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Bits from the DPL - July

Hi all,

It's time for another update on what I've been up to over the last
couple of months.

Press and articles
Quite a bit of press and general Debian outreach in the last few weeks:
* Debian Jessie book preface [0]
* SPI annual report [1]
* Reddit AMA [2]
* MyLinuxRig [3]
* Linux Voice magazine, issue 16

Still to be published is:
* FSFE fellowship interview
* Online version of the Linux Voice article - this will come out in ~6

[0] http://www.linux-journalist.com/bucher/
[1] http://spi-inc.org/corporate/annual-reports/2015.pdf
[2] http://redd.it/3ctb6n
[3] http://www.mylinuxrig.com/post/122864405658/the-linux-setup-neil-mcgovern-debian-project

Conference invites
I was also invited to attend FISL, but unfortunately there wasn't enough
notice for me to rearrange work to attend.

I've approved funds for:
* Sprints:
  - pt_BR translation sprint at Microdebconf Brasilia
  - Debian representation at http://www.euco-cc-2015.org/
* Debconf:
  - GSoC student attendence
  - Newbies and Diverity/outreach attendance programmes
* DSA:
  - MSA2012i care pack at UBC
  - Dead disk replacements

Trusted Organisations
I've raised the issue of responsiveness with SPI, and am glad that work
is now happening to see if part-time staffing can be found to help
accelerate requests from member projects, of which Debian is one.
Additionally, I now have access to the FFIS accounting system, so I can
see not only balances, but requests for reimbursements, and their

As a reminder, *please* make sure you follow:
https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DPL/Reimbursement - not doing so causes
delays and extra hastle for everyone involved!

Legal issues
I've had a productive meeting with the FTPMasters about ZFS in Debian,
and resolving ambiguities in the PHP licence. Hopefully, they should be
able to come to a conclusion in the next few weeks about these issues.
The details on libdvdcss are still a bit unclear wrt how Japan is
affected, I'm talking to SFLC about that at the moment.

DebConf is just around the corner, and I'm personally hugely looking
forward to it! I hope to be reunited with old friends, and meet many
more. If you see me around, come say hi :)

Daily log
As per usual, a daily log of what I've been up to are available to DDs
on master.d.o:/srv/leader/news.


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