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bits from the DPL: RFH, comm., derivatives, delegates, newbies

Hello world, time for another "bits" mail.

[ As a rule of thumb, I'll keep out of bits mail (too) boring stuff, so
  I remind everybody that there's a daily activity log on
  master:/srv/leader/news/bits-from-the-DPL.txt where the boring stuff
  can be found; some documentation at http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DPL ]

RFH: Release Team

The Release Team needs help!                            (shameless plug)

We're closing up on Squeeze, and the Release Team is working very hard
for that. Still, they could use more helping hands and this is your
chance to become a Release Team member. It's a prestigious task, which
requires experience and commitment, but that can make the difference in
when we will actually release. If you are interested (as I hope), please
step in and mail debian-release@lists.d.o your declaration of interest.


- As it's customary at the beginning of a DPL term, I've been answering
  to various interview requests, listed below (not all in English,
  unfortunately). Some more are being prepared and will be published

  - http://is.gd/bJucO (en)
  - http://is.gd/cfJMS (en/pl)
  - http://is.gd/bYikM (it)
  - http://is.gd/c2GXr, http://is.gd/c3UNO (it)
  - http://is.gd/chvNP (it)

- I've "virtually" attended Skolelinux/Debian-EDU meeting [2], which has
  been attended physically by Wolfgang Borgert, who asked me to deliver
  a Debian message to participants (in the message I've essentially
  praised Debian-EDU as a Debian derivative success story).

[2] http://wiki.skolelinux.de/LernUndTestZentrum (de)


- I'll be delivering a talk at LinuxTag Mini DebConf [3] in Berlin on
  10/06/2010. Both the conference and the evening before will be nice
  occasions to meet with Debian people, see you there?

[3] http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Miniconf-LT-Berlin/2010


- I've attended the last UDS (Ubuntu Developer Summit) to discuss the
  relationship between Debian and Ubuntu; to that end I've launched a
  poll [4] to gather developer opinions about such relationship. Once
  back, I've posted a summary of the poll results [5] and a report of
  what I did there to represent Debian [6].

An interesting idea advanced at the meeting is to setup a "front desk /
contact point" for people coming from Debian derivatives (not just
Ubuntu) that are interested in contributing to Debian, and are in need
of some guidance (e.g. which team to contact). If you're interested in
forming that, please mail leader@d.o ; more details at [6]. We just need
a bit of critical mass to start, then it will hopefully be
auto-regulating (e.g. with an open mailing list).

[4] http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2010/04/msg00069.html
[5] http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2010/05/msg00083.html
[6] http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2010/05/msg00084.html


- the delegation of DSA (Debian System Administrators) has been renewed
  and clarified, especially wrt the maintenance of DMUP. At [7] you can
  find more information, including the task description and a link to
  the actual delegation text.

- the Debian Auditor role, formerly vacant, has been reinstated; more
  information are available at [8]. In particular, note that the new
  auditor has already started indexing Debian assets, and in particular
  all organizations holding Debian money; that makes the Debian budget
  more transparent and is a first step towards a proper implementation
  of Constitution §5.11.1 and §9.3. Check the wiki for more details and
  [9] for how to help.

[7] http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DSA
[8] http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Auditor
[9] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2010/05/msg00007.html

DebConf Miscellanea

- We got 19 applicants for the DebConfNewbies initiative [10], kindly
  managed by Joey Hess, and we are now close to announce which of them
  will attend DebConf10.

- We will be able to have most of Debian GSoC students [11] attend
  DebConf10. That has been possible with the joint help of: some mentors
  (which accepted to re-route their own payments), Google (which
  sponsored some _extra_ money in addition to their regular DebConf10
  sponsoring), and Obey Arthur Liu (as the Debian GSoC admin).

[10] http://wiki.debian.org/DebConfNewbies
[11] http://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2010
[12] https://nm.debian.org/dm_list.html

Cheers and thanks for all the fish.

Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
zack@{upsilon.cc,pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} -<>- http://upsilon.cc/zack/
Dietro un grande uomo c'è ..|  .  |. Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
sempre uno zaino ...........| ..: |.... Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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