misc extra vdr-plugin-sky_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 f22f07f3b83670d6d0a4483f025bd45c 35780 misc extra vdr-plugin-examples_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
 24fca222f2efd1fb299a9322b6f11cb4 39272 misc extra vdr-plugin-pictures_1.6.0-2_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/v/vdr/vdr-dbg_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
  to pool/main/v/vdr/vdr-dev_1.6.0-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/v/vdr/vdr-plugin-examples_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
  to pool/main/v/vdr/vdr-plugin-pictures_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
  to pool/main/v/vdr/vdr-plugin-sky_1.6.0-2_i386.deb
  to pool/main/v/vdr/vdr_1.6.0-2.diff.gz
  to pool/main/v/vdr/vdr_1.6.0-2.dsc
  to pool/main/v/vdr/vdr_1.6.0-2_i386.deb

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