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Accepted pgi (i386 source)

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Format: 1.7
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 13:30:52 -0500
Source: pgi
Binary: pgi
Architecture: source i386
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Progeny Debian Packaging Team <debian-packages@progeny.com>
Changed-By: Branden Robinson <branden@progeny.com>
 pgi        - Progeny graphical installer creation system
Closes: 143300 143888 145213
 pgi ( unstable; urgency=low
   * Thanks to Jimmy Kaplowitz and Chris Tillman for PowerPC feedback.
   * Makefile:
     - Install stuff from all architecture-specific subdirs of stage1 in
       no matter what arch the pgi package is being built on. (branden)
     - Ship new files examples/configlets/sources.list.dist and
       stage1/crunchline. (branden)
   * busybox.h:
     - Do not ship busybox fbset in the live filesystem.  We need the real
       thing. (branden)
     - Move the following busybox commands from "common" to "initrd only":
       chroot, sleep, tee (branden)
     - Stop using the busybox versions of the following commands on the live
       filesystem: basename, clear, date, dirname, dmesg, echo, expr, find,
       fsck.minix, getopt, hostid, hostname, id, logger, logname, md5sum,
       mkfs.minix, mkswap, more, printf, pwd, renice, reset, test, true/false,
       tty, whoami, uname, xargs, yes.  We have all of these on the live
       filesystem via system Essential packages (except for reset, which is
       just an alias for tset anyway). (branden)
   * debian/control:
     - Add a dependency on fbset, since its tools are now in
       stage1/internal.files.list. (branden)
     - Add an Uploaders: field and put myself in it. (branden)
     - Add a dependency on nano. (branden)
   * doc/{guide,usermanual}.xml:
     - Document new "nodhcp", "livefs", and "livefstype" installer options.
     - Undocument "nfslive" installer option. (branden)
     - Document existing "domain" installer option. (branden)
   * examples/configlets/S99unconfigured:
     - if debugging, tar up the stage 2 files before removing them, but *do*
       remove them (branden)
   * examples/configlets/do-apt-cdrom:
     - Set the cursor as needed to GDK.WATCH and GDK.LEFT_PTR.  Restore the X
       cursor when exiting. (branden)
     - Add a dialog at startup that explains what is about to be done, and
       which gives the user the opportunity to skip CD-ROM probing. (branden)
     - Make the various dialog boxes explain a little more to the user.
     - Wrapped all of the apt-cdrom calling code in an if; check to make sure
       aptconf isn't available before bothering with it. (jlicquia)
   * examples/configlets/sources.list.dist:
     - New file; references archive.progeny.com. (branden)
   * images/{i386,ia64}/Makefile:
     - Fix bashism. (branden) (thanks, Timshel Knoll) (Closes: #145213)
   * images/{i386/syslinux.cfg,ia64/elilo.conf,powerpc/yaboot.conf}:
     - add "rw" argument to kernel parameters, as it seems that some people
       have kernels that mount the root filesystem read-only (branden)
   * images/i386/syslinux.screen03.txt.in:
     - Document new "nodhcp" installer option. (branden)
     - Document existing "domain" installer option. (branden)
   * images/i386/syslinux.screen0{4,5}.txt.in:
     - Document "livefs" and "livefstype" options, and undocument "nfslive"
       option. (branden)
   * images/powerpc/Makefile:
     - Change bad reference to "vmlinuz" to "vmlinux". (branden)
     - Correct a reference to the boot.msg file. (branden)
     - Re-enable Rock Ridge extensions on generated ISOs. (branden)
   * pgi-build:
     - recognize long form of -M | --misctmpdir option (branden)
     - if building an ISO with packages, and the build mirror directory does
       not exist, error out (branden)
   * python/pgi/base.py:
     - Replace old code with straight copy of sources.list.dist from
       $LIVE/share/installer, if it exists, and $TARGET/etc/apt is a directory.
     - Log the mount commands we run when we run them. (branden)
     - Use tar cf | tar xf to copy the kernel, in hopes that it will be faster.
     - Chroot into the target and run "depmod -a" right after copying the
       kernel files.  This is, of course, to shut up mindless noise from the
       modutils. (branden)
     - Removed _run_command() function, and changed existing reference to
       pgi.common.run_command(). (branden)
     - Permit a callback function to be (optionally) passed into the mount()
       and install_kernel() functions. (branden)
     - Convert os.system() calls to pgi.common.run_command(). (branden)
     - Properly check the exit status of debootstrap now that run_command()'s
       return value semantics have changed. (branden)
     - Document that unmount() is currently unused. (branden)
     - Add a little more logging to mount(). (branden)
   * python/pgi/bootloader-{i386,ia64,powerpc}.py:
     - Convert from os.system and crazy tee usage to pgi.common.run_command().
   * python/pgi/common.py:
     - Change implementation of run_command() to create a Popen3 object and use
       select(); this enables us to keep distinct track of standard output and
       standard error from our command child process, for proper shunting to a
       callback or to a log file, as appropriate.  Set result's default value
       to None.  Only loop on command attempts as long as the result remains
       None.  Set result to os.WEXITSTATUS(commandpipe.wait()), not
       commandpipe.wait(), so we get the actual exit value.  Always log and
       return the exit status. (branden)
     - New function, lifted from installer-druid: crunchline(). (branden)
   * stage0/Makefile:
     - When checking for the -pic version of the C library, send errors to
       /dev/null so to as keep noise out of the build log.  It's highly
       unlikely that both libc6-pic and libc6.1-pic will both be installed on
       the same system. (branden)
     - When building the system initrd, put the "discover_classes" variable
       with a value of "scsi|usb" into mkinitrd's environment. (branden)
     - Write PGI configuration information into the /etc directory of the
       installer's initrd. (branden) (Closes: #143300)
     - Remove extraneous line-continuation noted by Chris Tillman. (branden)
     - Rename busybox.initrd* to busybox.installer*. (branden)
   * stage0/mkinitrd:
     - Add "fb0" and "fb1" to list of devices to be created.  Lets the X
       server start on Macintoshes and probably in some other scenarios
       as well. (branden)
     - MAKEDEV doesn't know how to make "tty0", so stop trying to make it.
     - Put the live/ directory and the envsh program on the installer initrd
       only, not the system initrd as well. (branden)
     - Only create a /usr -> . symlink on the installer initrd temporarily,
       long enough for busybox's symlink process to work.  Do not ship a /usr
       symlink on the actual installer initrd. (branden)
   * stage0/stage0.sh:
     - Let users of experimental arches actually skip the immediate
       reboot, instead of just teasing them. (branden)
     - Slight sequence reordering when pivoting into target system:
       + Down the network interface before attempting to kill udhcpc.
       + Log processes still using initrd's filesystem *before* umounting
         /proc, not after. (duh)
     - Support "nodhcp" option, which prompts the user for manual network
       configuration data, and gives the user the opportunity to correct errrs
       (unlike the kernel's command line). (branden) (Closes: #143888)
     - Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH after mounting the live filesystem.
     - Look on the live filesystem for any /etc/* files, and if any exist,
       create a symlink from the initrd's /etc to these files.  Store this list
       of symlinks in $ETC_LINK_LIST for later use. (branden)
     - When unmounting the live filesystem, remove any /etc/* symlinks
       that may have been created, and remove the /bin/bash symlink as
       well. (branden)
     - We weren't restoring PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to their actual
       original values after unmounting the live filesystem; do so. (branden)
     - Unconditionally log $PATH, $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and a "fuser" report on
       $LIVE right before unmounting the live filesystem. (branden)
     - Use better method of logging fuser output. (branden)
     - Be way more anal-retentive with our handling of $PATH, $LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
       and the /usr symlink. (branden)
     - Reference chroot's absolute path when exec'ing after we pivot. (branden)
     - Support specification of arbitrary device node for live filesystem.
     - Support specification of filesystem type for live filesystem. (branden)
     - Send a lot of standard error output that was going to /dev/null to the
       logfile instead. (branden)
     - Export the domain variable so it can be seen by configure-network when
       not using DHCP. (branden)
     - Support new boot-time option, "kerneldebug":
       + if assigned a single digit value, use that; otherwise, set to
         4 if this option is specified
       + if "pgidebug" is specified:
         - set kerneldebug to 4 if not already set
         - if "pgidebug" is set to "noisy", set kerneldebug to 7 if
           not already set
       + set kerneldebug to 0 after option parsing done, if not
         already set
       + write value of kerneldebug to /proc/sys/kernel/printk
       + log value of kerneldebug
   * stage1/Makefile:
     - Ship new crunchline file on the live filesystem. (branden)
   * stage1/XF86Config.template:
     - Improved fbcon/fbdev support:
       + Add Modes section which will be populated with fbcon's running
         mode using fbset -x.
       + Change Monitor section to use the modes defined in the
         framebuffer modes section, if any.
       + Add a "Framebuffer" screen which does not define a default video
         mode or depth.
       + Add a "framebuffer" layout which uses the framebuffer screen.
   * stage1/blank.xpm:
     - create a blank (transparent) pixmap for use by the "Initializing System"
       screen. (branden)
   * stage1/crunchline:
     - New file; simple executable wrapper for pgi.common.crunchline().
   * stage1/installer-druid:
     - Change the setup_load_pixmap() function to take its arguments in the
       opposite order.  This way you can specify only the widget, and the
       pixmap object defaults to BLANK. (branden)
     - Change all existing invocations of setup_load_pixmap() to swap
       the arguments. (branden)
     - Minor wording change in the /boot/efi dialog. (branden)
     - Allow the user to cancel during the prepare_system screen.  This
       used to be impossible, but we've had better cancel-handling logic
       outside the druid for a while now. (branden)
     - Set the cursor to the left-pointing cursor when popping up the
       "debootstrap failed" dialog. (branden)
     - Restore the X cursor before quitting the druid. (branden)
     - Determine the state of do_bootloader before calculating the number of
       items in in "prepare system", and if we're not doing it, don't count it.
     - Reference the new blank pixmap and call it BLANK. (branden)
     - Before showing the druid, initialize the pixmaps on the "initializing
       system" screen.  They will use the default pixmap of BLANK. (branden)
     - When setting/changing filesystem types for a partition, set both the
       mountpoint entry and combo widget sensitivities. (branden)
     - Removed logic for condensing too-long status messages; this is now in
       pgi.common.crunchline(). (branden)
   * stage1/installer-text.sh:
     - New function, calc_textbox_size().  Size dialog textboxes intelligently
       based on the number of lines in the input file. (branden)
     - Convert existing --textbox invocations to use calc_textbox_size().
     - Fix typo in dialog noted by Chris Tillman. (branden)
     - Applied patch from Chris Tillman to let user select which partitions he
       wants to associate with mount points, as opposed to unconditionally
       cycling through all partitions not yet used for anything.  Useful for
       people with lots of partitions that Linux doesn't care anything about,
       like people with MacOS installations. (branden)
     - Fix bug in Chris Tillman's patch.  When handling supplementary mount
       points, remove the device node actually selected for mounting from the
       list of candidate mount points, not the root partition (which was
       already removed, and thus a no-op). (branden)
     - Only check for a formatted disk partition in the supplementary mount
       point code if the user selects an actual mount point (not "none" or
       "swap").  If it is an actual mount point, its unformatted condition is
       not a fatal error; just continue the loop so that the user can try
       again.  (branden)
     - Minor control structure change to the extra mount point assignment
       logic.  If no partitions are left to assign to anything, exit the loop.
     - Stop referring to GNU GRUB explicitly.  Just refer to "boot loader".
     - New method of handling output from underlying Python modules; run
       setup-base.text.py and (if needed) setup-bootloader-text.py by running
       them inside a backgrounded if statement which checks the command's exit
       status and writes it to a file (and also echoes a message reporting
       success or failure).  Standard output from this backgrounded if is
       redirected to a different file.  We then wait for this file to exist,
       and when it does, we view it with a tailbox.  If the user exits the
       tailbox preumaturely, a plain-text message makes them wait until the
       backgrounded process is done. (branden)
     - Fix bad line-wrap in stock congratulations message. (branden)
     - Clear the screen after the final dialog if we're not debugging.
   * stage1/installer-x.sh:
     - Improved fbcon/fbdev support:
       + If /proc/fb says something, write it to the logfile.
       + If fbcon is in use and the prompting mode is "more", ask the user
         if he/she wants to use the X server's fbdev interface.  (If the
         prompting mode is not "more", we assume they do.)
       + If we're using the fbdev interface:
         - Write the output of fbset -i to the logfile.
         - Write the running video mode definition to the XF86Config file.
         - Attempt to extract the horizontal sync and vertical refresh that the
           running mode uses, and set HORIZ_SYNC and VERT_REFRESH to that.
           (This will be overriden later if monitor autodetection works.)
       + Don't ask about monitor autodetection if we can't even attempt it
         due to the absence of the EDID tools.
       + Change layout logic somewhat:
         - Initially assume that the layout should be "framebuffer" if we're
           using fbdev, and "high" if we're not.
         - Decouple the asking of the layout question from whether we were have
           information about the monitor.  Ask the layout question if prompting
           is "more" and we're not using the vga driver.
         - If we're using fbdev, add "framebuffer" as an option in the layout
       + Set the monitor's sync ranges based on the layout only if there
         aren't already any values for them.
       + Move the forcing of the layout to low when the vga driver is used
         back to its more logical location.
     - If mdetect finds a mouse at /dev/input/mouse*, set the
       $MOUSE_PORT to "/dev/input/mice". (branden)
     - If X was set up successfully, but we're looping on the GUI installer
       itself, break out if the user selects textmode, not just "cancel".
     - Move the boot loader dialog screen to take place before debootstrap is
       run; this makes textmode more congruent with the GUI interface.
   * stage1/installer.glade.in:
     - Create 1-column hboxes to house the labels that get packed to the right
       of the pixmaps on the "Initializing System" screen, and give these
       hboxes fixed sizes.  Also set the the absolute height and width of each
       hbox that contains a pixmap and label hbox.  Finally, lock the
       placeholder pixmaps' sizes to 24x24 pixels.  This should keep the labels
       from shifting to the left when the pixmap is deleted at runtime.
   * stage1/internal.devices.list:
     - Add "fb0" and "fb1" to list of devices to be created. (branden)
   * stage1/internal.dirs.list:
     - Get rid of empty /etc/X11 directory on live filesystem. (branden)
   * stage1/internal.files.list:
     - Ship binaries and fb.modes from the "fbset" package. (branden)
     - Ship "nano" binary. (branden)
     - Ship most of the executables from most of Debian's Essential packages on
       the live filesystem.  The exceptions are documented in comments.
       This adds various binaries from:
     - Ship some more terminal info from ncurses-base. (branden)
     - Ship lynx's config file. (branden)
     - Ship /etc/{protocols,rpc,services} from netbase. (branden)
     - Ship Python's "select" dynamic module, used by pgi.common.run_command().
   * stage1/setup-base-text.py:
     - Write high-level progress messages to standard output. (branden)
     - Test the return value of each pgi.base function we call, and sys.exit()
       with a unique status for each one if it fails. (branden)
   * stage1/setup-bootloader-text.py:
     - Write high-level progress messages to standard output. (branden)
   * stage1/setup-finalize-text.py:
     - removed; this file is no longer used and no longer needed. (branden)
   * stage1/stage1.sh:
     - Stop setting PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in this script (stage0.sh will do
       it). (branden)
     - Unset PYTHONHOME in this script instead of in stage0.sh.  There's no
       reason for stage0.sh to care about it. (branden)
     - Have unmount_targets() function read /proc/mounts instead of /etc/mtab.
       Yea, verily, one day /etc/mtab will be dead. (branden)
     - Remove relic call to setup_finalize_text.py and replace it with a call
       to the already-written unmount_targets() function. (branden)
   * tools/detectmodules.sh:
     - Support an abitrary number of optional arguments beyond the first;
       these are the names of kernel modules to include.  Use of this features
       overrides the built-in "base_modules" variable. (branden)
     - Update usage message to reflect optional additional arguments. (branden)
     - Define a variable, $discover_classes, if it is not already
       defined in the environment. (branden)
     - Only set $base_modules if it hasn't already been set by the
       invoker. (branden)
     - Include modules corresponding to $discover_classes as opposed to
       a hard-coded list. (branden)
     - Suppress spurious error to logfile if no pcmcia-modules package
       for the kernel flavor is available; issue our own diagnostic
       instead. (branden)
     - Be consistent with diagnostics (in form, and by sending them to
       standard error). (branden)
     - Add usb-storage module to base module lists. (branden)
   * tools/pgi-calc-deps.py:
     - New regular expressions in check_conflicts for separating the package
       name, modifier, and version in a Conflicts or Depends entry. (jlicquia)
     - Epochs and field-value separators both involve colons, so a regexp to
       split field from value has to match against the first colon to preserve
       epoch info. (jlicquia)
 356945cc2fe8d85401858def704a9727 657 admin extra pgi_0.9.6.4.dsc
 ffa134ab7d9faf5d68cd63739575a1a5 491956 admin extra pgi_0.9.6.4.tar.gz
 ae5a3bead73c67d2139163ec783c67d2 474898 admin extra pgi_0.9.6.4_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/p/pgi/pgi_0.9.6.4.dsc
  to pool/main/p/pgi/pgi_0.9.6.4.tar.gz
  to pool/main/p/pgi/pgi_0.9.6.4_i386.deb

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