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Uploaded postgresql 6.2.1-5 (source i386 all) to master


Format: 1.5
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 20:16:59 +0000
Source: postgresql
Binary: libpgsql postgresql-doc libpgjava postgresql-dev libpgperl libpgtcl postgresql
Architecture: source i386 all
Version: 6.2.1-5
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Oliver Elphick <Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk>
 libpgjava  - Java class archive for PostgreSQL.
 libpgperl  - Perl modules for PostgreSQL.
 libpgsql   - Shared library for PostgreSQL
 libpgtcl   - Tcl/Tk library and front-end for PostgreSQL.
 postgresql - Object-relational SQL database, descended from POSTGRES.
 postgresql-dev - Header files for libpq (postgresql library)
 postgresql-doc - Documentation for the PostgreSQL database.
 postgresql (6.2.1-5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added menu entry for pgaccess (X interface to postgresql), and icons to go
     with the menu entries.
   * Moved the Pg.3pm man page from postgresql to libpgperl (Fixes bug #16279).
   * Forced configure to believe that we have sigsetjmp().
   * Amended preinst script to allow for non-existence (on first install) of
     /etc/postgresql/postmaster.init (fixes bug #16155).  Also altered check for
     non-Debianised postmasters.
   * Amended init.d script for test of possibly empty variable.
     (Fixes bug #16253).
   * Ensured that regression tests will compile and run.
   * Added src/Makefile.custom to force definition of LINUX_ELF in all
     compilations and to add a rule for generating shared library .so links
     to numbered shared libraries.
   * Included updated Database-HOWTO-html version 4.0.
   * Amended README files.
   * Changed message that is returned by backend when the database does not
     exist.  The previous version suggested that the user should check the
     data/base directory, but only the postgres administrator has the
     permissions to do this. (Fixes bug #16156).
   * Amended postinst script to do better checking for a previously existing
     postgres user in /etc/passwd.  (Fixes bugs #16155, #16233).
   * Altered debian/rules to prevent compression of gif files in the HTML
   * Corrected bad HTML link in /usr/doc/postgresql/manual/index.html.
   * Corrected control file package descriptions (whose first lines
     extended beyond a single line).
 5ea9b2238208fff1dd020ec7e44fbc2e 763 misc extra postgresql_6.2.1-5.dsc
 a14ee67e7227c5fdbd0969eadce99557 257199 misc extra postgresql_6.2.1-5.diff.gz
 789518cd5be63a8222058e2df44b6a82 504732 misc extra postgresql-doc_6.2.1-5_all.deb
 db970d3cae7213c039a095570afe9656 106774 misc extra postgresql-dev_6.2.1-5_i386.deb
 85bdc3870e5ae5fb34d236bdab83cf32 18838 misc extra libpgsql_6.2.1-5_i386.deb
 9f6753cfc7f86f9ff1276756bbfe54a4 38544 misc extra libpgtcl_6.2.1-5_i386.deb
 9850f32a051caf342709325b500fad22 19566 misc extra libpgperl_6.2.1-5_i386.deb
 5d11865f8386c460590760c0b2dfacc2 29194 misc extra libpgjava_6.2.1-5_i386.deb
 9cadfef82b60eee147e43edd23791a98 606164 misc extra postgresql_6.2.1-5_i386.deb

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv
Comment: Requires PGP version 2.6 or later.


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