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non-maint. libc5 version number (was: Re: Uploaded menu 1.5-5.1 (source i386) to erlangen)

Andreas has discussed this with me and I agreed. But I notice:

> Changes:
>  menu (1.5-5.1) experimental; urgency=low
>  .
>    * non maintainer libc5/experimental release by Andreas Jellinghaus

This would mean the libc5 version is compared as "newer" by dpkg
than the libc6 version (1.5-5).

So, I thought: maybe, when we make special libc5 releases
of packages, we should decrease the debian-revision by one,
and add a ".1" (so that in this case, we would have: 1.5-4.1).
This would make dpkg do the right thing[1], but it would look somewhat
funny for the users, Andreas' libc5 release of menu realy is
menu_1.5-5 for libc5, and not menu_1.5-4.

What do other think? (I remember the migration-to libc6 text saying
that _maintainers_ of libc6 packages that make a libc5 release should
always make a libc6 release right after, for just the same reason. But
that doesn't really apply here, as it was a non-maintainer release
to begin with).

Anyway, thanks, Andreas, for providing the libc5 version.

[1] Well, I believe kde now depends on "menu (>=1.5-5)", so it would
    go wrong in this specific case. But that would mean kde's dependancy
    should be changed to "menu (>>1.5-4)". (Andreas maintains kde, so
    that is no problem here).
joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org
#!/usr/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
#what's this? see http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/

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