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Updating the delegation for the Debian Keyring Maintainers (keyring-maint)

Dear Developers,

Gunnar Wolf <gwolf> has been serving as a Keyring Maintainer for a long
time, but was never officially delegated. I am (finally!) updating the
Keyring Maintainers delegation to include him.

You will find below a delegation for the keyring maintainers. The
previous Keyring Maintainers delegation[0] did not include a 'Task
description', so this part is brand new, but should not be a surprise to
[0] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2008/05/msg00006.html

Also, Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg> is currently being trained by the
keyring maintainers, and might join them officially soon.

Let's all thank Jonathan, Gunnar and Daniel for maintaining such a
key piece of Debian!

- Lucas


Keyring Maintainers delegation

I hereby delegate:

- Gunnar Wolf <gwolf>
- Jonathan McDowell <noodles>

as Debian Keyring Maintainers.

Any previous Debian Keyring Maintainers delegation, not explicitly
listed above, is revoked. The delegation is not time-limited. It will be
effective until further changes by present or future DPLs.

Task Description

The Keyring Maintenance team oversees and maintains the set of
cryptographic IDs known as the Debian keyrings, concerning Debian
Developers and Debian Maintainers. Keyring Maintainers
are responsible for tasks that include:

- Interacting with requests from the Debian Account Mangers (DAM) or
  Debian Maintainers (DM) teams, mainly concerning the addition of
  new keys, or the transfer of keys between the different keyrings
  when a DD or DM status changes.

- Key removals, based on requests from DAM or the DD and DM

- Key replacements, based on requests by the DD and DM.

- Incorporating and verifying ("folding in") key updates sent via HKP
  to keyring.debian.org


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