Hi! Given I'm determined to keep a monthly cadence of DPL "bits", I thought it would be a good idea to try to send them near the beginning of each month, even if that meant sending first bits that only cover my first 13 days as the Debian Project Leader. Thanks! ======= First, I'd like to thank everybody who took part in the election: Gergely Nagy and Moray Allan for running (I believe DPL elections are a great time to discuss the project's status and future, and I can assure you that it takes a lot of energy to run), the secretary for organizing it, and of course the Debian developers for triggering lots lof interesting discussions on -vote@, and voting. I would also like to thank Stefano Zacchiroli for his past three years as the DPL. It was already clear that his visible work has been of very high quality. But I also would like to stress that his behind-the-scene work as a DPL has been of the same quality, and that he has been very helpful transferring everything to me. I'll make sure not to break too many things so that he can safely return as DPL-for-life after his sabbatical (</joke>). As you can imagine, most of my recent Debian time has been spent understanding the job and dealing with the most urgent things. Talk to me / Work with me ========================= As you probably know, I can be reached at leader@debian.org. Do not hesitate to Cc me, or to point me to mailing list threads I should be aware of. I try to be reasonably aware of what's going on in Debian mailing lists, but it's easy to miss things. I'm also online on IRC (nickname: lucas). Feel free to contact me there, though it's generally better to contact me via email, as the leader@ alias is archived (which proved very helpful when taking things over from Zack). As already announced, I plan to continue the "DPL helpers" initiative (one of my TODO items is to decide on a better name, that better matches how I'd like this group to work: as an informal group of people helping the project to move forward). A meeting took place on 2013-04-23. log: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=dpl/dpl-helpers.git;a=tree;f=meetings/20130423;hb=HEAD http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-dpl/2013/debian-dpl.2013-04-23-16.59.html The next meeting will take place on 2013-05-07 17:00 (date -d @1367946000) on #debian-dpl. Feel free to idle on the #debian-dpl IRC channel if you are interested in keeping an eye on things. Things going on =============== (all the items below could probably use your help -- join #debian-dpl if interested) Debian logo as a registered trademark ------------------------------------- There's a discussion on -project@[1] about registering the Debian logo(s) as registered trademarks, following advice we received from our legal counsel (SFLC). There are still some open questions that have already been forwarded to SFLC, but unless they fundamentally change things, I am likely to move forward with this. Please contribute to the thread if you feel strongly about this. [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2013/04/msg00082.html Team survey ----------- I consider making sure that our main teams are in good health a key role of the DPL. For that, it's important to have some insight into those teams. Moray Allan has agreed to lead a survey of our main teams. The exact process will be discussed during the next DPL helpers meeting, with a focus on making this useful and not too time-consuming (no obvious/routine questions asked). Collecting ideas ---------------- As an attempt to create a reservoir of ideas and avoid discussing things over and over, Brian Gupta agreed to gather ideas exchanged during the DPL campaign, with the pointers to the relevant (sub-)threads, on a wiki page. (status update to be expected during next DPL helpers meeting) Improving and documenting paths into the project ------------------------------------------------ Our ability and ways to attract new contributors has been the focus of many discussions during the campaign. Moray Allan agreed to initiate work on our paths into the project. Expected results include: - documentation of the various ways to start contributing - improving (fixing "bugs") our processes - experimenting new ways of getting people involved (e.g. "internships inside teams") That's clearly an area where an unlimited amount of work can be done. Your help would be helpful! Assets ====== - Approved increase (+400 EUR) of DSA sprint budget to allow a DSA trainee to attend. - Approved travel reimbursement for Stefano Zacchiroli's participation to a commission on detailed procurement rules for software in the Italian public administration. Other FOSS communities have also been invited (inc. KDE, LibreOffice, FSFE). There should be a total of 2-3 meetings, and a total cost of ~500 EUR. Stefano will report on "lessons learned" for Debian. Day-to-day log ============== Let's not change good habits. My day-to-day log of DPL activities is available on master:/srv/leader/news/bits-from-the-DPL.txt.201304 Now, let's release wheezy and celebrate (and break unstable)! Lucas
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