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Uploaded postgresql 6.2.1-1 (source i386 all) to chiark

OK, here is the postgresql package for the upstream release 6.2.1.

This has been built with libc6, and there seem to be a few problems
as a result.  I decided not to try to find and deal with them
immediately, because that would keep the package from being released
for an indefinite time.

Following the bazaar principle, I positively encourage anyone interested
to find the problems and send me patches to fix them. (Hard work
is for the birds...).  If you have patches for the upstream code, it may
be better to check the upstream CVS source and see whether it's already
been done; things are still moving fast.  I may choose not to apply
such patches, because they may get superseded pretty soon.  If they are
up-to-date and valid, you would do better to send them to the upstream
developers; I'm sure they will be grateful!

My next effort will be to sort out the perl package. That was taking a quite
disproportionate amount of effort, since I have never learned Perl in depth
and my only printed documentation is for release 4.  Now I have learned
(I hope) how to build a multi-binary package, I shall try to sort it out.
(I left my original efforts in, commented out, so that anyone more expert
can see what I was trying to do.)

I shall leave the newer upstream code alone until the packaging is
definitely correct, or there is an official new upstream release.

See README.debian.bugs for the problems that I know about.

There is an unofficial package of PostgreSQL that has recently been
made by Andreas Arcangeli, which may be found at


He has taken a rather different approach to the division into
separate packages, but hasn't, I think, paid much attention to the problems
of handling the installation where there is a pre-existing, incompatible
database in existence.

Oliver Elphick <Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk>
16th November 1997

Format: 1.5
Date: Thu,  6 Nov 1997 21:58:25 +0000
Source: postgresql
Binary: libpgsql postgresql-doc libpgjava postgresql-dev libpgtcl postgresql
Architecture: source i386 all
Version: 6.2.1-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Oliver Elphick <Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk>
 libpgjava  - A java class archive of classes that enable communication with
 libpgsql   - C and C++ libraries to enable user programs to communicate with
 libpgtcl   - A library to enable Tcl/Tk scripts to communicate with the
 postgresql - PostgreSQL is the successor to Postgres95 and ultimately of
 postgresql-dev - Header files for compiling C and C++ programs to link
 postgresql-doc - Documentation for the PostgreSQL database.
 postgresql (6.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Set configure to build with locales turned on
   * Divided upstream package into postgresql (front-end and back-end),
     libpgsql (shared library), libpgtcl, libpgjava, postgresql-dev and
     postgresql-doc.  There should be a libpgperl, but that is causing me
     pain and will have to wait for the next release.
   * Initial Release; this package replaces postgres95.
 1ee1ccd8994dbe1d909d4c2abcfc3e1b 751 misc extra postgresql_6.2.1-1.dsc
 4996556f31a35155cb63e42786a5c070 2587491 misc extra postgresql_6.2.1.orig.tar.gz
 404658c514e7320b92a43f836c80ecb1 97253 misc extra postgresql_6.2.1-1.diff.gz
 62a2c5c2a8011b1bc17d32aeccedaf55 724 misc extra postgresql-doc_6.2.1-1_all.deb
 3f3c86badd29d1673493bccedbb0e2ff 597788 misc extra postgresql_6.2.1-1_i386.deb
 e623f94b48109b37be16ba37c832652c 106674 misc extra postgresql-dev_6.2.1-1_i386.deb
 cbc5e96c2a067fe7200d52b65a65373b 18730 misc extra libpgsql_6.2.1-1_i386.deb
 ac10d020d4e42afdc403873d11d4bb08 15112 misc extra libpgtcl_6.2.1-1_i386.deb
 7b27ab207f12c9a686e11ebc72ce2d58 29136 misc extra libpgjava_6.2.1-1_i386.deb

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv
Comment: Requires PGP version 2.6 or later.


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