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Uploaded xfree86 3.3.1-2 (sparc) to masters


Format: 1.5
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 23:01:13 -0500
Source: xfree86
Binary: xserver-i128 xfntscl xslib xmanpages xlib6 xext xslibg xfnt75 xserver-svga xfntpex xserver-8514 xfntcyr xprt xbase xserver-p9000 xbooks xlib6g-dev xserver-agx xserver-mach64 xserver-vga16 xserver-s3 xserver-fbdev xlib6g xserver-mach8 xfnt100 xfntbig xnest xlib6-altdev xserver-mono xvfb xserver-w32 xserver-s3v xserver-mach32 xfntbase
Architecture: sparc
Version: 3.3.1-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Mark W. Eichin <eichin@kitten.gen.ma.us>
 xbase      - Local clients and configuration required by X
 xlib6g     - Shared libraries required by X clients
 xlib6g-dev - Include files and libraries for X client development
 xnest      - Nested X server
 xprt       - X Print Server
 xslibg     - Statically linked versions of the libraries in xlib
 xvfb       - Virtual FrameBuffer X server
 xfree86 (3.3.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/todo: New. List of pending projects.
   * debian/archnotes: Some documentation on how to handle new
   * debian/create-arch-xvfb: new file, copy of ...xnest, generates package
     for virtual framebuffer (memory) server.
   * debian/control: define the package.
   * debian/xserver-postinst: cd to /dev before running MAKEDEV, since a
     user reported *still* having an ancient MAKEDEV that doesn't change.
   * debian/diag-cmpall: crude script to check if all files in the install
     tree actually show up in some package.
   * debian/diag-cmprel: crude script to check that roughly the same files
     are packaged up between one release and the next.
   * debian/diag-dump: prep the list files for the previous two.
   * debian/create-arch-xbase: redirect lbxproxy/AtomControl and
     proxymngr/pmconfig through /etc/X11 ...
   * debian/xbase-conffiles: ... and mark them as config files.
   * debian/create-arch-xbase: install /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/etc.
   * site.def.l5: moved to...
   * debian/site.def.l5.in: with i486 replaced by @ARCH@...
   * debian/rules: and substituted with $A before copying into place.
   * debian/create-arch-xlib5: set LIBBASE from $A, change to /bin/sh.
   * debian/create-arch-xslib5: use LIBBASE in path change, change to
   * debian/rules: use $A for BinDir setting.
   * debian/create-arch-xdevel5: rename to create-compat-xdevel5.
   * debian/create-arch-xlib5: rename to create-compat-xlib5.
   * debian/create-arch-xslib5: rename to create-compat-xslib5.
   * debian/rules: look in COMPAT_ARCHS for list of platforms needing libc1
     compatibility, currently m68k and i486.  Only do libc5 build and
     create-compat-* packaging if $A is on that list.
   * debian/create-arch-servers, debian/create-arch-xdevel,
     debian/create-compat-xdevel5, debian/create-arch-xlib,
     debian/create-arch-xslib, debian/create-indep-fonts,
     debian/fix-xlib5-shlib, debian/xbase-configure,
     debian/xbase-writeconfig, debian/xfnt-postinst, debian/xfnt-postrm,
     debian/xserver-postinst, debian/xserver-postrm: switch to /bin/sh
     since they don't use any bash features.
   * debian/create-arch-xbase, debian/create-arch-xext,
     debian/create-arch-xnest, debian/create-arch-xprt,
     debian/create-arch-xvfb, debian/create-font,
     debian/create-indep-xbooks, debian/create-indep-xmanpages,
     debian/create-server: avoid {,} usage and switch to /bin/sh.
   * debian/create-server-fake: handle the non-visual servers (Xnest, Xprt,
   * debian/create-arch-xvfb, debian/create-arch-xnest,
     debian/create-arch-xprt: use create-server-fake.
   * debian/control: add xserver-fbdev for m68k port.
   * debian/create-server: add 3rd argument of XF architecture.
   * debian/create-arch-servers: handle fbdev for m68k port, giving XF68 as
     the server architecture.
   * debian/xserver-postinst: get the server path from a substitution, so
     create-server can set it correctly for the architecture.
   * debian/create-compat-xdevel5: make the .so symlinks point correctly to
     the .so files, in /usr/lib/libc5-compat.
 dd77a51349111f9334f5a228ac704512 614108 x11 optional xlib6g-dev_3.3.1-2_sparc.deb
 2cae9098e412fa4aff81dec0d089974b 764392 x11 optional xlib6g_3.3.1-2_sparc.deb
 e477db8948858ea2bc238ebdc737d804 516974 x11 optional xnest_3.3.1-2_sparc.deb
 71981c320de5acbc4b94963c512ad8a7 736108 x11 optional xprt_3.3.1-2_sparc.deb
 ad694b6e374eb8f0e6e95b79c3d8b234 903756 x11 optional xslibg_3.3.1-2_sparc.deb
 6ce55e6c1be32a37a92d460f9fb08dea 716838 x11 optional xvfb_3.3.1-2_sparc.deb
 3100bac53d24d96adf219dc5c985e23e 1955510 x11 optional xbase_3.3.1-2_sparc.deb

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.4, an Emacs/PGP interface


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