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xfree86-2 (source all) uploaded to master

Two down, one to go.

This source package makes the font packages.  MIME-attached .changes.

G. Branden Robinson              |   The only way to get rid of a temptation
Debian GNU/Linux                 |   is to yield to it.
branden@ecn.purdue.edu           |   -- Oscar Wilde
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |
Format: 1.5
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 22:43:20 -0400
Source: xfree86-2
Binary: xfonts-100dpi xfonts-scalable xfonts-cjk xfonts-75dpi xfonts-cyrillic xfonts-base xfonts-pex
Architecture: source all
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Branden Robinson <branden@debian.org>
 xfonts-100dpi - 100 dpi fonts for X servers
 xfonts-75dpi - 75 dpi fonts for X servers
 xfonts-base - standard fonts for X servers
 xfonts-cjk - basic Chinese, Japanese, and Korean fonts for X servers
 xfonts-cyrillic - Cyrillic fonts for X servers
 xfonts-pex - fonts for minimal PEX support in X servers
 xfonts-scalable - scalable fonts for X servers
 xfree86-2 ( unstable; urgency=low
   * New upsream version; new fonts 7x13euro and 7x13euroB (in xfonts-base)
   * New source package; corresponds to upstream X333-2src.tar.gz (with
     upstream patch to applied).  This source package builds the
     X font (xfonts-*) binary packages.
   * Updated control file and package descriptions.
   * xfonts-cjk depends on xfonts-base, because these fonts install into the
     same directory and the latter has the fonts.alias file for the
     directory.  Plans are under development to handle fonts.alias and
     fonts.scale files more elegantly so that multiple packages may install
     fonts in the same directory without depending upon or overwriting
     another package's alias or scale files.
   * Ship Type1 .afm files in xfonts-scalable.
   * Updated copyright files for all the font packages.  I think we actually
     comply with the licenses now (by shipping the notices).  All these
     fonts are DFSG-free, but some are closer to the Artistic License than
     the MIT license, so read the terms in each copyright file carefully.
   * Patch #000: correction to inverted question mark in miscellaneous fonts
     7x14 and 7x14bold
 8f394b097e01a76d92a205e4e94f1a51 387 x11 optional xfree86-2_3.3.3.1-1.dsc
 926733070e04a36ee53cb14c3ad41d62 14421072 x11 optional xfree86-2_3.3.3.1.orig.tar.gz
 d8528b9154ff4f3ae308d5fd56e6682e 190371 x11 optional xfree86-2_3.3.3.1-1.diff.gz
 ade13869f6407b96350532829853b20e 1243176 x11 optional xfonts-100dpi_3.3.3.1-1_all.deb
 f1b2cce1f1624b84c72cf82f4924b944 1070662 x11 optional xfonts-75dpi_3.3.3.1-1_all.deb
 40b2c4a4d2e8b7c91ad1fb8dd332f6af 215298 x11 optional xfonts-base_3.3.3.1-1_all.deb
 735d689df0f23659732a8b7ba4ca76c7 2215544 x11 optional xfonts-cjk_3.3.3.1-1_all.deb
 58ecd1931353dc29f88b71700dd63291 304638 x11 optional xfonts-cyrillic_3.3.3.1-1_all.deb
 0f1e6b636f925063bc6e1ce256e30fe9 12198 x11 optional xfonts-pex_3.3.3.1-1_all.deb
 ba7dca701c8b262ef0f24fdc5c0f9d98 1229662 x11 optional xfonts-scalable_3.3.3.1-1_all.deb

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