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Bits from the New Member Process

# nm.debian.org updates

At DebConf17, people from New Member Front Desk, keyring-maint and MIA
teams met and worked on developing and deploying various new things on

## "cancel" link for a process

If you started a process by mistake, or want to change your mind, you
can now click "cancel" on the process page, and have it canceled
yourself, with the opportunity to provide a message for the logs.

## 1-click emeritus

You can now use nm.debian.org to retire from Debian (emeritus): request
a new status on your personal page[1], write a goodbye message that will
be automatically posted on debian-private, and you are done.

This also automatically notifies the MIA team, so that they can check if
some of your packages still need orphaning.

[1] Direct link: https://nm.debian.org/process/emeritus ;

## New automated "Where Art Thou?" processes

The MIA team[1] can now trigger a WAT run for a person with just one
click. The process is tracked like any other process in the site, so it
will be easy to track progress, or lack of response, over time.

The WAT mail will contain links that can be clicked to report that a
person is still active (which will automatically cancel the process), or
to the 1-click emeritus interface to retire, described above.

30 days after the WAT ping is sent, if no action was taken by the
potentially MIA developer, a Debian Account Manager, or someone
delegated by them, can initiate the account removal.

The account removal is notified with a mail to
debian-private@lists.debian.org, followed by a pause of two weeks to
give people time to react. For example, the MIA ping could have been
sent to an old email address, and this gives people a chance to point it

Finally, if no concerns are raised, the account is removed.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/MIATeam

## Easier approvals for Front Desk and DAM

nm.debian.org is now able to talk directly to rt.debian.org to submit
issues. This makes it easier to do approvals for Front Desk and DAM. It
also helps avoid encoding issues in signatures seen by keyring-maint.

nm.debian.org can also now interact with a command line tool[1] to
automate those review steps that usually happen on Front Desk or DAM's
systems, like verifying signatures in mails and signing the final RT

[1] https://github.com/spanezz/debsso-client


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