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Accepted cernlib 2006.dfsg-1 (source all i386)

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  6 Mar 2007 11:13:47 -0500
Source: cernlib
Binary: cernlib-core zftp libgrafx11-1 libkernlib1-dev cernlib libgraflib1-dev libgraflib1 libpacklib1 cernlib-extras kuipc libmathlib2 libkernlib1 libgrafx11-1-dev libpacklib1-dev cernlib-core-dev cernlib-base-dev cernlib-base kxterm pawserv libpacklib1-lesstif dzedit libmathlib2-dev libpacklib1-lesstif-dev
Architecture: source all i386
Version: 2006.dfsg-1
Distribution: experimental
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Kevin B. McCarty <kmccarty@debian.org>
Changed-By: Kevin B. McCarty <kmccarty@debian.org>
 cernlib    - almost complete set of Debian Cernlib packages
 cernlib-base - common files for Cernlib libraries and programs
 cernlib-base-dev - script to determine Cernlib library dependencies
 cernlib-core - Cernlib main libraries and programs
 cernlib-core-dev - Cernlib development headers, tools, and static libraries
 cernlib-extras - miscellaneous Cernlib programs unlikely to be used by many
 dzedit     - Cernlib's ZEBRA documentation editor
 kuipc      - Cernlib's Kit for a User Interface Package (KUIP) compiler
 kxterm     - Cernlib's KUIP terminal emulator
 libgraflib1 - Cernlib graphical library
 libgraflib1-dev - Cernlib graphical library (development files)
 libgrafx11-1 - Cernlib library interface to X11 and PostScript
 libgrafx11-1-dev - Cernlib library interface to X11 and PostScript (development)
 libkernlib1 - core Cernlib library of basic functions
 libkernlib1-dev - core Cernlib library of basic functions (development files)
 libmathlib2 - core Cernlib mathematical library
 libmathlib2-dev - core Cernlib mathematical library (development files)
 libpacklib1 - core Cernlib library
 libpacklib1-dev - core Cernlib library (development files)
 libpacklib1-lesstif - Cernlib graphical user interface library
 libpacklib1-lesstif-dev - Cernlib graphical user interface library (development files)
 pawserv    - Cernlib's distributed PAW and file transfer servers
 zftp       - Cernlib's file transfer program
Closes: 409621
 cernlib (2006.dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
     - Upstream has this time produced a single monolithic tarball.
       . debian/cernlib-debian.mk: Fix get-orig-source target accordingly.
       . debian/README.source, debian/copyright.in: Update.
     - Upstream now ships a bootstrap method of building nypatchy.  At
       some point (not just yet) we will build a package from this, so
       incorporate p5boot and patchy modules in the source package.
     - Upstream now ships a man page for the cernlib script.  We continue
       using a custom version of the script, but may as well ship their
       man page at least in the source package.
     - debian/debhelper/lib*.install: s/2005/2006/ for lib filenames
     - Patch 113: Upstream fixed ipdef.F; delete this patch.
     - Patch 115: Upstream fixed rsrtnt64.F in a more elegant way, so this
                  patch is now much simpler; merely ensure that weird jump
                  assignments are avoided on ia64/g77 as well as with gfortran.
     - Patch 202: Resync.
     - Patch 304: Merge in upstream's changes to Imake.cf, linux.cf,
     - Patch 314: Upstream fixed kmfile.c; delete this patch.
     - Patch 315: Upstream fixed c327m.F, c342m.F, log.c, tcpaw.c, systems.c,
                  ksys.h, and added MacOSX.tmpl.  Merge in upstream's versions
                  of MacOSX.cf, MacOSX.rules.
     - Patch 318: Upstream fixed tcpaw.c; resync iconwidget.c.
     - Patch 321: Upstream fixed wpsipg.F, cfstft.F, v107z0.inc, iucomh.F,
                  getarg.F, ublow.F, ubunch.F, rndm.F, fzdaeof.inc, q_and.inc,
                  q_andor.inc, q_jbit.inc, q_jbyt.inc, q_jbytet.inc,
                  q_jbytor.inc, q_mbytet.inc, q_mbytor.inc, q_or.inc,
                  q_sbit.inc, q_sbit0.inc, q_sbit1.inc, q_sbyt.inc,
                  q_shift.inc, q_shiftl.inc, q_shiftr.inc, q_xor.inc.
                  Upstream did *not* see a need to change klnx.h; hence remove
                  our patch for that file.  Remove patch to linux.cf which
                  is now incorporated in patch 304.
   * Patch 803: Add "-u" to the invocation of "cernlib" used to create kxterm,
     and revert CernlibFortranProgramTarget to CernlibCcProgramTarget,
     ensuring that the kxterm binary is not linked against extraneous libs.
   * debian/control.d/*, debian/debhelper/cernlib-base*: Split out a new
     cernlib-base-dev package that contains the "cernlib" library dependency
     script and Autoconf and Imake macros.  People not using the CERN
     libraries for development need none of these.  Adjust control information
     accordingly so that only devel packages pull in cernlib-base-dev.
     Also install remove-deadpool and gmake scripts into /usr/share/cernlib
     so that other Cernlib source packages don't need to carry around their
     own copies (risking divergence).  Add $(datadir)/cernlib to $PATH
     in debian/add-ons/cernlib.mk so these scripts will be found automatically.
   * debian/add-ons/vim/*, debian/debhelper/cernlib-base.install,
     debian/control.d/cernlib-base.control: Add Vim macros for syntax
     highlighting of KUIPC Command Definition Files (CDFs) and KUIP/PAW
     macro (.kumac) files.  Emacs macros will be accepted as well but I
     won't be the one to write them.
   * debian/add-ons/bin/cernlib.in: Add output of -lXbae -lXm -lXaw for
     "cernlib -G Motif pawlib", preparing for plans to make libpawlib-lesstif.so
     use external libXaw and libXbae.  [N.B. -lXm *must* come before -lXaw.]
   * debian/control.d/cernlib{-core-dev,}.control: Remove explicit
     dependencies of cernlib metapackage upon geant321-data, libgeant321-*
     as the geant321 package pulls them in automatically.
   * debian/control.d/pawserv.control: Use ${misc:Depends} instead of
     explicit debconf dependency.
   * debian/control.d/libpacklib1-lesstif.control: Recommend kxterm.
   * debian/add-ons/Makefile: Add missing target dependency
     "cernlib-setup-local: cernlib-scripts"; prevents a failure in running
     "debian/rules binary-indep".
   * debian/rules: Remove stray reference to libpawlib2-lesstif package,
     no longer in this source package.  Use -s instead of -a for debhelper
     flags in binary-arch.
   * debian/add-ons/bin/install-cernlib-dirs.sh: Use 2006 for $CERN_LEVEL
     instead of 2005.  Also generate symlinks /cern/2006deb/src/include and
     /cern/2006deb/src/config.  Add a --year flag to permit uninstallation
     (or installation) of a Cernlib directory skeleton with a different year.
     Add symlinks from /usr/lib to GEANT and Monte Carlo data files
     xsneut95.dat, cojets.dat, eurodec.dat, isajet.dat.
   * debian/cernlib-debian.mk:
     - Set $(TEXMFVAR) to $(CURDIR)/.texmf-var as requested by the Debian
       LaTeX maintainers.  Take care of creating and removing this directory
       in the appropriate targets.  Cernlib modules (mclibs) that use LaTeX
       to build documents will now behave correctly when built using this
       version of the cernlib-base package.
     - No longer fiddle with separate directories for control file fragments
       on different arches; this is no longer needed as we now use -s instead
       of -a flags for debhelper in binary-arch.
     - As a result, we should no longer need to fiddle with debian/control at
       build time.  Instead, check that an autogenerated debian/control.new is
       the same as the existing debian/control; if not, error out of the build.
   * debian/changelog: Since the changelog is getting quite large, move
     entries older than a year or so into debian/changelog.Debian.old.
     Install this only into the cernlib-base binary package.
   * Remove empty directory debian/patches/optional from source package.
   * Debconf translation: gl.po, thanks to Jacobo Tarrio <jtarrio@debian.org>.
     (closes: #409621)
 695e799238a58235dddc2eeed52d792d 1112 science optional cernlib_2006.dfsg-1.dsc
 757f06f37b9a1150cb918d6bc58fd775 6152921 science optional cernlib_2006.dfsg.orig.tar.gz
 51777e0bb52e104e3053615686f5a9be 164071 science optional cernlib_2006.dfsg-1.diff.gz
 7e526a1a0937d50274e2d4825c946113 72798 devel optional cernlib-base-dev_2006.dfsg-1_all.deb
 6da273f5eddf5788359c74c4585f96aa 56408 devel optional cernlib-base_2006.dfsg-1_all.deb
 9526cc46647ead196f984bcbc9f70939 1030 devel optional cernlib-core-dev_2006.dfsg-1_all.deb
 52d6dfa956e145d521cdd6df2aa8d1ee 1030 science optional cernlib-core_2006.dfsg-1_all.deb
 3218a0d2f465927d16569ebb2ef288d3 1052 science extra cernlib-extras_2006.dfsg-1_all.deb
 9e3dff2c179ff8cdf70ff1220483f15b 954 science optional cernlib_2006.dfsg-1_all.deb
 144ec41788203a5920f2ba7af16662b9 50740 devel optional dzedit_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 5a41c70b48a4d2a709ef8dae1414676c 51600 devel optional kuipc_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 308eb10be89acf224c88a7fd7581391b 56734 science optional kxterm_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 81c9588d1a93b0d42baae3cf7801c236 463558 libdevel optional libgraflib1-dev_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 219de386a461d883360bc7e029ed1a29 308786 libs optional libgraflib1_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 61215231f8e7d1a57560fe1517075798 665836 libdevel optional libgrafx11-1-dev_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 3d408d3b6b533c57351778ef9290798d 429596 libs optional libgrafx11-1_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 58d5f825b1db66b2695e4a53df7f2dbb 347462 libdevel optional libkernlib1-dev_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 49bb3919d5afdb33d752616e398e3a00 237846 libs optional libkernlib1_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 9ef5b7a7c434d06d5437a848c83d537f 960470 libdevel optional libmathlib2-dev_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 b3593e49c33e1a93b5ea67012fcf43a9 695134 libs optional libmathlib2_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 ad766984fb68552fe1c77cc2f21f5137 2846714 libdevel optional libpacklib1-dev_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 37753bef78c44dd2f6eae2717a8700fe 168810 libdevel optional libpacklib1-lesstif-dev_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 e8482a81bef43f329e946f64805bea26 139452 libs optional libpacklib1-lesstif_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 86bc6d12a44fa35a6c7c13ff5ba5ed20 1709576 libs optional libpacklib1_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 06262ba2550eefc2c1773e83c184e848 54858 net extra pawserv_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
 5cf37d866f94a44b10c45cc7f459ec9a 43704 net extra zftp_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/c/cernlib/cernlib-base-dev_2006.dfsg-1_all.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/cernlib-base_2006.dfsg-1_all.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/cernlib-core-dev_2006.dfsg-1_all.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/cernlib-core_2006.dfsg-1_all.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/cernlib-extras_2006.dfsg-1_all.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/cernlib_2006.dfsg-1.diff.gz
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/cernlib_2006.dfsg-1.dsc
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/cernlib_2006.dfsg-1_all.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/cernlib_2006.dfsg.orig.tar.gz
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/dzedit_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/kuipc_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/kxterm_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/libgraflib1-dev_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/libgraflib1_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/libgrafx11-1-dev_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/libgrafx11-1_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/libkernlib1-dev_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/libkernlib1_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/libmathlib2-dev_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/libmathlib2_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/libpacklib1-dev_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/libpacklib1-lesstif-dev_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/libpacklib1-lesstif_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/libpacklib1_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/pawserv_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/c/cernlib/zftp_2006.dfsg-1_i386.deb

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