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Delegation for the Summer of Code admins, 2014 edition

Dear Developers,

Google Summer of Code program (GSoC) has been announced for its 2014
edition [1], and Debian has been accepted as a Mentoring Organization

I am happy to announce that Nicolas Dandrimont and Sylvestre Ledru
accepted to be our GSoC admins for 2014. You will find below a delegation
for that role.

I also would like to use that opportunity to point to the "Call for Debian
projects and mentors"[2] issued in February. We already have a strong list
of projects[3], but you could still add your own! The student application
period opens on 2014-03-10 and closes on 2014-03-21.

[1] https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2014
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2014/02/msg00001.html
[3] https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2014/Projects

- Lucas


GSoC 2014 Delegation

I hereby appoint the following project members as admins for Debian
participation into Google Summer of Code Program 2014 (GSoC admins):

- Nicolas Dandrimont <olasd>
- Sylvestre Ledru    <sylvestre>

The delegation is time limited: it will be effective until the end of
the program (currently scheduled for October 26, 2014) or the end of
2014, whichever occurs first.

Task Description

GSoC admins coordinate the participation of Debian in the Google Summer
of Code program, edition 2014. GSoC admins are responsible for tasks
that include:

- keep the Debian community informed about the status of Debian
  participation into the GSoC program

- act as a contact point before Google for all topics that concern
  Debian participation into the GSoC program

- establish rules about who can apply for the various roles envisaged by
  the GSoC program

- rank student applications -- generally, by taking into account the
  feedback given by mentors and other reviewers


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