Debianites and creatures of this universe, We are happy to (preliminary) announce MiniDebConf Regensburg 2021. Regensburg (Germany) on October 2nd and October 3rd 2021, and preceeded by MiniDebCamp from September September 29th to October 1st. More details can be found on our the event page [1]. [1] # The elephant in the room The venue allowed to plan the conference on the condition of the pandemic situation. If the situation is going to be prohibitive for an on-site conference, we might be forced to postpone the conference again. However, as there is the progress in vaccination, in combination with a hygienic and testing concept, we believe that the conference can take place this autumn. # Registration is not yet open Details on how to register and how to submit talks will follow once we have fixed the remaining loose ends ;-) # Sponsors wanted We're looking for sponsors willing to help making this event possible. For information on sponsorship opportunties please check our website [2] or our sponsorship flyer [3]. [2] [3] Plus, there's corporate registration as an option too, where we will charge you 250€ for the registration. Please contact us if you are interested in that! # Contact If you want to get in touch with the local team, please feel free to use for this purpose. You can also join #debconf-germany. See you in Regensburg! -- tobi (for the Regensburg local team)
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