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DebConf13 preliminary schedule available

We are happy to announce that the schedule[0] for the upcoming DebConf13 in
Vaumarcus, Switzerland, is available! It is still possible for some changes to
occur, as we always try to accept new proposals, even those submitted during
the conference.

[0] http://penta.debconf.org/dc13_schedule/index.en.html

DebConf13 talks will mostly happen in two rooms simultaneously, except for a
few plenaries which will be presented in the main room with no parallel event.
A third room will be available for discussion groups and ad-hoc sessions. As
usual, we’ve tried to cluster related activities in sequence, even though it
was not always possible. Besides that there will be many tracks covering
specific topics, which are:

- Debian for the cloud
- Building and porting
- Community outreach
- Real time communications
- Debian blends and derivatives
- Quality assurance
- Debian boot
- Debian in education
- Debian teams

There will also be two special tracks, since DebConf is not only about hacking,
talks and discussions:

- Social activities, which includes a poetry night, the traditional cheese and
  wine party, our group photo, a day trip, the conference dinner etc.
- Debian 20th birthday, an event open to the general public to celebrate
  Debian’s 20th birthday (details to come soon!).

As in previous years, we provide various ways to access the schedule:

- Plain nice html export, available for everyone without needing a login.
- The same as above, for people registered in our “Pentabarf” conference
  management system: This one[1] has one extra feature compared to the
  non-login version: You can rate an event and its speaker(s) after you attended
  it. Please take the opportunity to do so, your feedback is very important both
  for the speaker(s) and for the organizing team!
- An iCal file
- An xCal file
- An XML file

[1] https://penta.debconf.org/penta/schedule/dc13

— the DebConf13 team

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