Heyho, we are turning on lintian based autorejects within the next few days. This means that packages failing a defined set of lintian tags will no longer be accepted into the archive, but get rejected immediately. This should help to get rid of the worst policy violations before wasting time and resources of other people. Those automated rejects will only be done on sourceful uploads to unstable and experimental. As there are certain lintian tags that should only appear in very rare cases we have created two categories. The first is named "warning", tags listed here *can* be overriden by the maintainer using the normal lintian override mechanism. Of course this should only be done if you have a technically sound reason why your package needs to break in such a way. The second category is named "error" and the tags listed can not be overridden. Those are tags corresponding to packaging errors serious enough to mark a package unfit for the archive and should never happen. In fact, most of the tags listed do not appear in our archive currently, the few packages listed below should be easily fixable with their next upload. We will provide a static url for the list of tags soon, for now you can look at them using [1]. There are multiple files in [2] showing you the packages affected, together with the tags they hit. [1] http://ftp-master.debian.org/~joerg/lintian/lintian.tags [2] http://ftp-master.debian.org/~joerg/lintian/ For future handling: If we are adding tags to the list that will hit more than a few packages we will send a notice to the d-d-a list. If you think we should add tags or categorize them differently, feel free to mail us at ftpmaster@debian.org. -- bye, Joerg > But i don't think that we talk a lot, as far as i can see, you live in > the USA. Australia. Only minor details like timezone and hemisphere but pretty much the same. TZ is UTC+10
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