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Uploaded cvsweb 105-1 (source all) to master


Format: 1.5
Date: Sat,  7 Mar 1998 21:35:16 -0800
Source: cvsweb
Binary: cvsweb
Architecture: source all
Version: 1:105-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Karl M. Hegbloom <karlheg@debian.org>
 cvsweb     - A CGI interface to your CVS repository.
 cvsweb (1:105-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add height and width attributes to all icons to speed page loading.
   * Use new redrawn Mr. Blue-eye Debian logos, transparentized.
   * Also install apache icons for folks using `boa' (#17493)
   * Simplify the $gzip_output option in "cvsweb.conf" to either on or off
     in the dpkg-inst default.  (#18446)
   * Use full `gzip -9' compression for web output stream.
   * Changed version numbering to the Debian-only-package style, remem-
     bering to use an epoch.  This program comes from Bill Fenner at
     FreeBSD, but my changes make the .diff larger than the original perl
     script, since it would include the .gif files in UU-encoded form, as
     well as my edits.  The version id printout in the WWW output indicates
     this is the SPI branch of `cvsweb'.  I don't think Mr. Fenner will get
     mad. :-)
   * Reorganized the source directory, with a subdirectory for icons and
   * Apply patch from Jim Pick <jim@jimpick.com> to regexp-quote a filename
     variable so that "gtk+" will have a literal \#+ character rather than
     a long string of \#k at the end. (#18445)
   * Pulled the hard coded version number out of the script, replaced it
     with @cvsweb_version@, renamed the script with a ".in" extension, put
     a variable into "rules" that gets filled by a $(shell ...) statement
     which uses `dpkg-parsechangelog' and `sed -n -e ...' to get the right
     version number, and a rule to create `cvsweb' using a `sed' of
   * Place under `cvs-buildpackage', choosing to reimport and thus toss the
     history rather than retag my original CVS import.
   * The "current directory" indicator is split on `/' and each subdirectory
     is clickable for navigation now.
 de18c176666bef18e7164aa6e1096e91 601 devel extra cvsweb_105-1.dsc
 8d4a8d7e95b24276d7a32b215732988e 19056 devel extra cvsweb_105-1.tar.gz
 b62ce86438de81c39d82595eb2ca43d1 21350 devel extra cvsweb_105-1_all.deb

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv
Comment: URL: http://www.inetarena.com/~karlheg/


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