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Uploaded debian-policy (source all) to master


Format: 1.5
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 21:58:25 +0100
Source: debian-policy
Binary: debian-policy
Architecture: source all
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Christian Schwarz <schwarz@debian.org>
 debian-policy - Debian Policy Manual and related documents
 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low
   * Changes to the Debian Policy Manual:
     - Updated section 3.3.4 Scripts:
       + /bin/sh may be any POSIX compatible shell
       + scripts including bashisms have to specify /bin/bash as
       + scripts which create files in world-writable directories
         (e.g., in /tmp) should use tempfile or mktemp for creating
         the directory
     - Updated section 3.3.5 Symbolic Links:
       + symbolic links referencing compressed files must have the same
         file extension as the referenced file
     - Updated section 3.3.6 Device files:
       + /dev/tty* serial devices should be used instead of /dev/cu*
     - Updated section 3.4.2 Writing the scripts [in /etc/init.d]:
       + all /etc/init.d scripts have to provide the following options:
         start, stop, restart, force-reload
       + the reload option is optional and must never stop and restart
         the service
     - Updated section 3.5 Cron jobs:
       + cron jobs that need to be executed more often than daily should
         be installed into /etc/cron.d
     - Updated section 3.7 Menus:
       + removed section about how to register HTML docs to `menu'
         (the corresponding section in 4.4, Web servers and applications,
         has been removed in policy already, so this one was
     - New section 3.8 Keyboard configuration:
       + details about how the backspace and delete keys should be
     - New section 3.9 Environment variables:
       + no program must depend on environment variables to get a
         reasonable default configuration
     - New section 4.6 News system configuration:
       + /etc/news/organization and /etc/news/server should be supported
         by all news servers and clients
     - Updated section 4.7 Programs for the X Windows system:
       + programs requiring a non-free Motif library should be provided
         as foo-smotif and foo-dmotif package
       + if lesstif works reliably for such program, it should be linked
         against lesstif and not against a non-free Motif library
     - Updated section 4.9 Games:
       + games for X Windows have to be installed in /usr/games, just as
         non-X games
     - Lots of typos fixed (thanks to Ray Dassen for the patch!)
   * Changes to the authoritative list of virtual package names:
     - added `libc-dev' and `emacsen'
   * Merged `/usr/doc/debian-policy/changelog-policy.gz' into this
     changelog file
   * Included `Policy checklist for upgrading your packages' from the
     Policy Home Page as /usr/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.text.gz
   * Added support for doc-base to register the Policy Manual to the
     online documentation systems dwww and dhelp (fixes:#15710)
   * Upgraded to standards version (no changes)
 6a8dcc77fbf7434454397cedfa68c730 578 doc extra debian-policy_2.4.0.0.dsc
 fe105ad0a6ac3b7670cc1b0c4ebd6929 176733 doc extra debian-policy_2.4.0.0.tar.gz
 d89c4766a4a2fe6b67a6fced98607e12 241218 doc extra debian-policy_2.4.0.0_all.deb
 82cc047d6e32aeb508fb7a0dd8d2154e 88294 byhand - policy.ps.gz
 f087d75d0abbabd5535a991323c1ea78 32244 byhand - policy.html.tar.gz
 3ce25b2370b720c5f73d0f7362b95249 30535 byhand - policy.text.gz
 54488ea4221c57819ee76cebeecab155 5336 byhand - virtual-package-names-list.text
 3ed7aa5a489834b24bb28ff377a34aa9 10982 byhand - libc6-migration.text

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: latin1


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