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Uploaded xfree86-1 3.3.6-7 (m68k all) to erlangen


Format: 1.6
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 22:36:53 -0400
Source: xfree86-1
Binary: xfree86-common xserver-i128 xserver-common xlib6 xext xserver-xsun xserver-svga xmh xserver-8514 xprt xterm xbase xserver-p9000 xsm xserver-tga twm xlib6g-dev xserver-agx xf86setup xserver-mach64 rstart xlib6g-static xserver-vga16 xserver-s3 xserver-fbdev rstartd xdm xlib6g xserver-mach8 xserver-xsun24 xserver-xsun-mono xfs xnest xlib6-altdev xbase-clients xserver-3dlabs xserver-mono xvfb xserver-s3v xserver-w32 xproxy xserver-mach32
Architecture: m68k all
Version: 3.3.6-7
Distribution: frozen unstable
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Christian T. Steigies <cts@debian.org>
 rstart     - remote application start client
 rstartd    - remote application start daemon
 twm        - Tab window manager
 xbase-clients - miscellaneous X clients
 xdm        - X display manager
 xext       - extensions to X servers
 xfs        - X font server
 xlib6      - shared libraries required by libc5 X clients
 xlib6-altdev - include files and libraries for libc5 X client development
 xlib6g     - shared libraries required by X clients
 xlib6g-dev - include files and libraries for X client development
 xlib6g-static - statically linked versions of the libraries in xlib6g
 xmh        - X interface to MH mail system
 xnest      - nested X server
 xproxy     - X proxy services
 xprt       - X print server
 xserver-common - files and utilities common to all X servers
 xserver-fbdev - X server for framebuffer-based graphics drivers
 xsm        - X session manager
 xterm      - X terminal emulator
 xvfb       - virtual framebuffer X server
Closes: 17309 45795 47125 57548 60018 60680 60806 61021 61260 61542 61740 61954 62089 62147 62418 62851 63069 63624 63992 64264 64671 64750
 xfree86-1 (3.3.6-7) frozen unstable; urgency=HIGH
   * Release Manager: fixes 7 RC bugs, and 2 DoS attacks
   * resynced with Jakub Jelinek's SPARC patches
   * the SPARC build will create a VGA16 server, but we don't ship it
     because it crashes on startup on my hardware, so I suspect it is not
     ready for prime time (segfault on inlined assembly -- nasty)
   * patch #000:
     - don't install xterm setuid when making install rule
     - turn on xterm I18N support
   * patch #000a:
     - build tdfx (3Dfx) SVGA driver on Alpha
     - doesn't make any sense to build i810 driver on non-Linux systems
     - update #defines for SPARC (build GLINT/3DLabs, VGA16, and FBDev
   * patch #000d:
     - added definitions for DefaultUserPath and DefaultSystemPath
   * patch #000e: extracted config/cf/sun.cf patch from #000
   * patch #001-16: uncomment "no_accel" in default config for SiS 5597 and
     6326 cards (Closes: #45795, #47125)
   * patch #009: (startx) run deallocvt after X session ends, if command is
     available (Closes: #62147)
   * patch #032: new; define a new macro for bit fiddling in Xpoll.h, and
     add i810 build directions to the vga256 Imakefile
   * patch #033: new; recognize "accel" XF86Config option for several more
     Trident chipsets, including Cyber 9385 and TGUI 9680 (Closes: #57548)
   * patch #034: new; add entry for zh_CN.GB2312 to xc/nls/locale.dir
   * patch #035: new; add "substitute BIG5-0:GLGR" to
   * above two patches courtesy of Anthony Fok, should make life easier for
     some Chinese users (Closes: #62418)
   * patch #036: new; disable text color expansion for NV1 driver; it is
     broken (thanks, Steve Bowman) (Closes: #60680)
   * patch #037: new; Xsun servers now look a few places for a mouse device
     before giving up (thanks, Ben Collins) (Closes: #63069)
   * patch #038: new; fix for incorrect memory detection on Cirrus 5480
     chipsets; borrowed from Red Hat
   * patch #039: new; fix dead keys on Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish
     keyboards (Closes: #60018)
   * patch #040: new; prevent buffer overflow in XlibInt.c
   * patch #041: new; xdm's session.c shuts down PAM sessions the wrong
     place, fix it
   * patch #042: new; parallel make fix for S3 server and cfb layers
   * patch #043: new; Slovenian XKB support
   * patch #044: new; fix for Xlib/Netscape crashing bug by Keith Packard
     (I'm sure this closes SOMETHING)
   * patch #047: new; fix two bugs in XAA text drawing acceleration
     - The cpu-to-screen and screen-to-screen color expansion accelerations
       for polytext and imagetext in "xaa/xf86text.c" are only supposed to
       be invoked when all glyphs being rendered are exactly four bytes
       wide.  However, the existing code only checks the width of the first
       glyph, causing problems if a non-TE font has varying glyph byte
     - The screen-to-screen color expansion acceleration does broken bounds
       checking on the scanline scratch buffer.
     - This patch fixes these bugs.  (thanks, Kevin Buhr) (Closes: #61954)
   * patch #048: new; reset Rage 128 acceleration engine on console switches
     (not doing so causes big problems for fbcon) (thanks, Kevin Buhr)
     (Closes: #63992)
   * patch #049: new; fix for Denial of Service (DoS) attacks using ICE
     library; from Bill Nottingham (modified by me) via Chris Evans and
     Wichert Akkerman
   * patch #050: new; fix for DoS attack using X server TCP port
   * patch #051: new: ATI Rage Mobility support (Closes: #61542)
   * debian/control:
     - Build-Depends:
       + add "| lynx-ssl" to lynx dependency
       + add "sharutils" on SPARC (for decoding splash screen)
     - twm now depends on menu instead of recommending it; this is necessary
       because twm counts on menu to generate its actual configuration file,
       system.twmrc, and it is too much trouble to play games with symlinks to
       configuration files in the postinst (Closes: #62089)
     - add "sparc" to architecture lines for xserver-{3dlabs,fbdev}
     - xdm needs xrdb and sessreg, so it now Depends: xbase-clients
       (Closes: #64264)
     - xserver-xsun* conflict with gpm, and explain why in the package
       description (Closes: #64671)
   * debian/create-arch-xservers: ship xserver-{3dlabs,fbdev}
   * debian/create-server:
     - add "g" flag to sed commands to replace metasyntactic variables in X
       server maintainer scripts (thanks, Anthony Fok and Taketoshi Sano)
       (Closes: #63624)
     - don't ship XF86Config as a conffile on SPARC Mach64 anymore since we
       also support the 3dlabs server now
   * debian/{xdm,xfs}/init: these daemons do not remove their own pidfiles
     if they've been upgraded and left running, so we remove them manually
     if they have indeed died, as well as the upgrade sentinel files
   * debian/xdm/{prerm,postinst}: if xdm is not stopped in prerm, touch
     a sentinel file; postinst checks for existence of this file,
     and does not attempt to start xdm (Closes: #60806)
   * debian/xfs/{prerm,postinst}: same change as to xdm scripts
   * debian/xfree86-common/FAQ: removed question "I want xdm installed
     on the system, but I don't want it to start at boot time.  I just want
     to be able to become root and start it manually."; current policy has
     me between a rock and a hard place in this scenario.
   * debian/xfree86-common/Xsession:
     - remove sourcing of /etc/environment (Closes: #17309)
     - use tempfile utility instead of predictable names (Closes: #62851)
     - change ls to echo to avoid confusion with ls colorization (thanks,
       Riku Voipio) (Closes: #64750)
   * debian/xserver/FBDev.README: minor factual correction
   * debian/xserver/XF86Config.SPARC:
     - renamed from XF86Config.Mach64-SPARC
     - add example information about PS/2 and devfs mouse config
     - add example information about PC keyboards for SPARC's with PS/2
   * debian/xserver/Xsun.README: document that gpm doesn't work with the
     Xsun servers
   * debian/xserver/postinst:
     - (SPARC && (3dlabs || Mach64): if XF86Config file not present, copy it
       from /usr/share/doc/*/examples
     - tell those users they need to check the keyboard and mouse config
       before using the X server
     - (SPARC && Mach64) if /dev/fb doesn't exist, symlink it to /dev/fb0
   * debian/xserver-common/xserver-configure:
     - corrected typo in font config test (thanks, Enrique Zanardi)
       (Closes: #61021)
     - set up the misc, 75dpi, and 100dpi font directories no matter what,
       so the server can be tested (Closes: #61740)
     - issue warning before testing if no local fonts were found
       (enterprising users may be employing a remote font server, so we warn
       instead of bailing out)
   * debian/{shlibs.local,xlib6{g,}/shlibs}: bump shlibs version to 3.3.6-4
     due to new symbols introduced in that Xlib release (Closes: #61260)
 e83f28284c827ce3788681d3573d75c7 738696 oldlibs optional xlib6_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 856392306269326846a1fc3aed53a4de 1246690 oldlibs optional xlib6-altdev_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 c4c377251d19f2a37b365af718ad9858 62698 x11 optional rstartd_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 e9a0abad2ea4d1521de697d9224df3d6 133896 x11 optional twm_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 765afeb278093b40bdaf89d416283f63 901030 x11 optional xbase-clients_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 7c584aee47cca91f52694cbfee1ac12f 122704 x11 optional xdm_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 31b514f3062a7bf6f91ed204b93da016 430186 x11 optional xext_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 b9c56b9267b346db8f600a2c1166c04c 187922 x11 optional xfs_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 19c5803902209390d03a9e9889321b8c 948922 x11 standard xlib6g_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 0dd51a0ae9a9445168de9f7538b1f0e9 1573938 x11 optional xlib6g-dev_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 73bfaa73ccaac6a02563f64146350ebd 15296356 x11 optional xlib6g-static_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 d1f4d1ce962ed91a9ab71eeab087f4b1 111356 mail extra xmh_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 a7b7a7cfcfe966c5b7f01aa36504e5b7 476348 x11 optional xnest_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 40ba872fc54dc3c603c5753efd517937 136684 x11 optional xproxy_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 e363888014e6e4719056ea9d98c5d55b 989600 x11 optional xprt_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 d7a9ea1b918f92280fb114f103ea8afe 174162 x11 optional xserver-common_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 557f77c693269e18a16f91cdac148f63 923602 x11 optional xserver-fbdev_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 fc2e9abc5312f0a053c81d98de44fe7f 92912 x11 optional xsm_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 79083dce17aabb73debd8b6bd80113cc 248988 x11 optional xterm_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb
 5dcd031cb0aa6797e0b45102a9ca35c6 973054 x11 optional xvfb_3.3.6-7_m68k.deb

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


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