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Debian Diversity IRC Meeting


 as some people that follow my blog or read it[1] on planet.debian I was
approached at Debconf to found a Debian LGBTIQA+ support/exchange group.
I started to create #debian-diversity on OFTC (irc.debian.org) for
initial discussion possibility, but I think to kickstart the group a
proper IRC meeting will be needed.

 So here we are.  Given that in the next two weeks I'm kinda flexible I
started to create a doodle poll for the time for such a meeting:


 I know that the times are pretty Europe centric but hope that people
from all around the world might be able to join nevertheless.  Given
that this is the first meeting to get things started I guess this is a
compromise we would have to live with.

 The invitation to join the discussion and the group is open to everyone
and noone should assume orientation or preferences from anyone joining
the IRC channel and especially the discussion.  The purpose of the first
meeting is clearly on what we as a collective soul expect from the
group, which communication channels we would like to have, and what name
we would like to settle on.  Diversity is only a working title that is
definitely up for discussion.

 A preliminary agenda for the meeting is also available, feel free to
add to it as you see fit, but don't expand it too much yet, we want to
have things still left to do for the meeting. :)


 I know this might come a bit short of a notice, and feel free to send
me your input in a private response; if you want to discuss this
publicly I would guess debian-project might be the mailinglist for that
for the moment.

 Enjoy, and thanks for your support!

[1] http://rhonda.deb.at/blog/personal/debian-lgbtiqa.html
Fühlst du dich mutlos, fass endlich Mut, los      |
Fühlst du dich hilflos, geh raus und hilf, los    | Wir sind Helden
Fühlst du dich machtlos, geh raus und mach, los   | 23.55: Alles auf Anfang
Fühlst du dich haltlos, such Halt und lass los    |

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