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Re: Uploaded fsp 2.71-9 (source i386) to master

>>>>> "Pierre" == Pierre Beyssac <beyssac@enst.fr> writes:

    Pierre> On Thu, Nov 19, 1998 at 10:41:57PM -0800, Robert Stone
    Pierre> wrote:

    Robert> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- * bug #29723 resolved
    Robert> (glibc-2.1 port problem) * bug #29745 resolved (/home/ftp
    Robert> permissions)

    Pierre> I haven't seen the change, maybe it's effected differently
    Pierre> than it looks from the above log line, but IMHO just
    Pierre> fixing /home/ftp permissions is only asking for more
    Pierre> trouble later.

    Pierre> The ftp user should NOT be created, period. Because this
    Pierre> activates anonymous FTP, which should NEVER be activated
    Pierre> (by this, I mean it should never accept an anonymous ftp
    Pierre> connection) unless the administrator _explicitly_ requests
    Pierre> it.

That's kind of what I was trying to say, but Robert disagreed with
me :/


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