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backup server running out of space

Dear fellow Debian Developers,

tl;dr - backup server is running out of space: `touch .nobackup`
whenever possible.

DSA is pleased to offer a number of services to Debian Developers
including machines on which you may work on your packages or on
supporting services. Consistent with system administration best
practices, we back up these machines.

As of today, our backups are approximately 22TB in size and we are
running out of space on the backup server.

In analyzing the the backup logs of the last few days, we have noticed:
* that there are many copies of build log files in your home directories
* that there are many copies VCS repositories
* that there are cron jobs which overwrite data in the same directory
  every day
* etc.

None of the above needs to be backed up, in our opinion.

Debian's resources are not infinite.  Please `touch .nobackup` in a
directory containining unimportant / trivial to regenerate content. The
backup software will exclude from back up the files and subdirectories
of any directory containing such a file.

If the consumption of backup storage does not improve, we will evaluate
options for pruning content such as decreasing retentiion timeframes,
requiring .backup instead of .nobackup, etc.

We'll also look at adding storage to the backup server, but this isn't
the right answer when we are, collectively, wasting the space.


 Martin Zobel-Helas <zobel@debian.org>    Debian System Administrator
 Debian & GNU/Linux Developer                       Debian Listmaster
 http://about.me/zobel                               Debian Webmaster
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