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Alioth replacement sprint


we plan to do an Alioth sprint to get the first steps done to replace
alioth.debian.org by a 
new pagure [1] based service. 

To get the work done there will be a sprint in Hamburg, Germany at the Chaos
Computer Club
Hamburg Hackerspace [2] from 18th to 20th August 2017.

Organization happens on the sprint wiki page [3]
If you are interested please add yourself to the wikipage. H01ger offered to
organize accommodation at 
the venue. If you are interested please get in touch with him [4] and add
yourself to the wiki [3].

Debian also offered some sponsoring for travel and accommodation expenses, if
you need sponsoring, please get
in touch with me.

I also published a blog entry with some details about the migration[6],
additional blog posts will follow. Discussion about
the implementation will happen on a new mailinglist [7].

If you are a company using Debian and want to support us, please drop me a
mail [5]. 

Special thanks go to the Chaos Computer Club Hamburg for hosting the sprint.


[1] https://pagure.io 
[2] https://wiki.hamburg.ccc.de/English
[3] https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2017/Alioth
[4] mailto:holger@debian.org
[5] mailto:formorer@debian.org
[6] http://blog.snow-crash.org/blog/upcoming-alioth-sprint/
[7] https://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/alioth-staff-replacement

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