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Installed vim 6.0.201-1 (i386 source)

Hash: RIPEMD160

Format: 1.7
Date: Thu,  7 Feb 2002 22:14:09 +0100
Source: vim
Binary: vim-python vim-gtk vim-ruby vim vim-tcl vim-perl
Architecture: source i386
Version: 6.0.201-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma@debian.org>
Changed-By: Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma@debian.org>
 vim        - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
 vim-gtk    - Vi IMproved - GTK version
 vim-perl   - Vi IMproved, with perl scripting support
 vim-python - Vi IMproved, with python scripting support
 vim-ruby   - Vi IMproved, with ruby scripting support
 vim-tcl    - Vi IMproved, with tcl scripting support
 vim (6.0.201-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * More upstream patches:
     + 6.0.157: When defining a user command with "-complete=dir" files will
       also be expanded. Also, "-complete=mapping" doesn't appear to work.
     + 6.0.158: When getting the warning for a file being changed outside of Vim
       and reloading the file, the 'readonly' option is reset, even when the
       permissions didn't change.
     + 6.0.159: Wildcard expansion for ":emenu" also shows separators.
     + 6.0.160: When compiling with GCC 3.0.2 and using the "-O2" argument, the
       optimizer causes a problem that makes Vim crash.
     + 6.0.161: Win32: Bitmaps don't work with signs.
     + 6.0.162: Client-server: An error message for a wrong expression appears
       in the server instead of the cient.
     + 6.0.163: When using a GUI dialog, a file name is sometimes used like it
       was a directory.
     + 6.0.164: After patch 6.0.135 the menu entries for pasting don't work in
       Insert and Visual mode.
     + 6.0.165: Using --remote and executing locally gives unavoidable error
     + 6.0.166: GUI: There is no way to avoid dialogs to pop up.
     + 6.0.167: When 'fileencodings' is "latin2" some characters in the help
       files are displayed wrong.
     + 6.0.168: ":%s/\n/#/" doesn't replace at an empty line.
     + 6.0.169: When run as evim and the GUI can't be started we get stuck in a
       terminal without menus in Insert mode.
     + 6.0.170: When printing double-width characters the size of tabs after
       them is wrong.
     + 6.0.171: With 'keymodel' including "startsel", in Insert mode after the
       end of a line, shift-Left does not move the cursor.
     + 6.0.172: CTRL-Q doesn't replace CTRL-V after CTRL-X in Insert mode while
       it does in most other situations.
     + 6.0.173: When using "P" to insert a line break the cursor remains past
       the end of the line.
     + 6.0.174: After using "gd" or "gD" the search direction for "n" may still
       be backwards.
     + 6.0.175: ":help /\z(\)" doesn't work
     + 6.0.176: When killed by a signal autocommands are still triggered as if
       nothing happened.
     + 6.0.177: When 'commentstring' is empty and 'foldmethod' is "marker", "zf"
       doesn't work.
     + 6.0.178: Uninitialized memory read from xp_backslash field.
     + 6.0.179: Win32: When displaying UTF-8 characters may read uninitialized
     + 6.0.180: Expanding environment variables in a string that ends in a
       backslash could go past the end of the string.
     + 6.0.181: When using ":cd dir" memory was leaked.
     + 6.0.182: When using a regexp on multi-byte characters, could try to read
       a character before the start of the line.
     + 6.0.183: Leaking memory when ":func!" redefines a function.
     + 6.0.184: Leaking memory when expanding option values.
     + 6.0.185: Crash in Vim when pasting a selection in another application, on
       a 64 bit machine.
     + 6.0.186: X11: Three warnings when compiling the client-server code.
     + 6.0.187: "I" in Visual mode and then "u" reports too many changes. "I" in
       Visual linewise mode adjusts the indent for no apparent reason.
     + 6.0.188: After patch 6.0.161 signs defined in the vimrc file don't work.
     + 6.0.189: The size of the Visual area isn't always displayed when
       scrolling ('ruler' off, 'showcmd' on). Also not when using a search
     + 6.0.190: GUI: when 'mouse' is empty a click with the middle button still
       moves the cursor.
     + 6.0.191: When no servers are available serverlist() gives an error
       instead of returning an empty string.
     + 6.0.192: When 'virtualedit' is set, "ylj" goes to the wrong column.
     + 6.0.193: When 'virtualedit' is set, col(".") after the end of the line
       should return one extra.
     + 6.0.194: "--remote-silent" tries to send a reply to the client, like it
       was "--remote-wait".
     + 6.0.195: When 'virtualedit' is set and a search starts in virtual space
       ":call search
     + 6.0.196: When 'virtualedit' is set, 'selection' is "exclusive" and
       visually selecting part of a tab at the start of a line, "x" joins it
       with the previous line. Also, when the selection spans more than one line
       the whole tab is deleted.
     + 6.0.197: When 'virtualedit' is set and 'selection' is "exclusive", "v$x"
       doesn't delete the last character in the line.
     + 6.0.198: When 'virtualedit' is set and 'showbreak' is not empty, moving
       the cursor over the line break doesn't work properly.
     + 6.0.199: Multi-byte: could use iconv() after calling iconv_end().
     + 6.0.200: A script that starts with "#!perl" isn't recognized as a Perl
     + 6.0.201: When scrollbinding and doing a long jump, switching windows
       jumps to another position in the file.  Scrolling a few lines at a time
       is OK.
 1aa7e973663ec6339be8b16d97446061 1333 editors optional vim_6.0.201-1.dsc
 35c1907f843728062669d2e06f3292ab 4295381 editors optional vim_6.0.201-1.tar.gz
 f3cd930d4b5f885a593fc8b413c41848 3499516 editors optional vim_6.0.201-1_i386.deb
 294a1cc50f09eff3aec9eaba38d00704 548150 editors optional vim-gtk_6.0.201-1_i386.deb
 47263a69ba4cc0b0d64a2eb09ded34e6 558170 editors optional vim-perl_6.0.201-1_i386.deb
 c0890e121d9d6abc88ccb0bde26175e9 555306 editors optional vim-python_6.0.201-1_i386.deb
 84eec0a81e10c6989bffe07fbf9e420d 552218 editors optional vim-ruby_6.0.201-1_i386.deb
 71525f453f5bf119aefa86bd0a4e2b77 555594 editors optional vim-tcl_6.0.201-1_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


  to pool/main/v/vim/vim-gtk_6.0.201-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/v/vim/vim-perl_6.0.201-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/v/vim/vim-python_6.0.201-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/v/vim/vim-ruby_6.0.201-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/v/vim/vim-tcl_6.0.201-1_i386.deb
  to pool/main/v/vim/vim_6.0.201-1.dsc
  to pool/main/v/vim/vim_6.0.201-1.tar.gz
  to pool/main/v/vim/vim_6.0.201-1_i386.deb

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