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DebConf16: Call for keys for keysigning in Cape Town, South Africa

DebConf16: Call for keys for keysigning in Cape Town, South Africa

As part of the 17th Debian Conference in Cape Town, South Africa
there will be OpenPGP (pgp/gpg) keysignings. If you intend to
participate in the DebConf16 keysignings, please send your ascii
armored public key as explained at [0] no later than 23:59
UTC/GMT/Zulu on Sunday 2 July 2016. I'll start processing keys after
a day or two.

More (and up-to-date) information is available at [0], so keep
watching it.

[0] http://people.debian.org/~anibal/ksp-dc16/ksp-dc16.html

If you have questions please send them to the mailing list at
debconf-discuss@lists.debconf.org.  If you don't want to post to the
mailing list, send your questions to anibal@debian.org,
dkg@debian.org and julian@debian.org.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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