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New Package: shaper 0.15-1 (source i386)

Package: shaper
Version: 0.15-1
Architecture: i386
Depends: libc6
Installed-Size: 27
Maintainer: Christoph Lameter <chris@lameter.com>
Description: Traffic Shaper for Linux
 This is the current ALPHA release of the traffic shaper for Linux. Shaper
 support is included in 2.1.70 and later It works within the following limits:
 Minimum shaping speed is currently about 9600 baud (it can only
 shape down to 1 byte per clock tick)
 Maximum is about 256K, it will go above this but get a bit blocky.
 If you ifconfig the master device that a shaper is attached to down
 then your machine will follow.
 The shaper must be a module.

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