After much hard work on our website, we are proud to announce that you can now register for DebConf17! To register for DebConf17, visit our website at Please keep your registration information up to date. You can make changes at any time through our web form. Visit our FAQ wiki page [1] in case you have doubts about any detail. The deadline to apply for a bursary (food, accommodation and/or travel) is May 10th. After this date, new bursary applications won’t be considered. Participation to DebConf17 is conditional to your respect of our Code of Conduct [2]. We require you to read, understand and abide by this code. Note that at the moment we have not yet integrated online payments. We will make an announcement about this as soon as our online payment system is done. Then you can either come back to the registration form and pay online, or decide to pay in person on your arrival day (cash only). Sometime in May we will send you a mail asking you to confirm your registration. Registrations will need to be confirmed before July 1st. We cannot guarantee availability of accommodation, catering or swag for unconfirmed registrations. Any questions about registrations should be addressed to The DebConf17 team would like to thank all of our sponsors who make this event possible: We are still seeking sponsors to help us make DebConf17 a success. If you or your company would like to give back to Debian, please consider becoming a sponsor. We look forward to seeing you in Montreal! -- The DebConf team [1]: [2]:
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