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Installed doc-linux 2001.09-1 (all source)

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  4 Sep 2001 00:27:01 +0100
Source: doc-linux
Binary: doc-linux-html doc-linux-text
Architecture: source all
Version: 2001.09-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Colin Watson <cjwatson@debian.org>
Changed-By: Colin Watson <cjwatson@debian.org>
 doc-linux-html - Linux HOWTOs, mini-HOWTOs, and FAQs in HTML format
 doc-linux-text - Linux HOWTOs, mini-HOWTOs, and FAQs in ASCII format
Closes: 27498 31110 44439 44440 44606 46531 50053 54092 56606 79993 81051 81052 81747 90338 90348 94821 94915 98529 101048 102212 102788 102817 103972 110959
 doc-linux (2001.09-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New maintainer (closes: #110959).
   * Acknowledge my NMU (closes: #90338, #90348, #102788).
   * New upstream release (20010903). Since the last release by the previous
     maintainer, there have been 66 new HOWTOs and 47 new mini-HOWTOs, not
     counting updated documentation.
   * New Linux FAQ, version 1.13.
   * It's no longer easy to build all the HOWTOs from LinuxDoc SGML. Many
     documents are now only available in DocBook (66 extra HOWTOs and 36
     extra mini-HOWTOs), but some build from other sources. Until this is
     resolved, I've had to go back to shipping HTML and text in the (now much
     bigger) source package; sorry.
   * debian/control:
     - doc-linux-html is priority optional (closes: #102817).
     - doc-linux-text suggests doc-linux-html (closes: #31110).
     - Replace rather than conflict with old versions of each package for
       better upgrades (albeit from hamm, but still; closes: #27498).
     - Build-Depends -> Build-Depends-Indep.
     - Policy version 3.5.6.
   * debian/rules:
     - Install changelog as changelog.Debian.gz, compressed with 'gzip -9'
       (closes: #44440).
     - Ensure installed files have valid ownership (closes: #103972).
     - Add 'refresh' target.
     - Clean up some confusing constructs.
   * debian/copyright:
     - Remove comment about /usr/doc/copyright/doc-linux.
     - Debian/GNU Linux -> Debian GNU/Linux (lintian).
     - Synchronize upstream copyright notice with upstream.
   * Use doc-base rather than dhelp/dwww (closes: #94821).
   * Add a lintian override for a spurious doc-base warning that's actually
     just a HOWTO's description referring to /usr/doc.
   * We were previously creating symlinks from /usr/doc/HOWTO/en-* to
     /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-*. This won't work well when we get rid of
     /usr/doc entirely, so instead do the usual symlink with /usr/doc/HOWTO.
   * Forcibly remove /usr/doc/doc-linux-*/.dhelp in the preinst, just in case
     the migration might still be a problem (closes: #50053).
   * New HOWTOs:
     Acer-Laptop Antares-RAID-sparcLinux Apache-Overview BRIDGE-STP
     Bandwidth-Limiting Bootdisk C-editing-with-VIM CDServer CPU-Design
     Cable-Modem Chroot-BIND Cluster Compaq-Remote-Insight-Board DB2 DSL
     Event GCC HOWTO HP IBM7248 IngresII Installation JavaStation
     LDAP-Implementation LDP-Reviewer Linux+Windows Linux-Init MP3-Box
     Mail-User Masquerading-Simple Medicine MindTerm-SSH Module Net
     NetMeeting Network-boot Online-Troubleshooting PPP Printing
     Program-Library RPM Remote-Serial-Console SCSI-2.4 SPARC SRM SSL-RedHat
     Sat Secure-Programs Serial-Laplink Software-Proj-Mgmt Speech-Recognition
     Sybase-ASA Unix-Hardware-Buyer Unix-and-Internet-Fundamentals
     User-Authentication VCR VoIP Windows-LAN-Server Wireless XDMCP XFree86
     XFree86-Video-Timings XML-RPC XWindow-Overview i810 phhttpd
     (closes: #54092, #79993, #81051, #81052, #81747, #94915, #98529;
      closes: #101048).
   * Removed HOWTOs:
     Busmouse Securing-Domain
   * Renamed HOWTOs:
     Chroot-BIND -> Chroot-BIND8 (Chroot-BIND now covers BIND 9)
     Distribution -> Distributions
     IR -> Infrared
   * The Distributions-HOWTO now talks about Debian 2.2 (closes: #56606).
   * Typo corrected in the IP-Masquerade-HOWTO (closes: #46531).
   * New mini-HOWTOs:
     3D-Modelling ACP-Modem BackspaceDelete Boca DHCP DocBook-Install
     Ext2fs-Undeletion-Dir-Struct FBB FDU GIS-GRASS GTEK-BBS-550
     Hard-Disk-Upgrade Home-Electrical-Control Howtos-with-LinuxDoc IP-Alias
     IRC Install-Strategies Intkeyb Kerneld Lego Linux+Win95
     Linux-Modem-Sharing LinuxGL-QuakeWorld Linuxdoc-Reference MP3-CD-Burning
     MSSQL6-Openlink-PHP-ODBC Man-Page Modules Multiboot-with-GRUB
     NFS-Root-Client Netscape+Proxy Nvidia-OpenGL-Configuration
     Outlook-to-Unix-Mailbox Pager Partition PortSlave
     Post-Installation-Checklist Pre-Installation-Checklist
     Process-Accounting Proxy-ARP-Subnet SLIP-PPP-Emulator Small-Memory
     Sybase-PHP-Apache TT-XFree86 Virtual-Web XDM-Xterm XFree86-Second-Mouse
     (closes: #44606, #102212).
   * Renamed mini-HOWTOs:
     Loadlin+Win95 -> Loadlin+Win95-98-ME
   * Sendmail-Address-Rewrite and Sendmail+UUCP are no longer duplicates
     (closes: #44439).
 7bb9ab3a2ed280baa9a442623d285da4 598 doc standard doc-linux_2001.09-1.dsc
 63a47ff91ae30baebd874c6115e4a8aa 31908413 doc standard doc-linux_2001.09-1.tar.gz
 04db30a05ea99bae86255e00f297d05a 9858494 doc optional doc-linux-html_2001.09-1_all.deb
 2d80b08aa2d47f9a2f6b361c253806e2 6798182 doc standard doc-linux-text_2001.09-1_all.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


  to pool/main/d/doc-linux/doc-linux-text_2001.09-1_all.deb
  to pool/main/d/doc-linux/doc-linux_2001.09-1.dsc
  to pool/main/d/doc-linux/doc-linux-html_2001.09-1_all.deb
  to pool/main/d/doc-linux/doc-linux_2001.09-1.tar.gz

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