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Accepted pgi 0.9.6 (i386 source)

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Format: 1.7
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 14:29:50 -0500
Source: pgi
Binary: pgi
Architecture: source i386
Version: 0.9.6
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Progeny Debian Packaging Team <debian-packages@progeny.com>
Changed-By: Branden Robinson <branden@progeny.com>
 pgi        - Progeny graphical installer creation system
 pgi (0.9.6) unstable; urgency=low
   * Makefile:
     - Install do-apt-cdrom as part of the configlets config. (jlicquia)
     - Install our fvwm2rc. (epg)
     - Install the new package_list file as the /etc package_list, instead of
       debian-cd's base_woody file. (branden)
   * archive/Makefile:
     - Add "-L" option to mkisofs options so that leading dots in ISO filenames
       are respected, and thus ".disk" directories will be copied unmolested.
   * archive/debian-cd/Makefile:
     - Be sure to copy the .disk directory when producing CD image directories.
     - If DEBOOTSTRAP_INSTALL_DIR is defined, use the version of debootstrap in
       that directory (and set DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR in the environment) instead of
       the system version. (branden)
     - Update rawlist rule again; add comments and use local, forked version
       of debootstrap when necessary. (branden)
     - Explain what "TASK" (e.g., the $(ETC_DIR)/package_list) is good for in
       this file. (branden)
   * debian/conffiles:
     - Mark configlets example's do-apt-cdrom script as a conffile. (branden)
     - Mark configlets example's fvwm2rc as a conffile. (epg)
   * doc/usermanual.xml:
     - Add section about environment variables.  Move http_proxy to this
       section.  Add documentation of MIRROR and SUITE to this section.
   * examples/configlets/S99unconfigured:
     - Recover from possible first-stage problems by forcing a configure of all
       packages pending configuration. (branden)
     - Only remove the configlet stuff if /etc/configlets-debug does not exist.
     - Use the new do-apt-cdrom script. (jlicquia)
     - Start the X server on VT 7. (branden)
   * examples/configlets/do-apt-cdrom:
     - New script for adding CD entries to apt. (jlicquia)
   * examples/configlets/extra_packages:
     - Add gnome-tasksel to configlet's extra_packages, now that it is in
       Debian's unstable tree. (jlicquia)
     - Add xterm to the package list so that fvwm's "xterm" menu option
       actually does something. (branden)
   * examples/configlets/fvwm2rc:
     - Add fvwm2rc file for use by fvwm2 window manager in second stage. (epg)
     - Set ClickToFocus, so that focus following mouse is disabled, and new
       windows get focus automatically. (jdaily)
   * examples/configlets/live.files.list:
     - Install the new do-apt-cdrom script. (jlicquia)
     - Install our fvwm2rc. (epg)
   * examples/configlets/postinst.sh:
     - If PGIDEBUG is set, create /etc/configlets-debug in the target system.
     - Install the new do-apt-cdrom script. (jlicquia)
     - Install our fvwm2rc. (epg)
   * examples/configlets/xinitrc:
     - Use the new do-apt-cdrom script. (jlicquia)
     - Run fvwm2 with our fvwm2rc. (epg)
   * images/i386/syslinux.screen07.txt.in:
     - Add documentation of MIRROR and SUITE to the environment
       variables screen.
   * pgi-build:
     - Resync pgi-build's usage/help message with reality. (branden)
   * python/pgi/base.py:
     - (setup_cdroms): Make sure references to /target don't leak into the
       target system's /etc/fstab or /dev/cdrom* symlinks. (epg)
     - (install_packages): Only write the sources.list when mirror is not a
       file: URI. (epg)
   * stage1/{Makefile,internal.files.list}:
     - The gdk-imlib1 package no longer builds separate modules for supported
       image file formats.  So, trash the old-style copy logic from the
       Makefile, and put the main library object in internal.files.list for all
       architectures. (branden)
   * stage1/installer-druid:
     - (debootstrap_status,extra_status): When writing to status label above
       progress meter:
       + Put a floor on the percentage; don't let it get less than zero.
       + If we need to write more than 70 characters' worth of text, chop
         characters out of the middle until we're down to a reasonable amount.
     - (debootstrap_status): Strip off the leading "I: " from debootstrap's
       output lines before displaying them to progress_label. (branden)
     - (foldtext): Use popen2() instead of popen() to route around
       shell-quoting brain-damage. (branden)
     - (setup_redraw): Explicitly left-justify non-percentage messages,
       and center percentage messages. (branden)
     - (setup_prepare_system): If debootstrap commits suicide, pop up an
       informative dialog box telling the user what happened, where to look for
       more information, and letting them click OK before the installer exits
       with "USER_CANCEL" set. (branden)
     - Several changes to the GUI partitioner: (epg)
       + Fix Bugzilla#1091.  Now you can create logical partitions that
         fill all available free space.
       + Various improvements to internal interfaces and custom
         partitioning sub-system.
       + Minimize the extended partition after successful deletion of a
       + Fix validation where the user tries to create four primary
         partitions that would leave some unallocated space impossible to
         allocate due to a full primary partition table.
       + Various debugging enhancements, including more and clearer log
   * stage1/installer-x.sh:
     - pre-set the xserver-xfree86/config/device/use_fbdev template to "false"
   * stage1/installer.glade.in:
     - Left-justify prepare_label. (epg)
     - Turn off word-wrapping in the prepare_label widget. (branden)
   * stage1/internal.files.list:
     - Install popen2 module. (epg)
   * stage1/package_list:
     - new file; stop using debian-cd's base_woody file for this purpose
 8077e5dbc52904adcbb639fb672513c6 638 admin extra pgi_0.9.6.dsc
 863cca82ef7cfbb72a23b16d7714e517 456210 admin extra pgi_0.9.6.tar.gz
 0ae3cc680a2fb9dcccd4101b34be3b5c 435402 admin extra pgi_0.9.6_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


  to pool/main/p/pgi/pgi_0.9.6.dsc
  to pool/main/p/pgi/pgi_0.9.6.tar.gz
  to pool/main/p/pgi/pgi_0.9.6_i386.deb

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